
  • 网络low speed motor;slow-speed motor;zero motor
  1. 无齿轮传动超低速电动机

    Gearless ultra low speed motor drive idler gear

  2. 本文讨论变速恒频电源系统交-交方案低速电动机运行时的工作特点。

    This paper deals with the features of AC-AC VSCF power system operating at low speed motor state .

  3. 提出了一种基于H桥驱动的两相永磁低速同步电动机电压空间矢量脉宽调制(SVPWM)的控制策略。

    A new voltage space vector pulse width modulation ( SVPWM ) method for Two-phase permanent magnet low speed synchronous motor driven by H bridge is presented .

  4. 随着工厂自动化(FA)、办公自动化(OA)、家庭自动化(HA)的普及,单相永磁低速同步电动机得到广泛应用。

    Along with the universality of the factory automation ( FA ), the office automation ( OA ) and the house automation ( HA ), the single phase permanent magnet low speed synchronous motor is applied very extensively .

  5. 小功率永磁同步电动机电磁振动与噪声研究永磁式低速同步电动机

    Research on Electromagnetic Vibration and Noise for Low-Power Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor

  6. 径向励磁低速同步电动机的电路模型

    The Circuit Model of Radial Battery Low - Speed Synchromotor

  7. 永磁式低速同步电动机无槽永磁直线同步电动机三维磁场分析

    Analysis of Three-Dimensional Magnetic Field in Slotless Permanent Magnet Linear Synchronous Motor

  8. 轴向激磁电磁减速式低速同步电动机辅相绕组设计问题

    Design considerations for the auxiliary phase winding of the axially excited vernier motor

  9. 永磁式低速同步电动机低速永磁直线同步电动机的失步预防控制策略研究

    Research of Out-of-step Prevented Control Strategy of Low-speed Permanent Magnet Linear Synchronous Motor

  10. 电励磁式低速同步电动机用于核反应堆驱动机构的研究

    Research in Applying Electro-exciting Low Speed Synchronous Motor to Driving Mechanism of Nuclear Reactor

  11. 半导体换流低速磁阻电动机的速度控制

    Speed control for semi-conductor low speed reluctance motor

  12. 稀土永磁低速同步电动机制造技术

    Manufacturing Technique of Low-speed Rare-earth PMSM

  13. 分析对比了几种新型优化算法的优劣,选取遗传算法对单段永磁低速直线电动机进行优化设计。

    Compared with several new optimization algorithm , genetic algorithm is selected to do the optimization design of single period of low-speed permanent magnet linear motor .

  14. 此电路应用于永磁低速同步电动机角度随动系统,相对于传统的角度随动和指示系统,可使整个系统结构简单,控制精度提高。

    Low speed PM synchronous motor was used in this angular servo system , to make the whole system to get a more compact structure and higher precision .

  15. 用电势法建立了径向励磁低速同步电动机的电路模型,包括:电势方程、参数计算式和等效电路图。

    This article with the Emf method , builds the circuit models of radial battery low-speed synchromotor , including the Emf equation , the parameter calculation formula and the equivalant circuit .

  16. 脉振磁场永磁低速同步电动机的稳态运行分析电机学课程教学中涉及到三种典型磁场:单相脉振磁场、圆形旋转磁场和椭圆形旋转磁场。

    Analysis of Steady Operation for Pulsating Magnetic Field PM Low Speed Synchronous Motor There are three kinds of typical magnetic fields concerned in the pedagogy of electrical machines curriculum , i.e. the pulsating magnetic field , the round rotating magnetic field and the elliptical rotating field .

  17. 并利用混合优化算法对某一型号径向钕铁硼永磁低速同步电动机进行了优化。优化结果表明,优化后不仅使永磁材料用量减少,而且电机的性能指标也有所提高。

    And carried on the optimization with the mix optimization algorithm to some type radial direction neodymium iron boron permanent magnetism low speed synchronous motor , the optimize results indicate that not only the amount of permanent - magnet material decreased , but also the motor performance index improved .

  18. 恒功率低速大扭矩电动机

    Low Speed Motors with Constant Power and Big Output Torque

  19. 永磁低速直线同步电动机研究

    Research On Permanent-magnet Motor with Running in Low-speed , Linear and Synchronous

  20. 直接传动用低速大转矩电动机的研究

    Study on Novel Sector-stator Motor with Low Speed and Big Torque Used for Directly Driving

  21. 介绍一种国家专利产品&-新型“恒功率低速大扭矩电动机”的传动原理、结构及其性能特点。

    The driving principle structure and performance characteristics of a national patent product-new type " Low SPeed Motors with Constant Power and Big Output Torque " are introduced in the paper .

  22. 基于MATLAB平台的低速永磁同步电动机设计

    Design of Low-Speed Permanent-Magnet Synchronous Motor Based on MATLAB

  23. 典型地,混合动力汽车使用家用电器电机低速巡航而petrol-powered电动机用于长,更快的旅程。

    Typically , the hybrid car uses the electric motor for low-speed cruising while the petrol-powered motor is used for longer , faster journeys .

  24. 低速永磁直线电动机的稳定性分析及其控制方法研究

    Study on stability and controlling of low-speed permanent magnet linear synchronous motor

  25. 低速永磁力矩电动机发热的仿真分析与实验测试

    Thermal Simulation Analysis and Test of Low Speed Permanent Magnet Torque Motor

  26. 低速电子模拟计算机永磁式低速同步电动机

    Slow-type electronic analogue computer