
  • 网络Credit Crunch;credit squeeze;creditcrunch
  1. 围绕如何在信贷紧缩中幸存下来这个问题,我撰写了自己的《金融投资学入门指导》(TheLongandtheShortofIt),该书已于今年出版。

    I wrote my own book on how to survive the credit crunch , The Long and the Short of It , published this year .

  2. 那些带着偏见不情愿地当起园丁的华尔街或伦敦金融城(CityOfLondon)人士,现在有机会写一写《我在信贷紧缩中所扮演的角色》了。

    Jaundiced or reluctant gardeners from Wall Street and the City of London have an opportunity to describe My Role in the Credit Crunch .

  3. 没错,上周三美国股市出现反弹之时,恰逢有报道称,欧洲央行(EuropeanCentralBank)为了避免让负债累累的欧洲国家陷入信贷紧缩,将为这些国家的银行提供超低利率贷款。

    True , the market rallied Wednesday amid news that the European Central Bank – in efforts to keep debt-troubled Europe from slipping into a credit crunch – would offer banks ultra-low interest loans .

  4. 我们认为,股市在信贷紧缩局面前显示出的抗跌能力,源于一种对经济在三个层面上脱钩(decoupling)的根深蒂固的信念。

    We believe the resilience of equities in the face of the credit squeeze stems from a deep-seated belief in economic decoupling at three levels .

  5. 在信贷紧缩之后,美国银行(bankofamerica)正寻求通过出售所持中国建设银行(ccb)股份来筹集资金,以强化其资产负债表。

    Bank of America is seeking to raise capital to shore up its balance sheet in the wake of the credit crunch by selling shares in China Construction Bank .

  6. 国际货币基金组织(imf)昨日敦促各国政府,不要因全球发生信贷紧缩而匆匆改变金融市场规则。

    Governments should not rush to change financial market rules in the wake of the global credit squeeze . , the International Monetary Fund urged yesterday .

  7. 全美独立企业联盟(nationalfederationofindependentbusinesses)进行的一项民意调查显示,鉴于信贷紧缩、利润趋势和裁员,小型企业的乐观度呈现出35年来倒数第二低的水平。

    A poll by the National Federation of independent businesses showed small business optimism had its second - lowest rating in 35 years , based on tight credit , profit trends and job cuts .

  8. 城市历史学家戴维基纳斯顿(davidkynaston)说明了英国央行的政策是如何在自满和过于剧烈的信贷紧缩之间急剧转向的。

    City historian David kynaston shows how its policy veered wildly between complacency and an over-sharp contraction of credit .

  9. 正当海外mba学生认为可以考虑回到美国商学院之际,信贷紧缩开始使他们遭受重创。

    Just when overseas MBA students thought it was practical to consider returning to us business schools , the credit crunch has begun to hit them hard .

  10. 信贷紧缩使百仕通遭遇了沉重打击,由于与其首次公开发行(IPO)相关的非现金支出,该公司(当季)出现了1.13亿美元的净亏损。

    Blackstone was hit hard by the credit squeeze , posting a net loss of $ 113m due to a non-cash charge related to its initial public offering .

  11. TheStand俱乐部的托米·舍帕尔德说:“数字增加也可能只是弄错了,但人们没有理由因为信贷紧缩就不看演出。”

    Tommy Sheppard , of The Stand , said : " The rise could mean a margin of error , but there is no sense of people staying away as a result of the credit crunch . "

  12. 在瑞银(UBS)和瑞信(CreditSuisse)在信贷紧缩中蒙受大规模损失后,瑞士监管机构已升级相关计划,向这两家银行施加更为严格的资本金要求。

    Swiss regulators have stepped up plans to impose higher capital requirements on UBS and Credit Suisse in the wake of the banks ' massive losses in the credit crunch .

  13. 最近数周,美国各银行利用美联储(fed)两个月前推出的一项旨在帮助缓解信贷紧缩影响的新措施,悄然从美联储借入了规模庞大的资金。

    US banks have been quietly borrowing massive amounts of money from the Federal Reserve in recent weeks by using a new measure the Fed introduced two months ago to help ease the credit crunch .

