
  • 网络Virtual Credit Card
  1. 首先,中国央行宣布暂停腾讯及其竞争对手阿里巴巴(Alibaba)的虚拟信用卡业务和用于移动支付的二维码扫描应用,随后,腾讯股价在上周五下跌了3%。

    Its shares on Friday lost 3 per cent after the central bank suspended Tencent 's virtual credit card ( along with that of rival Alibaba ) , along with QR code scanning apps for mobile payments .

  2. 信用卡不仅包括传统意义上的实体信用卡,也包括虚拟信用卡等信用卡信息。

    Credit card includes not only the traditional credit card of entitiy but also the virtual credit card and other credit card information .

  3. 虚拟信用卡的实际发行人中信银行(CiticBank)表示,其走完了相关程序。

    Citic bank , which was the actual issuer , has said it followed procedures .

  4. 还是在中国发行信用卡的监管流程不关央行的事?虚拟信用卡的实际发行人中信银行(CiticBank)表示,其走完了相关程序。

    Or does the regulatory process for issuing a credit card in China not include the central bank ? Citic bank , which was the actual issuer , has said it followed procedures .

  5. 是有人忘了告诉央行他们发行的将是虚拟信用卡吗?

    Did someone forget to tell the central bank that they were issuing the virtual credit cards ?

  6. 金融监管:中国央行尚未详细解释上周暂停虚拟信用卡业务的理由。

    Financial regulation : The central bank has yet to fully explain its reasoning on the credit card fiasco last week .

  7. 今年3月,中国央行暂停了虚拟信用卡和二维码移动支付业务,而这两项业务正是由阿里巴巴及其对手腾讯推出的。

    In March , the central bank to suspend virtual credit cards and mobile payments using code readers launched by Alibaba and rival Tencent in March .

  8. 过去两周,中国央行还暂时禁止使用二维码进行网上支付和虚拟信用卡业务。二维码可以加快网上交易确认。

    In the past two weeks , the central bank has also temporarily suspended online payments using QR codes which enable fast recognition of transactions and virtual credit cards .

  9. 中国监管机构叫停了手机移动支付和虚拟信用卡业务。这一举措可能给迅速发展的互联网金融踩下了刹车。

    China has ordered a halt to mobile phone payment systems and virtual credit cards , in a move that will slow the rapid development of online finance in the country .

  10. 为了在即将到来的移动互联网时代占据优势地位,从即时通信应用到餐厅点评网站,再到发布虚拟信用卡(此类举措遭到了中国央行的阻挠),腾讯和阿里巴巴在各个领域展开了全面竞争。

    Both Tencent and Alibaba have been competing on everything from instant messenger apps to restaurant review websites to rolling out virtual credit cards ( both thwarted by the central bank ) in an effort to dominate the coming era of the mobile internet .

  11. 他承认由于中国央行今年春天否决虚拟信用卡计划,该集团推进金融服务(如在线货币市场基金余额宝)的计划已“受挫”。

    He admitted the group 's plans for rolling into financial services , such as online money market fund Yu'e Bao , had been dealt " a setback " by the Central Bank 's decision to block plans for a virtual credit card last spring .