
  1. 至于余秋雨的艺术理论著作,亦备受学术界重视和尊崇。

    As for Yu Qiuyu 's artistic theory work , also prepares the academic circles is taken and venerates .

  2. 严肃与荒诞的巨大成功&余秋雨文化散文质疑

    A Great Success in Seriousness and Absurdness

  3. 余秋雨才高八斗,但怀春不遇,有点像待嫁的寡妇。

    Yu match , but not seen Recently , a bit like the widow to marry .

  4. 该公司和余秋雨的私人助理均不愿对此发表言论。

    The Website said it reached Jiujiu and Yu 's secretary , but neither was willing to talk .

  5. 文章主要讨论了余秋雨的《秋雨散文》和素素的“独语东北”系列散文。

    The article mainly discusses Qiuyu s Proses by Yu Qiuyu and Susu s Soliloquys in the Northeast .

  6. 本文分别从话语建构、文本建构这两个层面来探究余秋雨散文中的修辞世界。

    This paper studies the rhetoric character of Yuqiuyu s essay from points of discourse construction and text construction .

  7. 我一直坚信人生并不是一场你胜我败的角逐,而更像一场前赴后继的荒野接力。&余秋雨。

    I always believe that life is not a win-or-lose rivalry , but a continous relay race in the wilderness .

  8. 作为上海戏剧学院前院长,余秋雨曾出版过很多畅销书,内容以旅行见闻和个人经历居多。

    Yu , former head of the Shanghai Theater Academy , has published several best-selling books on his travels and personal experiences .

  9. 余姚一座产生思想的城市,一个一脚踩出一串故事的地方。&余秋雨。

    Yuyao A city that enlightens one 's mind , A place where one can find a bunch of stories once stepping inside .

  10. 余秋雨的成功不是个别现象,而是中国知识分子转型时期的缩影和投射。

    Yu Qiuyu 's success isn 't a specific phenomenon , which is a reduction and cast of intellectuals in the transitional times .

  11. 但是,近些年来的余秋雨不断遭到粉丝抨击,指责他变得太过商业化。

    But the writer has been under attack by fans in recent years who criticized him for becoming too involved in commercial activities .

  12. 在同篇博客中,余秋雨还谈到,想用这笔善款以自己的名义在四川建一所小学,具体捐款事宜由上海九久读书人公司负责。

    The money Yu promised was supposed to be used to set up a primary school bearing his name in Sichuan , according to his blog .

  13. 首先,余秋雨散文创作的市场化取向是对传统散文创作的突围,包括内容及表现形式的突围、散文风格的突围、散文创作面向市场的突围三方面。

    Firstly , the market-orientation of his prose is a breakthrough of traditional prose which individualized in the content , the forms , the prose-style and the market-orientation .

  14. 余秋雨是上个世纪九十年代以来文坛上的一个热点,秋雨散文和秋雨现象在众多评论家的研究下,已不再是一个新鲜的话题。

    Yu Qiu-yu is a big hit in the 1990s ' literary world of the last century . After many reviewers ' research , his prose never is a new topic .

  15. 但声明中并未透露已经或将要捐赠的具体金额。与此同时,声明还指出,余秋雨将对恶意诽谤保留控告权。

    The statement did not say , however , how much money had been or would be donated , and it pointed out that the writer may sue over any malicious accusations .

  16. 提出“智及与趣美的张力”这一理论范畴并结合作品分析,以达到对余秋雨历史文化散文艺术特质的系统性理解。

    Through a careful analysis based on this category and the text , the author hopes to reach a systematic understanding of the artistic nature of Yu 's historical and cultural prose .

  17. 余秋雨的散文集《文化苦旅》大胆借鉴非散文文体语言,其散文语言注重节奏的合拍、韵律的谐美、句式的整齐,构成了独特的话语风格、富于变化的整齐美。

    He emphasizes rhythmic time , metrical harmonious beauty , and clean and tidy sentence structure so as to form a unique writing style to impress readers with changes of tidiness and terseness .

  18. 散文与戏剧的融合并不由余秋雨始,但在戏剧理论方面做过专门研究的余秋雨却将具戏剧化效果的散文发展到了新的高度。

    Although the integration between prose and drama is not started by Yu , it is him who has specially studied the theory of drama that brings the theatricalized prose to a certain height .

  19. 我们相信,随着时间的推移,在批评家们共同努力下,定会对余秋雨散文思想价值与美学价值有一个客观公允的评价,给其人其文一个应有的历史地位。

    We believe , with the lapse of time the Critics will Surely give an objective assess to his prose 's values of idea and aesthetics , give him and his articles an appropriate historical role .

  20. 本文试图通过对余秋雨文化散文叙述模式的详细分析,来探讨他成功和失败、引起多人赞叹也引来不少人诟病的原因。

    This paper aims to explore , based on the detailed analysis of the narrative mode of Yu 's prose , the success and failure of his writings , which have incurred accolade and denunciation from the public .