
  • 网络Credit Rating System
  1. 文中首先运用逐步判别分析法对企业信用评级的预选指标进行了筛选,建立了合理的企业信用评级指标体系。

    In this paper , firstly we use stepwise discriminant analysis method in the multivariate statistics analysis to select the index from all of the enterprise rating index and establish reasonable enterprise credit rating system .

  2. 最终得到了ZX银行针对兰州工业小企业客户的信用评级指标体系改进方案,并对该信用评级指标体系的改进方案进行了案例应用,并检验其可行性。

    Eventually get a credit rating index system for of Lanzhou Polytechnic small enterprise customers , banks ZX improvement program , and the case of application of the credit rating index system improvement program , and to test its feasibility .

  3. 建立信用评级指标体系的几个理论问题

    Several Theoretical Issues about the Establishment of Credit Evaluation Indexes System

  4. 消费者信用评级指标体系的研究

    On the Measurement System of Consumer Credit

  5. 综合前人的研究结果,取其精华,弃其糟粕,建立中小企业的信用评级指标体系。

    Based on the former research , it builds credit evaluation index system of SMEs .

  6. 第4章以第2章构建的信用评级指标体系为基础,运用统计方法,实际地建立企业信用风险评级模型。

    Chapter Four demonstrates the procedure of practically constructing enterprises ' credit risk rating model based on the indicator system in Chapter Two .

  7. 为此,本文在尽快建立和完善我国商业银行客户信用评级指标体系,以及对客户信用评级结果的检验方面作出了积极的探索和创新。

    This dissertation does some positive probes and innovations on the establishment and development of customer credit rating index system for civil commercial banks .

  8. 同时论文还提出了房地产开发企业和中小民营企业客户信用评级指标体系框架。

    At the end of the thesis , a credit ranking system for real estate companies and small and mid-sized private enterprises is brought forward at the same time .

  9. 而不合理、不适用的信用评级指标体系对中小企业融资造成不良影响,成为制约中小企业融资的重要因素。

    The index system of credit rating is not applicable and reasonable , which will play adverse impact on SME financing in large part and be an important reason to impede the financing of SMEs .

  10. 目前,商业银现行还没有专门针对中小企业的信用评级指标体系,导致中小企业的信用等级被低估,从信用级别的角度造成了中小企业的融资困难。

    At present , the special credit grading index system for SMES has not been adopted by commercial banks , leads to the low credit assessment in certain degree for SMES and exacerbates their difficulty of financing .

  11. 其包括两个模块:一是中小企业信用评级指标体系优化模块,包括财务报表分析、中小企业法人和高级管理层的信用状况、企业发展趋势、员工素质以及市场前景等指标;

    This model contains two modules : one is an optimized module for credit rating index system of SMS enterprises covering analysis of financial statements , credit standing of legal persons and senior executives , enterprise development trend , staff competence and market prospect ;

  12. 希望本文所构建的中小企业信用评级指标体系对全面客观的评价中小企业信用状况,从而有效地防范中小企业的信用风险有所帮助,以此解决中小企业融资困难问题,并推动我国国民经济的发展。

    We hope that our built SME credit rating index system can help to assess the SME credit status comprehensively and objectively , and prevent the credit risk of SMEs effectively , then to solve the financing difficulties of SMEs and to promote the development of national economy .

  13. 首先通过总结销售人员经验,并借鉴银行等专业机构资信评级所采用的评价指标,建立适合工商企业应用的客户信用评级指标体系;

    Through summarizing the experiences of the salesman and experts , and drawing lessons from the professional organizations such as banks which have established indexes system for credit rating , the thesis builds its own indexes system of credit rating for tally trade which is intentionally built up for enterprises ;

  14. 第二章着重分析了我国企业信用评级的指标体系、计分标准,并指出了企业信用评估的传统方法所存在的一些局限性;

    The second chapter systematically analysed evaluation index system , score standards and further pointed out the current problems ;

  15. 本文在现有的信用评级法指标体系基础上,运用主成分分析法定量筛选评价指标,克服指标选取的主观性。

    Based on the current index system of credit rating , we use Principal Component Analysis to filtrate the index quantitatively , overcoming the subjectivity of index selection .

  16. 为我国中小企业信用担保机构信用评级指标体系的逐步完善提供了参考性意见。

    SME credit guarantee institutions of our country credit rating index system gradually improved to provide a reference observation .

  17. 对信用评级的基本原则、信用评级指标体系的确立和评级方法的基本原理等内容进行了综合阐述。

    Besides , the basic principles of credit grading , the parameter standard of credit grading system and the basic means of credit grading are discussed in this thesis .