
sú míng
  • Common name;popular name;trivial name;local name
俗名 [sú míng]
  • [local name] 通俗的名称

  • 鳖俗名甲鱼

俗名[sú míng]
  1. 化学物质的俗名与分类名称的不同之处在于俗名对其结构几乎没有或根本没有提示。

    A trivial name differs from a systematic name in that ti tells little or nothing about structure .

  2. 烟碱(Nicotine),俗名尼古丁,是一种存在于茄科植物中的生物碱,也是烟草的重要成分。

    Nicotine is present in the Solanaceae ( Solanum ) of the alkaloid , is also an important component of tobacco .

  3. 磷脂酰胆碱(phosphotidylcholine,PC),俗名卵磷脂,由甘油基、脂肪酸基团、磷酸基和胆碱构成。

    Phosphatidylcholine ( PC ) is composed of glyceryl , fatty acid , phosphoryl group and choline .

  4. 凝胶多糖,英文俗名curdlan,是一种被广泛使用的食品胶,具有重要的商业价值。

    Curdlan has been found widespread commercial uses .

  5. 在杂交水稻制繁种中不育系穗期施用不同剂量赤霉素(GA3,俗名九二○)对产量和种子质量产生明显效应。

    Using different dose of GA3 conduced a significant effect on yield and seed quality during tassel stage of sterile line in seed production and multiplication of hybrid rice .

  6. 超细SiO2粉体,俗名白炭黑,是一种重要的无机粉体材料,在橡胶、塑料、涂料、陶瓷玻璃、造纸等诸多工业领域广泛应用。

    Ultrafine SiO2 powder , the common name of white carbon black , is a kind of important inorganic powder materials . It is widely used in many industrial fields such as rubber , plastics , paints , ceramic glass and paper .

  7. 虎眼万年青(OrnithogalumcaudatumAit)系百合科虎眼万年青属,俗名珍珠草,又名海葱,葫芦兰,为多年生常绿草本植物。

    Ornithogalum caudatum ( Ornithogalum Caudatum Ait ) Department of Liliaceae Ornithogalum , common name the Pearl , aka Scilla , hyacinth orchid , is a perennial evergreen herbs .

  8. 受到全球关注的这种病原体有正式的命名(猪源性流感病毒AH1N1)、缩写(S-OIV)、俗名(猪流感)和明确的来源(墨西哥)。

    The pathogen that has seized the world 's attention has an official name ( swine-origin influenza A H1N1 ), an acronym ( S-OIV ), a nickname ( swine flu ) and an apparent birthplace ( Mexico ) .

  9. 储藏物主要昆虫英汉俗名名录

    An English-Chinese glossary of common names of important stored products insects

  10. 液压弯管机(俗名喉积)木制楼梯扶手弯头专用数控加工机床的总体设计

    The Specific CNC Machine Tool Overall Design of Wooden Staircase Handrail Bend

  11. 领港公会高潮水位标志高位水箱(俗名高冲厕水箱)

    THWM ( Trinity House High Water Mark )

  12. 形管(俗名遮柄曲)形似曲柄头(有一个鹤头把手)和套筒扳手头的扳手。

    A wrench shaped like a brace ( has a crank-shaped handle ) and a socket head .

  13. 本文论及毒隐翅虫的学名、俗名、分类与生物学。

    This paper deals with the scientific and colloquial names of paederus , and their classification and biology .

  14. 这种蟹由于其爪子上有密集的深棕色绒毛而得名“中华绒鳌蟹”,俗名“大闸蟹”。

    The mitten crab , given its name because its claws , are coated with clumps of dark brown fur .

  15. 近来,人们仔细地研究了汇流旋涡(俗名澡盆涡)自然现象和实验。

    Recently , the natural phenomenon of the " sink-vortex " or " bathtub-vortex " and its experiments have been studied carefully .

  16. 主要生产品种有公制、制、标、标等标准圆板牙、用丝锥,及组合套装螺纹工具系列产品。套丝器(俗名牙板)

    Major product varieties include standard circular screwing dies and manual screwing taps as well as thread tool serial products in combined packages .

  17. 当这几股气流在周二汇聚时,将形成一股强烈的风暴,俗名也叫毁灭风暴,一股巨大的混乱的风暴将在东部海岸形成。

    When they meet Tuesday , they could create a super-storm , nickname frankenstorm , a big , wet mess that settles over the east coast .

  18. 家蝇三龄幼虫是一种传统中药材,药名五谷虫,俗名蛆。

    Introduction : Musca domestica larvae is a kind of traditional Chinese medicine , which name is Oriental Latrine Fly Larvina , Common name is Maggot .

  19. 根芥菜-俗称:大头菜采用田间试验研究不同肥料组合对茎瘤芥(俗名榨菜)量和硝酸盐含量的影响。

    The effects of different fertilizer combinations on the yields and their nitrate contents of tumorous stem mustard ( preserved Sichuan pickls ) were studied under field experiment .

  20. 名词性概念词汇表征主要指不同文化背景的语言在词汇层面赋予同一基本名词性概念以俗名的语言现象。

    Lexical representation of nominal concept is a linguistic phenomenon that the same nominal concepts are to be commonly designated on the lexical level between languages of different cultures .

  21. 以后的英语名称中就形成了唱以前缀表示来源,加后缀“-ose”表示碳水化合物的俗名。

    Trivial names were then formed , in English terminology , often from a prefix related to the source followed by the suffix " - ose " to denote carbohydrate .

  22. 多聚糖的俗名是“聚糖”。均聚糖由一种单糖构成。

    The generic name for polysaccharides is " glycan " homoglycansare composed of single monosaccharide ; for example , the D-glucans , cellulose and starch , release only D-glucose by hydrolysis .

  23. 那些最亮的深空天体还有常用“俗名”,比如“仙女座大星系”、“北美洲星云”、“闪耀星云”等等。

    Many of the brightest deep sky objects also have " popular names " by which they 're often referred to , such as " Andromeda Galaxy "," North America Nebula "," Blinking Planetary ", and so on .

  24. 如果你拔起一株米草属,你甚至还能发现一些粘在根部的红色泥土,这些土壤的颜色是由氧气和土壤中的硫化铁发生反应形成的,这个反应生成氧化铁,俗名铁锈。

    If you pull up a Spartina , you might even notice some reddish mud on some of the roots , this is caused by oxygen reacting with iron sulfide in the soil , and it produces iron oxide or rust .

  25. 发状念珠藻(俗名发菜)是一种高经济价值的陆生蓝藻,但迄今尚未实现其人工栽培。近期成功地培养出的水生原植体具有应用前景,然而对其生物学特性尚缺乏认识。

    Nostoc flagelliforme ( Berk Curtis ) Bornet Flash is a terrestrial cyanobacterium with high economic value , while its cultivation has not been successfully achieved . The recently developed aquatic-living colonies bear applied foreground , but little was known about their biological characteristics .