
  1. 用益乃信托财产所有权。

    Usus eat dominium fiduciarium .

  2. 中国信托财产所有权归属分析与建构

    Analysis and Reconstruction on the Internal Structure of Trust Ownership in China

  3. 信托财产所有权归属问题研究

    Attribution of the Ownership of Trust Property

  4. 信托财产所有权性质之再思考

    Reconsideration on the Character of Trust Property

  5. 确定信托财产所有权须考察信托财产流转全过程。

    To judge the belongingness of trust property must review the course of trust property 's transfer .

  6. 论信托财产所有权&兼论我国相关立法的完善

    On Ownership of Trust Property

  7. 它以信托财产所有权与利益相分离、信托财产的独立性、全面的有限责任及信托管理的连续性为基本法理念。

    The basic concept of Commercial Trust includes the separation of the interests and ownership of trust property , the independence of the trust property , the comprehensive limited liability and the continuity of trust management .

  8. 受益人对信托财产不享有所有权,包括不能占有与管理信托财产,但却对信托财产享有经济利益,且必须依附于受托人对信托财产分配权的行使。

    The beneficiary has the right of getting trust interests , but he has no right of holding and managing the regarding property and without legal tile of the property .

  9. 但是与此同时,围绕着信托制度的核心&信托财产所有权问题所产生的争议也一直不断。

    Meanwhile , the debate about trust property right , as the core of trust system has been continuing .

  10. 浅谈中国信托立法的缺陷&从信托的生效要件到信托财产所有权的归属谈起

    A Brief Comment on Defect of China Trust Law & Starting from Requirement of Effectiveness to Property Right Attribution

  11. 第一章:信托财产概述,分信托财产的概念和范围、信托财产上的所有权及信托财产占有瑕疵的继承三节。

    Chapter one : A summary of trust property , in this chapter , introduced the definition and scope of trust property , the legal nature of trust property right and the trust property tracing .

  12. 《信托投资公司管理办法》存在的问题是:对信托投资公司未规定信用等级要求、信托定义未规定信托财产所有权转移、信托监管制度不完备。

    The problems in Management Regulations of Trust Investment Company are no credit provision , no transfer of the trust property and no strict supervision system .