
dī zhī niú nǎi
  • low-fat milk
  1. 我觉得低脂牛奶比全脂的好喝。

    I think low-fat milk tastes better than whole milk .

  2. 低脂牛奶(1%牛奶)和鸡蛋所含脂肪非常少。

    Low-fat milk ( 1 % milk ) and eggs have very little fat .

  3. 并比较了吐温20,BSA,低脂牛奶及8种正常血清等作为抑制剂消除试验中非特异性反应的效果。

    The effects of Tween - 20 , bovin scrum albumin ( BSA ) . low - fat milk and 8 species of normal sera used as inhibitors to remove non - specific reaction in the tests were compared .

  4. 一碗高纤维,多谷类麦片,一些草莓和低脂牛奶。

    A granola bar , an apple , and a cold glass of milk .

  5. 全脂牛奶含有更多维他命,但喝低脂牛奶就够了。

    Whole milk has more of the vitamin but the reduced fat options will do .

  6. 纽约的学校已禁止食用全脂牛奶,而用更利于健康的低脂牛奶代替。

    New York schools have banned whole-fat milk , replacing it with healthier lower fat versions .

  7. 这三瓶不同的低脂牛奶正是我们的客户源。

    There are three different jars of low fat milk , and where customers come from .

  8. 再加点糖或者是低脂牛奶如果你喜欢也只是增加了50卡路里。

    Adding a bit of sugar and low-fat milk if you prefer adds only about 50 calories .

  9. 低脂牛奶牛奶太普遍了,以至于我们都开始忽视它的能量和价值。

    Low-Fat Milk Moo juice is so common that we tend to overlook its power and value .

  10. 或许有一天低脂牛奶可以直接来自于奶牛挤出的牛奶,新西兰正在着手该计划研究。

    Skim milk may one day come straight from the udder , if New Zealand research goes to plan .

  11. 早餐:把一个苹果,和杯低脂牛奶,一片面包或稀饭。

    Breakfast : take one apple , and a cup of low fat milk , a piece of bread or congee .

  12. 自从2001年马奇被发现后,研究人员成功的喂养了它并期望它的后代也能够产出低脂牛奶。

    Since marge 's discovery in2001 , the researchers have successfully bred her to produce offspring that also make low-fat milk .

  13. 确保它的脱脂或低脂牛奶产品可以使大部分的猫腹泻更糟。

    Be sure it 's nonfat or low-fat , as cow 's milk products can make diarrhea worse in most cats .

  14. 用低脂牛奶泡一碗麦片,撒上点蓝莓或桃片代替糖来增加甜味。

    Pour a bowl of bran flakes , douse in low-fat milk and top with blueberries or sliced peaches to sweeten without added sugar .

  15. 低脂牛奶:1%或脱脂牛奶含有适当的蛋白质和碳水化合物帮助剧烈运动后的肌肉重建。

    Low fat milk : 1 % or skimmed milk contains the right balance of protein and carbs to help muscles rebuild after vigorous exercise .

  16. 选择低脂牛奶、酸奶、奶酪、冰激凌、或由它们的制品来满足你每日所需。

    Choose low-fat milk , yogurt , cheeses , ice cream , or products made or served with these choices to fulfill your daily requirement .

  17. 这意味着要多吃水果和蔬菜,坚果,全麦食品,低脂牛奶和蛋白质,别吃垃圾食品。

    That means loading up on fruits and vegetables , nuts , whole grains , low-fat dairy , and protein , and keeping junk food to a minimum .

  18. 除低脂牛奶外,全脂牛奶和酸牛奶的ω-6/ω-3脂肪酸比率基本接近推荐值。

    Except of low fat milk , the n-6 / n-3 fatty acid ratio of the whole fat milk and sour milk was approach to the desirable ratio .

  19. 看起来他似乎有一个产低脂牛奶的基因序列,同样的基因序列也出现在它的后代身上。

    " When we found her daughters had the gene , that was the eureka moment , but the true Holy Grail will be to produce a sire with the gene ," Snell told the Dominion Post newspaper .

  20. 首先,在2012年,校园商店和经营自动售货机的公司被要求确保它们提供的饮料中有至少30%是健康饮品,比如蔬菜汁、低脂牛奶和水。

    First , in 2012 , campus outlets and the company operating the vending machines were required to make sure that at least 30 per cent of the drinks on offer were wholesome stuff such as vegetable juice , low-fat milk and water .

  21. 中老年低乳糖低脂营养牛奶的研制

    Development of nutrition milk with low lactose and low fat for the mid-elder

  22. 多数营养学家建议可吃一些脱脂或低脂的牛奶、奶酪和酸乳酪。

    Most dietitians recommend sticking to nonfat or low-fat milk , cheese , and yogurt .

  23. 或者还可以选择一个低热量的品种&譬如低脂巧克力牛奶或一瓶冰冻的乳脂软糖汽水而不是一大块乳脂软糖。

    Or try a less potent alternative & say , low-fat chocolate milk or a frozen fudge pop rather than a slab of fudge .

  24. 中老年低脂高纤牛奶的研制

    The study of the middle-aged and old people low-fat and high dietary fiber milk