
  • Array;Array;Array
低血压 [dī xuè yā]
  • [hypotension] 血压异常低下的状态

  1. 原发性低血压的患病率随年龄增加而下降,女性低于男性(P<0.05)。

    The morbidity of essential hypotension was higher in males than in females , and decreased with age .

  2. 治疗组低血压的发生率低于对照组的低血压发生率,经比较P<0.05,具有统计学意义。

    The incidence of hypotension in the treatment group was lower than the control group , with P0.05 .

  3. 方法采用单因素分析、Logistic多元回归等方法对391个血压异常(高血压或低血压)的核心家系资料进行流行病学分析。

    Methods 391 core pedigrees with abnormal blood pressure were analyzed by univariate and multivariate logistic regression .

  4. 40例出现一过性低血压;8例出现一过性ST段抬高。

    Transient hypotension in 40 patients and ST segment elevation in 8 patients were also observed .

  5. 心脏功能障碍和顽固性低血压是ES的主要病理变化。

    ES is associated with cardiac dysfunction and intractable low arterial pressure .

  6. 消心痛引起低血压的发生率在VS组和对照组分别为9.1%和7.7%;

    The rates of hypotension drug-induced were 9.1 % in VS and 7.7 % in control .

  7. HD的主要并发症为低血压(202%)。

    The major complication of HD was hypotension ( 20 2 % ) .

  8. 实验表明败血症休克时低血压的发生与血管平滑肌细胞HO活性增加和内源性CO生成增多明显相关;

    These findings suggest that HO activity and CO release within vascular musculature are increased during septic shock ;

  9. 而挤压伤和低血压的发生率老年组明显低于对照组(分别为P<0.05和P<0.01)。

    The occuring rates of crush injury and hypotension in the aged group were lower than in the other group ( P < 0.05 and P < 0.01 respectively ) .

  10. A组病人术后尿潴留和低血压明显(P<0.01);而C组病人术后瞌睡、头昏明显(P<0.05);

    Patients in Group A had remarkable uroschesis and hypotension ( P < 0.01 ) while patient in Group C had sleepiness and dizziness ( P < 0.05 ) .

  11. 直立性低血压是SDS的重要特点,临床缺乏特异性检查方法。

    The important characteristic of SDS are orthostatic hypotension , without specific examination for early diagnosis .

  12. 结论:HD患者NO产生增加,可能促使透析相关性低血压的发生。

    Conclusion The increased concentration of NO during hemodialysis may contribute to the hemodialysis induced hypotension .

  13. 体位性低血压和晕厥与ChiariⅠ型畸形有关

    Orthostatic intolerance and syncope associated with Chiari type I malformation

  14. 应用盲肠结扎法制备大鼠败血症休克模型,研究内源性一氧化碳(CO)在败血症休克时低血压发病中的作用。

    A sepsis model induced by cecal ligation and puncture was used to study the role of endogenous carbon monoxide in hypotension pathogenesis of rats during septic shock .

  15. 结论导致慢性肾衰的原发病、年龄、超滤量、PTH与低血压的发生有关。

    Conclusion Cause , age of onset chronic renal failure , ultrafiltration , PTH hypotension-related .

  16. 本组脓毒性休克患儿死亡组的低血压发生率较非死亡组高,差别有统计学意义(P0.05)。

    The incidence of hypotension for septic shock in the death group is higher than the non-death group , and the difference is statistically significant . 3 .

  17. 结论CO作为一种信使分子,不仅参与肝硬化大鼠低血压的发生,还与血脑屏障通透性增加有关,可能是肝硬化诱发肝性脑病的重要介质之一。

    Conclusion Carbon monoxide , involving in the occurrence of hypotension and the increase of blood brain barrier permeability , may play a role in the development of hepatic encephalopathy .

  18. 目的探讨在血液透析(Hemodialysis,HD)中低血压发生的频率、原因及防治措施。

    Objective To approach the frequency and reason of hypotension during hemodialysis ( HD ) as the measure of prevention and treatment .

  19. 作者在控制性低血压麻醉下,成功地完成了4例HAT的切除术,未输血,术后无明显伤残。

    Control hypotension anaesthesia was used and HAT was successfully removed in all 4 cases . No patient needed transfusion or suffered from any other disturbance after operation .

  20. 结论老年AMI并发急性脑卒中与心肌梗死部位、是否有严重心律失常、低血压、心脏附壁血栓等密切相关。

    Conclusion Senile AMI complicated by acute stroke is closely related with the site of myocardial infarct , severe arrhythmia , hypotension and cordis mural thrombus .

  21. PAF受体拮抗剂SRI63-411可抑制内毒素引起的PLA2活性升高,减轻内毒素性低血压和肺损伤。

    Pretreatment with PAF receptor antagonist SRI 63-441 blocked the increase in PLA , activity and attenuated endotoxin-induced hypotension and acute lung injury .

  22. 方法选取有血液透析低血压倾向的慢性血液透析患者15例,每隔60min测定RBV、UV、BP和HR。

    Method Measurements of RBV , UV , BP and HR were performed at 60-minute intervals in 15 hypotension-prone patients on chronic hemodialysis .

  23. 结论:生脉注射液和参附注射液联合多巴胺使用可以解决AMI后低血压及多巴胺依赖现象。

    Conclusion : Hypotension caused by AMI can be treated with SMI and SFI associated with dopamine , and the treatment can also ameliorate the dopamine dependence .

  24. 结论PDS能够明显改善内毒素休克大鼠的低血压状态,降低NOS活性、NO含量,并对其NO的生成具有抑制作用。

    [ Conclusion ] PDS can improve hypotension in septic shock rats , inhibit NOS activity and reduce NO content by inhibiting its production .

  25. 目的:观察麻醉开始时输注多聚明胶肽在剖宫产腰麻联合硬膜外麻醉(combinedepiduralandspinalanesthesia,CESA)中预防低血压等不良反应的效果。

    Objective : To observe the effect of polygeline in preventing hypotension and other side effects during combined epidural and spinal anesthesia ( CESA ) in cesarean section .

  26. 目的研究硝普钠(SNP)诱导的亚临床水平控制性低血压对脊柱手术病人脑氧代谢的影响。

    Objective To investigate the cerebral oxygen metabolism in patients undergoing spinal surgery under sub-clinical controlled hypotension using sodium nitroprusside ( SNP ) .

  27. 目的了解住院老年人餐后低血压(PPH)的发生率和临床特征。

    Objective To explore the prevalence and clinical characteristics of postprandial hypotension ( PPH ) in the senile inpatients .

  28. Ⅱ组为对照组,应用AHH但不做控制性低血压。

    Group ⅱ was control group which used AHH only and did not use controlled hypotension .

  29. 结论:大鼠颈淋巴引流障碍,可导致血压、心率、EEG调节功能减弱,压力感受器灵敏度降低,易产生体位性低血压。

    Conclusion : Experimental cervical lymphatic blockage may lead to disturbance of homeostasis of the cardiovascular regulation , the BP , HR and BS decreased and may lead to posture hypotension .

  30. 无症状脑梗死1例;2例术后出现低血压,心动过缓,静脉持续给药24h后恢复正常。

    Asymptomatic cerebral infarction was found in 1 case , hypotension and bradycardia in 2 cases that required continuous intravenous medication and inotropic support for 24 h.