
bǎo yòu
  • bless and protect
保佑 [bǎo yòu]
  • [bless and protect] 指神力的护卫帮助

  • 祈求上帝保佑和帮助他的家人

保佑[bǎo yòu]
  1. 保佑法律的所有人员,他们可能把我们从罪犯的安全。

    Bless and protect all officers of the law that they might keep us safe from criminals .

  2. 愿上帝祝福你、保佑你。

    May the Lord bless you and keep you .

  3. 祝你好运,愿上帝保佑你。

    Good luck and God bless you .

  4. 晚安,上帝保佑。

    Goodnight , God bless .

  5. 愿上帝保佑你们,非常感谢。

    God bless and thank you all so much .

  6. 承蒙上帝保佑才无人死亡。

    It was only by the grace of God that no one died .

  7. 他要是跟我作对,那就让上帝保佑他吧。

    God help him if he gets in my way

  8. “愿上帝保佑你,伊娃,”他低声说。

    ' Bless you , Eva , ' he whispered

  9. 谁要娶了她就只有靠老天保佑了。

    Heaven help the man she marries .

  10. 老天保佑,我一直很幸运,别的重伤都躲过了。

    Touch wood , I 've been lucky enough to avoid any other serious injuries .

  11. “愿上帝保佑他们吧,”他说,“谁也帮不了他们了。”

    ' God help them , ' he said . ' They 're beyond help . '

  12. 上帝保佑你。

    God bless you .

  13. 我们不靠老天保佑。

    We don 't rely on blessings from Heaven .

  14. 上帝保佑他有个好儿子。

    God blessed him with a good son .

  15. 愿上帝保佑这桩婚姻。

    God will bless this union .

  16. 恭喜2020届的同学们,上帝保佑所有人。

    Congratulations Class of 2020 , and God bless all of you .

  17. 不过上帝保佑我不费力气就找到了我最需要的那个人。

    Then good fortune brought me the very man that I needed .

  18. 愿上帝保佑你长寿!

    May God bless you with a long life !

  19. 节日当天,夜幕降临后,人们会在楼梯、走廊、阳台及屋里都放上点燃的蜡烛,为死者祈祷,并期盼亡灵保佑家人平安。

    People place candles on the stairs , hallway and balcony at home when night falls that day to pay respect to the deceased and pray for the family .

  20. 愿上帝保佑我的好朋友&当选副总统拜登(Biden)。

    God bless my good friend Vice-President-Elect Biden .

  21. landlordn.房东squirreln.松鼠我独自在家,当我打了一个喷嚏,听到从另外一个公寓传来了一声“保佑你”。

    I was home alone , sneezed and heard " bless you ! " come through the wall bordering the other apartment .

  22. 帕默称:“他一定是冥冥中有神保佑,有一次我妈妈以为它死掉了,把它冲下马桶,但是,它竟然从U型管里游了回来。”

    Palmer said : " He 's had a charmed life because mum actually put him down the toilet once thinking he was dead but he swam back up the U-bend . "

  23. 如果你的公司有QA工程师保佑,而不仅仅是只有QA分析人员,他们会发现自己也要针对服务层开发自动化测试。

    If your company is blessed with QA Engineers , as opposed to mere QA Analysts , they too may find themselves writing automated tests against the services layer .

  24. 愿上帝保佑Randy在很长一段时间内他都是努力工作的音乐人并取得了很多成就然后美国偶像

    And you know , god bless Randy , He was a working musician for a long time , and had a lot of success , and then the show Idol kind of

  25. 愿上帝保佑他的记忆,使他安息。

    May God Bless his memory and keep him in peace .

  26. 上帝保佑我们的国家,我们都会为她而战。

    May God bless our country and all who defend her .

  27. 上帝保佑,你会比我好运。

    God wiiiing , your fortune wiII be better than mine .

  28. 上帝就是你的生活,而现在他在保佑着你。

    God is Life , and that is your life now .

  29. 我本能地认为上帝会保佑我们的。

    They instinctively know when it is time to say goodbye .

  30. 这是非常好的网站,并愿上帝保佑你们。

    That is very nice site and may God bless you .