
yú zhèn
  • aftershock;aftershock of an earthquake
余震 [yú zhèn]
  • [aftershock of an earthquake] 大地震刚过,紧接的一连串的小地震

余震[yú zhèn]
  1. 他们拼命地干着,担心余震可能会使房子再次受到震动。

    They were working frantically in the fear that an aftershock would jolt the house again .

  2. 她感觉自己的心在随着余震一起跳动。

    She felt her heart pulsate with the aftershock .

  3. 余震可能会摧毁更多的建筑物。

    Further tremors could level more buildings

  4. 因为地震之后会有余震,所以我决定开车到内华达州的拉斯韦加斯,到我朋友那住几天。#p#分页标题#e#

    Since aftershocks follow the larger earthquakes I decided8 to drive to Las Vegas , Nevada to visit a friend for a few days .

  5. 就在此时,又是一波余震袭来,雷茜倒在了地上,当她再一次爬起来的时候,那个女孩随着那扇大门的关闭,她就这样消失不见了。

    Almost immediately an aftershock shook the earth and Lacey was knocked to the ground . When she stood up , the girl was gone and the door was closed .

  6. 从云南地区1965年有台网记录以来的地震序列中选取27个序列,根据大森-宇津地震频度衰减公式得到其中23个余震序列的P值;

    We select 27 earthquake sequences since 1965 in Yunnan region .

  7. 强余震前的b值异常变化

    The Anomalous Variations of b-Values Before a Strong Aftershock

  8. 结果表明:(1)若C1>C2>C3,则无强余震发生;

    The result shows that ( 1 ) if that C1 > C3 > C7 , there is not strong after-shock ;

  9. △T的长短和序列总体的余震频度衰减系数(p)的大小有关。

    △ T 's are related to the overall attenuation coefficient ( p ) of the aftershock frequency of the entire earthquake sequence .

  10. 利用P波初动及振幅比初步计算2005年11月26日九江―瑞昌地震余震震源机制

    Focal Mechanism Solution of the Aftershocks of Jiujiang-Ruichang Earthquake on Nov.26,2005 by Using P Wave First Motion and S / P Amplitude Ratio

  11. 经验GREEN函数法研究丽江6.0级强余震的地震动及破裂特征

    Study on the Characteristics of Earthquake Ground Motion and Rupture for the Strong Lijiang Aftershock of M6.0 Using Empirical Green 's Function Method

  12. 用准周期(PP)方法预测地震序列中早期强余震

    Prediction of the Earlier Strong Aftershocks in the Earthquake Sequences by the Pseudo period Method

  13. W参数及其在华北几次大震的强余震预测中的应用

    Parameter W and its applications to the strong aftershock prediction of large earthquakes in North China

  14. 根据对余震的观测可知,溧阳地震的震源体积与b值均偏小。

    From the observation of aftershocks , it can be suggested that both the source volume of the b-value of this earthquake sequence is rather small .

  15. 结果表明:在一般的情况下对于前震系列h≤1以及对于余震系列h>1。

    The result showed that in general case h ≤ 1 for the foreshock sequence and h > 1 for the aftershock sequence .

  16. 最大余震发生后,整个震源区的平均Q值降至344。

    The average Q-value of whole source region of the Haicheng earthquake dropped to 344 after the maximum aftershock occurred .

  17. 《余震》的第三位共同作者辛迪•斯必茨透露,她曾为《心灵鸡汤》(ChickenSoup)原著的部分内容代笔。

    Aftershock 's third co-author , Cindy Spitzer , says she ghostwrote part of the original Chicken Soup for the Soul .

  18. 此外,还通过P波初动极性分析的方法认为两次主震破裂面的走向略有差别,与余震序列精确定位结果显示的余震区震中分布一致。

    In addition , it is also to be found that the strike directions of two rupture zones might vary slightly analyzing initial motion of P wave , coinciding with the relocated results of aftershock zones .

  19. 对2004年北Sumatra地震序列两次强余震的灰色预测

    Grey Forecasting Two Strong Aftershocks of the 2004 North Sumatra Earthquake Sequence

  20. 不扩散事件(NPE)余震和内华达试验场其他事件的对比

    Comparison of the non-proliferation event aftershocks with other Nevada Test Site events

  21. 副县长李志仁告诉CCTV:余震继续袭击该地区,直升机和其它救援人员在帮助受困者。

    Aftershocks continued to jolt the area as firefighters and other rescuers helped free those trapped , Li Zhiren , the deputy county chief told CCTV .

  22. 强余震与大震前b值变化的相似性,可能表明发生在余震区中的强余震也经历着与大震孕育发展的类似过程。

    The similar b-value variations both before the strong aftershock and the main shock might suggest that the strong aftershocks occurred in the aftershock area were undergoing a similar process of earthquake development just like that occurred for the strong main earthquakes .

  23. 为动员加州州政府所有机构,加州州长杰里•布朗(JerryBrown)已宣布该地区进入紧急状态。他警告说,当地还有可能发生余震,震区仍然存在火灾隐患。

    Jerry Brown , Governor of California , declared a state of emergency in the area , warning that aftershocks may continue and that there is still a risk of fires .

  24. 研究区域内介质品质因子Q=55~109,前震平均值为93,余震平均值为74;

    The results show that in Yongdeng region , the medium Q values range from 55 to 109 , the average Q of foreshocks is 93 , and the average Q of aftershocks is 74 ;

  25. 《余震》的书封显示她现在是余震顾问公司(AftershockConsultants)的总裁,该公司主要向个人或公司提供有关此书的解读服务。

    According to Aftershock 's book jacket , she is now president of Aftershock Consultants , which provides insights to individuals and companies based on the book .

  26. 文中作者应用另一相对定位方法双差地震定位法,对张北&尚义地震序列的主震和ML≥3.0余震再度进行精确定位。

    In this paper , a relocation of the Zhangbei Shangyi earthquake sequence has been done using the double difference earthquake location algorithm ( DD algorithm ), and consistent results with that obtained by the master event technique were obtained .

  27. 危地马拉总统佩雷斯(OttoPerezMolina)发布了灾害警报,要求受影响的建筑内的人疏散,并警告可能发生余震。

    Guatemalan President Otto Perez Molina issued a disaster alert and asked for the evacuation of affected buildings , warning of aftershocks .

  28. 据联合国开发计划署(UNDP)估计,尼泊尔超过40%的地方受到地震及随后的余震影响。

    The UN Development Programme has estimated that more than 40 per cent of Nepal was affected by the quake and subsequent aftershocks .

  29. 主震和余震&从大森公式到ETAS模型

    Main Shock and After Shock & From the Omori Formula to the ETAS Model

  30. 通过对地震震源拐角频率fc及地震应力降Δσ随时间变化的统计分析,本文研究结果发现,施甸5.9级主震前的前震序列地震的平均拐角频率明显低于主震后余震序列的平均拐角频率。

    Through the statistical analyses of variation of corner frequency f_c and stress drop Δσ with time , it is discovered that the average corner frequency of the foreshock sequences is obviously lower than that of the aftershock sequences .