
  1. 第四部分是公益信托设立的程序条件。

    The fourth part is about the procedure conditions .

  2. 信托设立方式多样化;

    Set up way diversification in trust ;

  3. 最后得出自己观点,即我国信托设立阶段应该只征收营业税。

    It concludes the government should only levy turnover tax in the stage of trust establishment in China .

  4. 本部分主要分析了公益信托设立所要求的当事人条件。包括公益信托委托人、受托人、受益人和监察人的资格和义务等。

    The requirements of the party needed to set up it are mainly analyzed in this section , including the qualification and obligation of the trustor , trustee , beneficiary and superintendent .

  5. 文章论述了社会募捐公益信托设立、变更及终止的法律程序,提出将公共募捐许可证作为其设立时的信托书面合同予以认可。

    The paper illustrates legal procedure of charitable trust form establishment , changing or ending . And it advocates that the certificate of public collection would be as a written contract when the charitable trust is established .

  6. 第一部分通过研究公益信托设立的相关法律制度,着重要加强完善公益信托的设立程序,使得公益信托的设立达到规范化与合理化。

    The first part tells about public trust established by the relevant legal system , an important improvement of the establishment of the charitable trust , it make the charitable trust set up to achieve the standardization and rationalization .

  7. 以理论和实际相联系、国内外法律比较分析的方法对公益信托设立涉及的各个因素进行了深入的分析,然后联系目前公益信托制度在我国发展的现状和前景,提出了相关的建议。

    Combining the theory and practice and comparing the civil laws with the foreign ones , this thesis gives penetrating analysis on the factors that concern the setting up of charitable trust and make suggestions after reviewing the quo status and prospect of the regulation of charitable trust .

  8. 其三、信托机构设立MBO信托计划,向社会筹措资金,对目标公司进行直接投资,收购目标企业的股份,再选择一定的时机由管理层回购。

    Thirdly , trust institution sets up MBO plan to raise money from public , invests in purchasing .

  9. 其二、信托机构设立MBO信托计划,向社会筹集资金,作为融资方为管理层收购提供资金;

    Secondly , trust institution sets up MBO plan to raise money from public , grants loans to management group .

  10. 第三部分从信托法的角度对房地产投资信托基金设立的理论基础进行较为详尽的分析。

    Part III analyzes the theoretic basis of REITs from trust law perspective .

  11. 其次,具体介绍和分析了表决权信托的设立及法律效力。

    Secondly , the establishment and legal effect of voting trust will be introduced .

  12. 分析我国发展房地产投资信托存在设立房地产投资信托基金、房地产投资信托实际运作的障碍。

    Study on the Development Modle of the Union of Real Estate Investment Trust and Commercial Real Estate in China ;

  13. 首先介绍了遗嘱信托的设立,主要包括遗嘱信托的生效要件、各关系人的资格。

    First introduce the establishment of testamentary trust , including entered into force elements , the qualifications of each relationship .

  14. 被拆迁人将其原有房屋作为信托财产设立民事信托,政府将土地作为信托财产设立商事信托。

    The demolition of the original housing make the house as trust property and set up civil trust . While the government make the land as trust property and establish commercial trust .

  15. 我国的《信托法》规定,信托的设立只能采用书面形式,可见,在我国采用信托合同是设立信托的主要方式。

    As provided by Chinese trust law , the establishment of a trust can only be conducted by writing form , which means , in China , a trust contract is the principal way to establish a trust .

  16. 因此,在绝大多数情况下受托人的投资决策是相对独立的,受益人无法对之产生根本性的影响,有时候信托的设立目的正是为了保护那些不具有完全行为能力的受益人。

    Therefore , in most cases the trustee investment decision is relatively independent , beneficiary to produce fundamental cannot influence , sometimes trust establishment aim is to protect those who do not have completely ability of conduct beneficiary .

  17. 杰克逊在Sony/ATV的持股由一只信托管理,设立这只信托意在保护杰克逊免受债权人的追债。

    The stake in Sony / ATV is held in a trust that was designed to protect the singer from creditors .

  18. 采取信托合同形式设立信托的,信托合同签订时,信托成立。采取其他书面形式设立信托的,受托人承诺信托时,信托成立。

    A trust established in the form of trust contract shall come into existence when the trust contract is concluded . a trust established in other written forms shall come into existence when the trustee promises to accept the trust .

  19. 委托人是信托关系的设立者,是重要的信托当事人之一。就公司设立者和其他股东而言,公司章程具有契约性;

    The trustor is one of the important trust litigants , who establishes the trust relations . To the founder and other shareholders of the company , the articles of association are contract-like while to the company members , they are of autonomic nature .

  20. 可以说,信托财产是信托设立的前提条件,是信托赖以存在的物质基础,在信托法律关系中极为重要。

    It is called that the trust property is a prerequisite for the establishment of trust , and is the basis of the existence of the trust , so trust property is extremely important in trust the legal relations .

  21. 在知识产权信托中,评估贯穿始终,在信托设立及存续期间都需要独立公正且精确的评估机制参与。

    Evaluation runs through the whole intellectual property trust , because in the establishment and duration of trust , independent , impartial and accurate evaluation is necessary .

  22. 中国人民银行可以根据经济发展的需要和信托市场的状况对信托投资公司的设立申请进行审查。

    The People 's Bank of China can review the application for the establishment of a TIC according to the need of economic development and the market situation of trust business .

  23. 商业信托是指当事人以营利为目的,通过信托契约或者信托宣言等形式设立的一种非公司的组织,其和公司或者合伙一样,本质上是一种商事组织。

    Business trust is a party for the purpose of profit , through contracts such as the Universal Declaration of Trust to set up a corporation or organization , and in essentially its a commercial organization .

  24. 信托制度的一个重要角度是从时间维度来切分,可以分为信托设立、信托存续和信托终止三个环节。

    From the angle of time dimension , trust system can be classified into three sectors , namely trust establishment , term of trust and trust termination .

  25. 遗嘱信托制度的具体内容包括:遗嘱信托的关系人,遗嘱信托的信托财产,以及遗嘱信托的设立、变更、终止。

    The content includes the relative parties and trust estate of Testamentary Trust , and the establishment , change and termination of Testamentary Trust .

  26. 此外,对信托财产的募集方法也进行了较为深入的分析研究,指出在现阶段为了促进公益信托的设立,应当放开公开和非公开等各种财产募集方式。

    Besides , through a deep analysis on the method of wealth-collecting , it is pointed out that as to promote the establishment of the charitable trust , both wealth-collecting in public and in privacy should be applied .

  27. 同时通过中国相关机构的在国内国外发起设立房地产投资信托基金的尝试的案例分析,指出在新的金融环境下更适合国内市场和监管体系的房地产投资信托基金设立运行监管模式。

    Meanwhile , through the case analyses of trials in establishing REITs from home and abroad by certain Chinese institutions , this paper indicates the set-up , operation and monitoring models adapting to the domestic market and monitoring system under new financial environment nowadays .

  28. 信托源于英国衡平法,是一项代人管理和处分财产的法律制度,在信托法律关系中,信托财产居于核心地位,是信托得以设立和存续的前提和基础。

    Trust that originates from equity of England refers to a legal system of being entrusted to supervise and treat property , in legal relations of trust , trust property is the kernel , which is the precondition and basis on which trust sets up and comes into existence .