
  1. 本文的主体是研究如何构建银行信用风险预警机制,总共分为四个部分:技术基础、系统构建、实证分析和风险防范。

    The core of this paper is studying on how to build an Early-Warning system of risks in commercial bank , which includes technical knowledge , building system , positive analysis and preventing risks .

  2. 除了规范性的定性分析之外,本文还对银行信用风险的预警机制和预测模型进行尝试性的研究。

    Except for the standardized qualitative analysis , the essay also makes attempted research into the forewarning system and prediction models of bank credit risk .

  3. 我国股份制银行信用风险预警与防范机制研究

    Research on Credit Risk Early-Warning and Prevention System of China 's Joint-Stock Banks

  4. 研究如何完善商业银行信用风险管理,并找到适合我国国情的商业银行信用风险预警机制,对推进和深化我国银行信用风险的理论研究,增强我国商业银行抵御风险的能力,具有重要意义。

    Moreover , it is instructive for promoting the theory to study on banking credit risk management . And the Early-Warning Mechanism of Credit Risk is important to make commercial bank stronger against risks .

  5. 其次银行自身对管理个人信用还需作相应的工作&在银行内部建立个人信用风险预警机制、形成适合本行的个人信用风险管理文化。

    Secondly , banks themselves also need to do something such as establishing precaution system against personal credit risks and forming risk management culture of personal credit , which must suit the bank itself .