
  • 网络IT Tools
  1. 本论文试图分析支持模糊前端(FFE)过程的信息技术工具和方法。

    This dissertation is created to identify and analysis the IT tools and methods to support the Fuzzy Front End ( FFE ) process which can be regarded as the prophase of the New Product Development .

  2. 知识管理系统作为企业对知识进行有效管理的信息技术工具,越来越多的企业关注并实施知识管理系统。

    Knowledge management system as one of the IT tools which can manage knowledge effectively , more and more firms pay close attention to it and implement it .

  3. 交互白板作为一种信息技术工具,能够提供一种数字化聚合(digitalconvergence)学习环境,为学习提供多方面的给养;

    And it can support the interaction in classroom instruction . ( 3 ) As a tool of information technology , interactive whiteboard can provide a digital convergence learning environment and many kinds of " affordances " for learning .

  4. 各种信息技术工具已逐渐成为人们生活和工作的重要手段。

    Each kind of information technology ( IT ) tools has become the important means for people to live and work gradually .

  5. 值得一提的是,本研究所采用的信息技术工具&交互白板,被认为是未来课堂教学中信息技术与学科课程整合的主流技术媒体。

    More importantly , IWB is employed , which is regarded as a major medium in the future classroom teaching and learning .

  6. 信息技术工具的广泛使用,不断延伸拓展学习时间和空间的固有限制,人们对数字化学习环境有了越来越高的适应性与接纳度。

    With the extensive using of information technology tools , we have extended the inherent limitations of learning time space ; people have more and more high adaptability and acceptance to the technology enhanced learning environment .

  7. 它仅论证信息技术工具的基本原理和优劣,具体的贯彻和其他方面需要进一步的探究。

    And it just identify the applications and capabilities of the IT tools , the detailed implementation statues and other aspects need to be explored by the further research on the collaboration with a group of manufacturing companies .

  8. 目前,对于虚拟企业的理解可分为狭义和广义之分,狭义概念比较强调信息技术工具,广义概念强调合作和外部资源整合,强调市场反应速度和联盟的动态性。

    Currently , the virtual enterprise can be divided into narrow and broad understanding , " narrow " concept emphasizes information technology tools , " extended " concept emphasizes cooperation , integration of external resources , market reaction speed and dynamic alliance .

  9. 本课题从实际的教学改革和教学的需要入手,利用Z+Z智能知识平台和网络教学支撑平台&首师大虚拟社区等信息技术工具,在北京市选取的5所有代表性的学校中进行研究。

    Starting with practical teaching reform and teaching requirements , this topic studied 5 typical schools selected from the Beijing City using Z + Z intelligence knowledge platform and network teaching support platform - the Capital Normal University virtual community and other information technology tools .

  10. 随着Internet的发展,信息技术作为工具被引入商贸活动中,产生了电子商务。

    With the development of the Internet , information technology has been introduced into trade and commercial activities and thus brings forward the occurrence of electronic commerce .

  11. 利用现代化信息技术和教学工具,形象生动地进行教学;

    Modern information technology and teaching tools are used to make the course more lively .

  12. 但是随着信息技术、交通工具的不断发展,人类的活动范围不断扩展。

    But as the development of information technology and transport , the scope of human activity expanded .

  13. 这样可减少或消除IT人员重新将信息输入其技术工具集所需的工作。

    This reduces or eliminates the need for I / T to re-enter information into their technical tool set .

  14. 问题解决型学习支持性软件的设计初衷在于,利用信息技术的相关工具设计出支持整个问题解决教学过程的软件平台。

    Originally this paper attempts to design a platform , using the tools in information technology to support the problem-solving learning .

  15. 本文从信息技术的认知工具角度出发,介绍在学习和教学中使用的多种信息技术工具,并探讨利用认知工具进行有效学习的基本原理,以支持学生的有意义学习和知识建构。

    In a perspective of cognitive tool , the article introduces the info-technology tools , probes the principles of how to use these tools to support the study and knowledge constructing for students .

  16. 现代教育技术把信息技术作为认知工具,为学习主体建造了发挥创造潜力的教与学的环境。

    So the modern educational technology that characterizes information technique as the means of knowledge provides teaching and learning environment for the principal part of learning to fully bring out creative talent potentialities .

  17. 从信息技术作为显示工具、演示工具、交流工具、个别学习的工具、情境探究和发现学习的工具等五个方面阐述了信息技术在数学课堂教学中的作用。

    The paper expounds the effect of informational technology on math teaching from 5 respects , information technology as tools by way of display , demo , communication , exceptional study , situation exploring and discovery .

  18. 这些探索总体上都是在关系营销的框架之内,以顾客为中心,以网络和信息技术为营销工具,对传统的营销理论及方法进行改进。

    In these explorations , they are all in the relational marketing frame , and make the improvement to the traditional marketing theory and the method by taking the customers as the center and taking the network and the information technology as the marketing tools .

  19. 并认为城镇体系可持续规划不同于传统规划,一方面理论上注重持续发展思想为指导,另一方面方法上应以先进的信息系统技术为支撑工具;

    The author argues that SPUS is different from traditional planning in the way that SPUS is based on the philosophy of sustainable development and advanced technology of information system ;

  20. 通过考查教育信息中与知识直接相关的信息的特征,分析利用信息技术工具进行教育信息处理的有效性问题,揭示其困难之处。

    Through the study on the information character which the educational information is linked directly with knowledge , and the analysis on using IT tools to manage the validity of problems , we try to open out the difficulty .

  21. 在信息时代的背景下,如何让作业跟上时代变化的脚步,如何让信息技术工具更好的促进作业设计,如何令学生主动参与学习活动呢?

    Under times of information age , how to let information technology tool promote homework design , how to cultivate student participate in learning initiatively ?

  22. 企业资源计划(EnterpriseResourcePlanning,ERP),作为运用现代信息技术形成的经营管理模式,是一种融合了企业最佳实践和先进信息技术的新型管理工具。

    Enterprise Resource Planning ( ERP ), as a modern management mode applying the information technology , is a new management tool which combines enterprise optimum practice with advanced information technology .

  23. 推进在信息文化下的课程改革要有全面的现代信息技术观,它主要有三方面的表现,要从信息技术工具观转向信息技术文化观。

    It has the all-round viewpoint of new information technology to further course reform in information culture . It mainly obtains three ways . It achieves change form the viewpoint of tool of information technology to culture of information technology .

  24. 调度信息管理是一个集调度生产、专业管理、调度事务处理、电网运行分析和日常管理为一体的庞杂的综合系统,是调度部门信息自动化强有力的技术工具。

    The dispatch information management is a collection dispatcher production , the specialized management , dispatch business processes , the electrical network movement analysis and the daily management is a body numerous and disorderly system ensemble , dispatches the department information automation powerful technology tool .