
  • 网络Principle of Insurable Interest;principle of insured interest
  1. 本文第3章是关于保险利益原则的研究。

    The third chapter is about the doctrine of insurable interest .

  2. 保险利益原则在海上保险司法实践中的适用

    The Application of Insurable Interest Principle in Judicial Practice of Marine Insurance

  3. 试论保险利益原则的适用对象

    A Trial Study on the Applied Object of the Insurance Interest Principle

  4. 论保险利益原则在我国保险立法中的修订与完善

    Amendment on the insurable interest principle in China ′ s Insurance Law

  5. 大陆法系不承认保险利益原则在人身保险上的适用,而采用所谓的同意主义。

    China has adopted the principle of insurable interest in its insurance law .

  6. 保险利益原则是现代保险法的四大基本原则之一,其重要性不言而喻。

    Nowadays , insurable interest has become a fundamental principle of the insurance law .

  7. 保险利益原则是保险法中的一个基本原则。

    The principle of insurable interest is a basic principle in the insurance law system .

  8. 人身保险利益原则分析

    Analysis of Principle of Personal Insurance Benefit

  9. 保险利益原则及其应用

    Principle of Insurance Interest and Its Application

  10. 保险利益原则的主要目的在于防止保险上的不当得利。

    The principle of insurance interests aims at preventing the unjust enrichment on the insurance .

  11. 第五章介绍保险利益原则的发展趋势及相应的立法建议。

    Chapter five is on the development trend of insurance interest and the corresponding legislation proposals .

  12. 但令人遗憾的是,我国《海商法》对保险利益原则并未加以规定。

    It is a pity that our law of admiralty has not provided any principle of insurable interest .

  13. 第七章保险利益原则的发展趋势和对我国相应立法的建议:主要包括保险利益原则的发展趋势、对我国保险利益原则立法的一些建议。

    The seventh chapter is some suggestions on the development trend and legislation of insurable interest in our country .

  14. 保险利益原则是保险制度的根基,我国《保险法》对该原则的设计很不完善。

    The insurable interest doctrine is the basic doctrine of insurance laws , but the PRC Insurance Law is short of a perfect design of the doctrine .

  15. 最后对保险利益原则的法理基础进行论述和分析,同时对我国保险利益制度的法理缺陷进行论述。

    In the end , the writer expounds and analyzes the legal foundation of insurable interest as well as the legal defects of the insurable interest system in China .

  16. 本文旨在通过对保险利益原则的系统研讨,以期对理论研究和立法实践有所裨益。

    This article is for the purpose of through deliberating to the insurance interest principle system that has a benefit by the time to the fundamental research and the legislative practice .

  17. 针对保险利益原则适用存在的问题,分别从财产保险与人身保险两方面探讨保险利益原则的具体适用。

    According to the problems in the application of insurance interest principle , from two aspects between property insurance and personal insurance , this article discusses the specific application of the insurable interest principle .

  18. 在保险利益原则下,海运货物保险人的责任期限是否真为“仓至仓”,应视不同的贸易术语而定。

    Under the insurance-interests principle , whether it is really " ware house to ware house " to transport the responsibility time limit of the goods insurer by sea , should depend on different trade terms .

  19. 在大陆法系关于保险利益原则可分为一般性保险利益学说、技术性保险利益学说、经济性保险利益学说。

    In the Continental Law , the principle of insurable interest is divided into the academic viewpoints as follows : general theory of insurance interest , technological theory of insurance interest , economic theory of insurance interest .

  20. 保险利益原则一般被认为是保险合同法特有的基本原则之一,保险利益的有关理论是保险合同法理论的重要组成部分。

    Generally the doctrine of insurable interest is viewed as one of the basic and unique principle of insurance contract law . Related theories about insurable interest is a significant part of the whole insurance contract law theory .

  21. 然而,保险利益原则十分复杂,其在适用上争议也很大,特别是在涉及人身保险的情况下,大陆法系和英美法系的作法更是截然不同。

    However , the principle of insurable interest is very complex , its application in dispute is also big , especially in the cases involving personal insurance , continental law system and common law practice is quite different .

  22. 必须在充分理解保险利益原则之目标和功能的基础上,深入反思保险利益的主体归属,合理界定财产保险的利益范围,准确把握保险利益的存在时间。

    It is imperative to have a thorough understanding of the aims and functions of the doctrine , perfect the rules of the subject of insurable interest and define the scope of property insurable interest and the time of insurable interest .

  23. 第三章保险利益原则的效力范围:主要包括保险利益的时间效力、保险利益对人的效力、保险合同当事人在保险利益诉讼中的地位。

    The third chapter deals with the effective scope of the principle of insurable interest , mainly including the effect of time and that to person of insurable interest , and the status of the contracting parties in the litigation relating to insurable interest .

  24. 最大诚信原则、保险利益原则、损失补偿原则、近因原则适用于出口信用保险,并在此基础上着重论述了出口信用保险之特殊原则,即风险共担原则;

    It firstly expounds basic insurance principles : principle of maximum credit , principle of insurance profit , principle of loss compensation ; Principle of immediate cause suits export credit insurance , it emphasizes the special principle of export credit , that is principle of risk partaking ;

  25. 结合司法现状,通过具体案例说明保险利益原则在司法实践中存在的问题,损害了当事人的合法权益和阻碍了保险行业的健康发展,有悖保险利益原则设立的初衷。

    Based on the legal practices , the essay reveals the problems of the insurable interest principle through certain cases which not only do harm to the rights of clients but prohibit the sound development of insurance industry against the original intention of setting up the principle .

  26. 第一部分重点阐述了保险利益原则的形成、概念及其构成要件,说明保险的产生源于人民应对危险的需求,即无危险则无保险。

    The thesis is divided into five parts : The first section elaborates the historical development concept and constitutive elements of principle of insurable interest , and demonstrates the establishment of insurance originates from the needs when people experience risks , that is " no risk , no insurance " .

  27. 海上保险可保利益原则探析

    On the Doctrine of Insurable Interest in Marine Insurance

  28. 海上保险中保险利益原则的应用

    Application of Doctrine of Insurable Interest in Marine Insurance

  29. 生活(英文)论人身保险的保险利益原则

    On Principle of Insurable Interest in Life Insurance

  30. 海上保险的可保利益原则是主宰国际海上保险的灵魂,没有可保利益就不能得到赔偿,这是海上保险制度中的一条重要原则。

    The principle of marine insurable interest is the core content of the marine insurance that is dominating the international marine insurance . It is an important principle in the system of marine insurance that , without insurable interest , one can not be compensated .