
  1. 近代中国保险思想的探究

    The Investigation of Chinese Modern Insurance Thought

  2. 对近代中国保险思想的产生、发展和影响的探究,有助于以史为鉴指导现代中国民族保险业的健康发展,为现代化建设服务。

    The investigation of Chinese modern insurance thought will contribute to the healthy development of Chinese national insurance industry .

  3. 本文系统地论述了度量公司债券违约风险的三类主要方法:信用评级法、数理模型法和保险思想法。

    This article elaborated systematically three main approaches used in measuring the risk of breach of contract in corporate bonds , namely : the credit rating method , statistical modeling , and the insurance concept .

  4. 1840年后,中国民族工商业的逐步发展和西方近代保险思想的传播,为中国民族保险业的产生、发展提供了社会经济条件和舆论准备。

    After 1840 , with the development of modern national industry and commerce and with the spreading of western modern insurance theories , economic conditions and public opinions helped to create and develop China National Insurance .

  5. 把证券组合保险的思想引入了期货市场,通过实证检验了该技术的效果。

    The idea of portfolio insurance was introduced into future market .

  6. 也许恰恰因为这些,社会安全和保险的思想发展了。

    Perhaps because of this , the idea of social security and insurance developed .

  7. 保险的思想古已有之,中国历代施行的各种赈济制度就可被视为古代保险的萌芽。

    Insurance thoughts has existed since ancient times , Chinese imperial execute various relief system can be regarded as the bud of ancient insurance .

  8. 本文运用保险精算思想,建立了经济资本计量模型,并阐述了经济资本计量模型在银行确定贷款组合风险中的应用。本模型对经济资本计量模型作了三点改进。

    This paper makes an economic capital model using actuary theory and describes how the economic capital model can be applied in ascertaining portfolio risk of loan .

  9. 医疗保险是思想的解放-你最不想要的事情,就是当你有意外或者生病的时候,还不得不担心钱(的问题)。

    Health insurance is peace of mind - the last thing you want is to have to worry about money if you are in an accident or get sick .

  10. 医疗保险是思想的解放-你最不想要的事情,就是当你有意外或者生病的时候,还不得不担心钱(的问题)。提前计划,以便此费用的负担。

    Health insurance is peace of mind - the last thing you want is to have to worry about money if you are in an accident or get sick . Plan ahead and get yourself covered .

  11. 当前我国应着重围绕转变巨灾保险指导思想、合理界定政府角色、发展和完善资本市场、克服相关技术障碍、完善相关法律制度五个方面开展工作。

    At present , measures should be taken includes changing the guideline of huge disaster insurance , defining government 's role rationally , developing and improving capital market , overcome the relevant technical obstacle , improving relevant legal system .

  12. 第二部分则从理论方面对环境责任保险的社会思想基础、法理基础进行了深入阐述,为环境责任保险制度的构建提供了理论基础。

    The second part elaborates the social-philosophy and legal basis of the environmental liability insurance , which provides a theoretical basis for the construction of the environmental liability insurance system .

  13. 结合日本社会福利及社会保障制度改革的走向,从政治、经济、社会和文化等层面,对日本建立护理保险制度的思想和制度基础,以及制度建立的背景进行了系统的梳理。

    Unifying the reform trend of Japanese social welfare and the social security system and from the perspective of politics , economy , society and culture , this part analyses the causes and effects of Japanese nursing insurance system .

  14. 对环境检测建立了一个设计评价准则,并应用该准则分析了传统保险机构的设计思想;

    The paper sets up a criterion of evaluation for environment detection and analyzes the conceptual basis of design in traditional S & A.

  15. 晚清时期,随着西方保险业的传入、近代保险思想在华的传播和民族资本主义工商业的迅猛发展,中国的民族保险业应运而生。

    National insurance in China took birth with the introduction of western insurance , the spreading of the idea of insurance in China and the prosperity of the national industry and commerce .

  16. 保险需求的理论研究可以分为早期的保险需求思想和现代保险需求理论。现代保险需求理论主要包括最优保险理论和人寿保险需求理论。

    The studies of insurance demand include early insurance demand thoughts and modern insurance demand theory which involves optimal insurance theory and life insurance demand theory .

  17. 保险产品创新的制度建设,是关于保险体制、国家政策、保险企业经营指导思想、保险资源及保险专业人才培养等内容的整合。

    Policy establishment of insurance product innovation is about insurance system , state policy , and guiding principles of insurance enterprises , insurance sources and training of the insurance professionals .