
  • 网络Maturation promoting factor;MPF;maturation promoting factor, MPF
  1. 结果:DC较好的促成熟因子是MCM,第7日时达到高峰;

    RESULTS : The best maturation promoting factor for DC was MCM . DC reached the climax on the 7th day .

  2. 一旦由包括VEGF在内的促成熟细胞因子活化后,破骨细胞的前体细胞可以分化成为成熟的破骨细胞,破坏骨组织,给肿瘤细胞的生长腾出空间。

    When activated by maturation factors including VEGF , the pre-osteoclasts differentiated into mature osteoclasts and chew up bone tissue , providing the tumor new space to grow .

  3. 促血管成熟因子APLN和Ang1结合应用过早稳定了血管内皮,抑制了新血管萌芽和生长,导致血液灌流障碍。

    The combination of APLN and Angl as vascular maturation factor prematurely stabled vascular endothelium inhibited the sprouting and growth of new blood vessels , led the obstruction of blood perfusion . 3 .