
  • 网络signal processing;Signal processing technology
  1. SAW信号处理技术在航空数据通信领域中的应用

    Application of SAW Signal Processing Technology the Aeronautic Communications

  2. 基于DSP的碰炸优先无线电引信信号处理技术

    Impact Prior Radio Fuze Signal Processing Technology Based on DSP

  3. N阶色散媒质的FDTD法与数字信号处理技术

    FDTD and digital signal processing for the nth order dispersive media

  4. 空间光通信ATP系统中光信号处理技术研究

    Research of optical signal processing in ATP system of space optical communication

  5. 随着CMOS工艺的不断发展,数字信号处理技术取得了长足的进步。

    With the rapid development of the CMOS technology , the digital signal processing has made considerable progress .

  6. 介绍了线阵CCD(电荷耦合器件)测量系统中的智能化控制、信号处理技术。

    The intelligent controlling and signal processing technique is presents in a linear CCD ( charge coupled device ) measurement system .

  7. 本文简要介绍了一种采用先进的同步解调技术和FFT信号处理技术设计的超声波多普勒流量计;

    This paper describes an advanced Ultrasonic Doppler Flowmeter , which is combined synchronous demodulation technique with FFT .

  8. 第三章研究了一种新型的信号处理技术-HilbertHuangTransform(HHT),并编程实现了该算法。

    In chapter three , a new signal processing tool-Hilbert Huang Transform ( HHT ) is introduced in detail .

  9. 基于现代信号处理技术的舰船噪声信号DEMON分析

    DEMON analysis of underwater target radiation noise based on modern signal processing

  10. 阐述了CIS的特点、基本结构和信号处理技术。

    The properties , basic structure and signal processing technique are described in the paper .

  11. 在数字信号处理技术中,DSP以其强大的数字运算能力已经成为数字信号处理器的代名词;

    DSP , in the technology of digital signal processing , has become the symbol of digital signal processor because of powerful ability in digital operation ;

  12. 所以,自适应天线技术应用于民用通信时,要结合空时信号处理技术,即,利用每个用户信号的特征信息来实现多输入多输出(MIMO)的信号提取技术。

    So adaptive array must combinate with spacial-temporal signal processing to realize the MIMO ( Multiple Inputs and Multiple Outputs ) .

  13. 因此,多用户检测技术作为一种智能化的接收手段被用在CDMA系统中,成为一种关键信号处理技术。

    So the multiple user detection ( MUD ) as an intelligent method becomes one of the key techniques in CDMA system .

  14. 开关电流(Switched-Current,SI)技术是一种新型的电流模式数据取样信号处理技术。

    Switched-Current ( SI ) technology is a novel current-mode analog sampled data signal processing technology .

  15. 随着DSP器件的不断发展,越来越多的数字信号处理技术与方法可以基于DSP器件应用于实践。

    With the development of digital signal processor , more and more digital signal processing technologies and methods can be applied to practice based on DSP devices .

  16. 近几年随着微电子技术和数字信号处理技术的飞速发展,DSP的性能价格比不断提高,受到业界越来越广泛的关注。

    With Lhc development of the microelectronics technology and digital signal process technology , the performance of DSP has been highly enhanced and the price has been reduced .

  17. 将智能信号处理技术中的进化算法和神经网络技术相结合,得到了基于进化算法的RBF网络,并将其应用于多用户检测之中。

    A evolutionary RBF network is formed through combining the evolutionary algorithm and Neural Networks together , and is applied in multiuser detection .

  18. 随着模式识别技术的推广应用和信号处理技术的不断发展,高速数字信号处理芯片DSP已经在雷达目标识别信号处理和数据处理中占据着非常重要的地位。

    With the application and development of pattern recognition and signal processing , DSP has played an important role in the signal and data processing of radar target recognition .

