
fú lǔ
  • captive;capture;prisoner of war;take prisoner
俘虏 [fú lǔ]
  • (1) [captive;prisoner of war]∶战争中活捉的敌方从事战争的人员。即战俘

  • (2) [prisoner]∶非本意地受(义务、责任或财产)约束的人

  • [capture] 虏获

  • 俘虏敌军三百人

俘虏[fú lǔ]
  1. 试析我国石化行业的管制俘虏现象&从茂化实华停产风波看石化行业垄断的维持

    A Primary Analysis of the Capture of Regulation in Petrochemistry Industry

  2. 那个士兵躺下装死,以免被敌人俘虏。

    The soldier plays dead to escape capture by the enemy .

  3. 他们把俘虏交给了侵略军。

    They delivered their prisoner over to the invading army .

  4. 今天早上交换了俘虏。

    The exchange of prisoners took place this morning .

  5. 盟军俘虏了300多名敌方士兵。

    Allied troops captured over 300 enemy soldiers .

  6. 他被叛军俘虏了。

    He was taken prisoner by rebel soldiers .

  7. 反叛者把他俘虏了。

    The rebels took him prisoner .

  8. 相同的制度还应用于赎回或交换俘虏。

    The same system was used for ransoming or exchanging captives .

  9. 他的士兵袭击了瓜扎坦,擒获了一名俘虏。

    His men made a sortie to Guazatan and took a prisoner

  10. 他参了战,后被美国人俘虏。

    He fought in the war and was taken prisoner by the Americans

  11. 双方都没有抓俘虏,也没有表现出丝毫的心慈手软。

    Neither side took prisoners or showed any mercy

  12. 那名俘虏被监禁在地牢中一个多月。

    The captive was immured in a dungeon for over one month .

  13. 俘虏们将被押到后方。

    The captives will be taken to the rear areas .

  14. 士兵们带了7个俘虏回来。

    The soldiers came back and brought seven prisoners .

  15. 国王和王后被叛军俘虏了。

    The king and the queen were taken as captives by rebel soldiers .

  16. 海盗们残暴地对待他们的俘虏。

    The pirates treated their captives with barbarity .

  17. 他们残杀了所有的俘虏。

    They massacred all the prisoners .

  18. 一位士兵嘲笑一个俘虏来惹怒他。

    A soldier baited a captured enemy by laughing at him .

  19. 战士们带了十个俘虏回来。

    The soldiers came back and brought ten prisoners .

  20. 他完全被她的美貌和她的心灵俘虏了。

    Her beauty and her soul alike enthralled him .

  21. 我们当了一年俘虏。

    We were held captive for one year .

  22. 我们很优待俘虏。

    We are kind to captives .

  23. 俘虏们带着镣铐。

    The captives are wearing chains .

  24. 海盗头子下令枪毙俘虏。

    The pirate chief commanded that the prisoners should be shot .

  25. 叛乱者砍掉了俘虏的脑袋。

    The rebels cut off the heads of their captives .

  26. 酒店:富有的俘虏们要住在酒店等待足够的赎金以回家。

    Hotel : Wealthy captives sleep at the hotel for an increase in their ransoms .

  27. 俘虏被叱责讥笑。

    The captive was whooped and jeered .

  28. 这种事总是歪曲了事实真相,因为谁都不是给别人当俘虏或牺牲品——人都是自由行事的,不论命运是好是坏,都由自己来作主。

    This is always a distortion of reality , for people are not the captives or victims of others — they are free agents , working out their own destinies for good or for ill .

  29. 哈里(Harry)在女泉城当俘虏,这还是一年前的消息。

    Harry was a prisoner at Maidenpool when last we heard , but that was almost a year ago .

  30. 哦,Shira俘虏了你的心,承认吧.

    Oh , Shira 's gotten under your skin , c'mon admit it .