
  • 网络base on balls;walk
  1. 故意的四坏球保送上垒

    An intentional base on balls

  2. 垒上没有人,教练告诉拉里像往常一样等着被保送上垒。

    The bases weren 't loaded , but the coach told Larry to wait for a walk , as usual .

  3. 神的智慧仔细看了球来了个保送上垒。

    Godly wisdom looked it over and let it pass .

  4. 在这个球场中,你最不想做的,是将对方打者保送上垒。

    The last thing you want to do in the ballpark is to walk people and put people on bases .

  5. 老爹,前捕手,在以前捕手的时光发现到,保送上垒的秘密在于阿布瑞尤是比较属于推打的打击者。

    The secret behind the free passes as Torre , a former catcher , noted from his days behind the plate lies in the fact that Abreu is more of a push hitter .