
  • 网络Sport Presentation
  1. 对体育展示的概念、发展状况以及作用进行了探讨,旨在不断完善体育展示的理论,为北京奥运会的体育展示筹备工作提出积极的建议。

    This paper explores the concept , development and significance of sports presentation , in order to improve the theory of sports presentation and put forward suggestions for Beijing Olympic Games .

  2. 北京奥运会赛场体育展示的理论与实践研究

    The Theory of Beijing Olympic Venues Sport Presentation and Practice Research

  3. 旅游市场中体育展示的真实性问题研究&少数民族传统体育研究之二

    Research on Authenticity Question of Sports Shows in the Tourist Market

  4. 而体育展示则是竞赛服务的其中一项,在历届奥运会中,体育展示是极其重要的一个环节。

    The sport presentation is one of the competition service , in the previous Olympic Games , the sport presentation was an extremely important link .

  5. 一种包括训练的体育为了展示力量和平衡和敏捷。

    A sport that involves exercises intended to display strength and balance and agility .

  6. 竞技体育充当着展示人类潜在能力的工具,人们关注的聚焦点。

    Athletic sports acted as potential display tools of human concern .

  7. 江苏电视台体育频道以展示竞技体育魅力、导健康快乐生活?宗旨。

    Jiangsu TV sports channel to showcase athletics charm for the purpose of promoting a healthy and happy life .

  8. 通过在2005年秋季举办的火箭、彗星、航天器的比赛和其他的休斯顿体育赛事,展示其创造的新的地区体育网络。

    The creation of a new regional sports network , which will air Rockets , Comets and Astros games as well as other Houston sporting events upon its launch in the fall of2005 .

  9. 2010年10月31日黎巴嫩红十字会成员在首都贝鲁特体育城体育场展示了一份4600平方米大的手印画,该画创造了新的吉尼斯世界纪录。

    On October 31 , a 4600-square-meter handprint artwork was assembled at the Cite Sportive stadium in Beirut , Lebanon . And it breaks the Guinness World Record for the largest handprint work .

  10. 同时,奥运会也成为了中国体育实力的展示舞台。51枚金牌使中国超越获得36枚金牌的美国稳居金牌榜榜首。

    But the Games also turned into a dramatic show of this country 's athletic power , with China hauling in51 gold medals , enough to top the gold medal tables and unseat the United States , which won36 .

  11. 课外展示已经基本制度化,体育类课外展示活动已经成为了宣传老年大学的窗口。5、运动场地缺乏,教学器材匮乏,经费不足严重制约着晋中市老年大学的体育教学的发展。

    Extra-curricular sports activities for displaying have become the shopping-window for the University of the elderly . 5 , The lack of sports venues , teaching aids , and funds severely restricts of the development of physical education of the University of elderly in Jinzhong City .

  12. 体育服务的有形展示与服务过程策略探讨

    Research on Strategy of Displaying Sport Service in Physical Evidence and Designing Process of Sport Service

  13. 举办具有北京特色的群众性体育活动,形成展示北京古都风貌的国际性大众体育品牌。

    Organize mass sports activities with Beijing characteristics to create an international mass sports brand that displays the ancient capital city 's outlook .

  14. 根据媒体报道,这种新的互动领域,是为热爱体育运动的人展示那些致力于体育运动的人的蜡像。

    According to the press release , this new interactive area dedicated to the love of sports will feature wax-immortalized athletes from past and present .

  15. 体育双休日工程作为课外体育活动的重要组成部分为学生提供了参与体育运动、展示自身体育才能的平台。

    As an important component of weekends project , PE courses have established platform for students to participate in sports events and show their talents in sports .

  16. 本文以体育竞赛表演和体育健身娱乐服务为例,探讨它们在体育服务领域中的运用,并对如何进行体育服务的有形展示和服务流程设计进行具体分析。

    This paper makes discussion on applying them in fields of sport service ( such as sport match , body-building and sport entertainment ) and analyses the method of designing sport service process and displaying sport service in physical evidence .