  19. 分层空时结构(BLAST)是一种通过使用多根发射天线和接收天线,以及在接收端使用先进的信号处理技术来获得高频谱效率的技术。

    Bell-labs Layered Space-Time ( BLAST ) is a technique for achieving high-spectral efficiencies using multiple transmit antennas , multiple receive antennas , and advanced signal processing at the receiver .

  20. 对网络技术及数字视频技术的理论基础进行了归纳和总结,然后结合DSP数字信号处理技术实现了屏幕抓取和屏幕图像数据流的压缩与解压缩。

    This paper concludes and summarizes the theory basis of Internet technology and digital video technology , and then achieves screen copy and compression and decompression of screen technology integrating with DSP .

  21. 在多抽样率数字信号处理技术的基础上,研究了一种利用离散傅立叶变换(DFT)滤波器组来检测系统间谐波的方法。

    Based on multi-rate digital-signal-processing ( DSP ) technique , the paper presents a discrete-Fourier-transform ( DFT ) filter bank for power system interharmonic measurement .

  22. 讨论了利用数字信号处理技术实现A律PCM编码与ADM编码的相互交换,给出了相应的模拟计算结果。

    In this paper , the transform between A-PCM and ADM coding using digital signal processing technique is studied , imitation result is given .

  23. 论文为了实现脑电图自动检测,首先基于数字信号处理技术设计了两种滤波器,一是简单的FIR滤波器,二是格型滤波器。

    To realize automatic detection for EEG , the dissertation first designs two filters based on DSP technology . One is simple FIR filter , the other is lattice filter .

  24. 阐述了激光三维测量的基本原理,并提出相位法激光测距总体方案,本论文的具体研发内容包括红外激光高频调制技术,DSP高速数字信号处理技术,激光束智能跟踪定位技术。

    Describes the basic principle of three-dimensional measurement based on laser . Its research contents include high frequency modulation technology in infrared laser 、 digital processing technology and smart tracking technology based on laser beam .

  25. 采用数字中频采样、数字上变频、数字下变频以及DSP等信号处理技术,实现反舰导弹末制导雷达收发系统的数字化。

    Making use of the technology of sampling of intermediate frequency , digital up-conversion , the digital down-conversion , DSP and so on , realizes the digitalization of antiship missile terminal guidance radar transmitting-receiving system .

  26. 改进的FDTD法利用成熟的数字信号处理技术分析处理了色散媒质瞬变电磁场问题,为数字信号处理技术在时域电磁场分析领域的应用提供了新的思路。

    Based on the mature digital signal processing technology , the improved FD FDTD method can be applied to the instantaneous electromagnetic problems for the dispersive media .

  27. 在数字信号处理技术和高速硬件的发展推动下,OFDM在ADSL、VDSL和HDTV等系统中得到了广泛的应用。

    With the development of digital signal processing and high speed hardware , OFDM became widely received by ADSL , VDSL and HDTV systems .

  28. 经验模式分解(Empiricalmodedecomposition,EMD)是一种新的信号处理技术,它是基于数据本身的,且能在空间域中将信号进行分解,从而可以区分噪声和有用信号。

    Empirical Mode Decomposition ( EMD ) is a relatively new signal processing technique . It starts from the data itself to decompose the signals in spatial domain , so it can discriminate the signals from the noise .

  29. 将计算机技术、信号处理技术与超声检测技术结合起来,研制成功检验奥氏体钢焊缝便携式超声波P扫描成象仪,该仪器具有缺陷分辨力高、定位精确、图象清晰及操作简便等优点。

    A portable ultrasonic P-scan imaging system for inspecting the weld in austenitic steel has been developed by combining computer and signal processing with ultrasonic nondestructive testing . The system has the advantages of high defect resolution , accurate positioning , clear image and easy operation .

  30. 首先,本文基于数字信号处理技术建立和完善新的适用于色散媒质瞬态电磁特性研究的时域有限差分法((FD)~2TD),以提高其有效性和普适性。

    Firstly , based on the digital signal processing , a new frequency-dependent finite-difference time-domain (( FD ) 2TD ) method for arbitrary dispersive media is established and improved .