  14. 到目前为止,摩根大通首席执行官杰米•戴蒙(JamieDimon)就引领该集团安然无恁地度过了信贷紧缩的难关。

    Jamie Dimon , chief executive of JPMorgan Chase , has thus far steered the group through the credit squeeze in fairly good health .

  15. 的确,位于法兰克福的欧洲中央银行(ECB)与美联储一样都向金融系统注入大量流动性资产,以此应对信贷紧缩。

    It is true that the European Central Bank ( ECB ) in Frankfurt has , like America 's Federal Reserve , flooded the financial system with liquidity in response to the credit crunch .

  16. 最新数据显示,本次金融危机期间,在金融业因严重信贷紧缩而步履维艰之际,银行用数十亿美元“垃圾债券”和其它低评级抵押品,向美联储(fed)换取了亟需的流动性。

    Banks flooded the Federal Reserve with billions of dollars in " junk bonds " and other low-grade collateral in exchange for much-needed liquidity during the crisis , as the financial sector struggled under a crippling credit crunch , new data show .

  17. ikb是在信贷紧缩中破产的首批银行之一,罪魁祸首主要是自己。

    IKB , one of the first lenders to collapse in the credit crunch , was largely the author of its own misfortune .

  18. 美林(MerrillLynch)认为,信贷紧缩在爆发一年后,已经从一场金融危机演变为一场全球性的经济滑坡,在这种情况下,基金经理普遍预计将出现一场全球经济衰退。

    A global recession is widely expected by fund managers as the credit crunch marks its anniversary by mutating from a financial crisis into a world economic downturn , Merrill Lynch reckons .

  19. 通过开展三年期LTRO,欧洲央行帮助降低了系统性风险,并避免了一场信贷紧缩。

    With the three-year LTRO , the ECB has helped to reduce systemic risk and avoided a credit crunch .

  20. 此外,尽管出现了信贷紧缩,但广义货币(M4)的增长依然强劲,在截至去年12月的一年中增长逾12%。

    Furthermore , the growth of broad money ( M4 ) remains strong , despite the credit squeeze , at over 12 per cent in the year to December 2007 .

  21. 美联储(Fed)的两位经济学家马克•道姆斯(MarkDoms)和诺曼•莫林(NormanMorin)发现,有证据显示,有关经济低迷(信贷紧缩之前)的媒体报道总是容易打击消费者信心,即便经济运转良好。

    Two Federal Reserve economists , Mark Doms and Norman Morin , have found evidence that media reports of economic distress ( pre-credit crunch ) have always tended to knock consumer confidence , even if the economy is doing well .

  22. 欧洲工业企业越来越担心信贷紧缩的影响,西门子(siemens)和林德(linde)等集团最近表示,它们认为欧洲将在未来6至12个月内,感受到信贷紧缩对实体经济的影响。

    There is growing concern among European industrial companies about the impact of the credit crunch , with groups such as Siemens and Linde recently saying they thought the impact on the real economy would be felt in Europe in the next six to 12 months .

  23. 德国工商总会(DIHK)一个类似的研究发现,几乎2/3的公司没有经历过任何信贷紧缩的环境。

    A similar study by the German chambers of industry and commerce ( DIHK ) found that almost two-thirds of firms had experienced no tightening of credit conditions .

  24. 通过这种做法,FHLB缓冲了信贷紧缩的影响,并保证美国抵押贷款的发放不致突然停止。

    In doing so they have cushioned the impact of the credit squeeze and ensured that mortgage lending in the US has not come to a sudden stop .

  25. 不过,即便是巴西的健康企业也感觉到了信贷紧缩之痛。

    But even Brazil 's blue-chip companies are feeling the pinch .

  26. 不过,她警告,信贷紧缩额现象依然存在。

    However , she warned that the credit crunch still existed .

  27. 这可能成为大规模全球信贷紧缩的开端。

    This could be the beginning of a massive global credit crunch .

  28. 信贷紧缩&不良贷款陷阱的形成及其治理

    The Formation and Countermeasures of the Trap of Credit Crunch Nonperforming Laon

  29. 我们将很快就会遇到生态信贷紧缩。

    We will soon hit the wall in an ecological credit crunch .

  30. 不过,整体上的信贷紧缩还是在产生影响。

    But tightening credit overall is having an impact .