
  • 网络Credit card repayments;Credit card payment
  1. 信用卡还款情况恶化,通常会是资产素质下降的先兆。

    Deterioration in credit card repayments is generally a first sign of deterioration in asset quality .

  2. PHILLIPS:因为父母为信用卡还款,这是你的第一个错误。

    Kids are ... PHILLIPS : Because parents are paying for those credit cards and that 's your first mistake .

  3. 用户可以使用自己的余额宝存款在阿里巴巴的电子商务平台淘宝(Taobao)和天猫(Tmall)购物,也可以用来进行信用卡还款,缴纳公用服务费。

    Customers can use their Yu'E Bao credit to make purchases on Alibaba 's Taobao and Tmall ecommerce platforms , as well as for paying credit card and utility bills .

  4. 随着人们拖欠信用卡还款而银行试图从账目中剥离这类不良信用卡债务,AACC会出面以这类债务面值3%的价格进行收购,然后着手接收这类债务。

    With people defaulting on their credit cards and banks trying to get this bad credit card debt off their books , AACC comes in and buys the bad debt for 3 cents on the dollar and then proceeds to collect on that debt .

  5. 千万不要延误信用卡还款时间&惩罚将比平时更加严厉。

    Don 't be late on credit card payments-the penalties will be stiffer than usual .

  6. 事实上,早在银行做出该决定前,信用卡还款问题就一直存在。

    In fact those problems with credit cards are a phenomenon that existed long before the banks recent decision .

  7. 信用卡还款和支付其他流动账目时,要尽可能的安排在月底。

    Arrange for all your standing orders and direct debits to come out of your high-interest account as late in the month as possible .

  8. 我们的信用卡还款都是自动转账,而我并不经常看帐单,但这一次我正好看了,并注意到了一个不正常的地方。

    We pay our cards automatically , and I don 't always examine the bill , but this time I did and noticed something strange .

  9. 信用卡拖欠还款看起来就像是一块悬而未决的心病,亟待解决,因为缺乏现金的美国人不断积欠信用卡债款,以推迟算总账的那一天。

    And credit card defaults look like the next shoe to drop as cash-strapped Americanshave run up credit card debt to postpone the day of reckoning .

  10. 富国银行少数的顾客在贷款中违约,而少数顾客在其贷款及信用卡中拖延还款。

    Fewer of Wells Fargo 's customers defaulted on loans , and fewer were late in payments on their mortgage and credit cards .

  11. 我的信用卡因为逾期不还款而被冻结。

    I kept getting hit with late penalties on my credit card .

  12. 同时,信用卡公司必须在还款日之前至少21天发出账单声明。

    Also , companies will have to billing statements at least twenty-one days before a payment is owed .