
  • 网络hypothermia
  1. 避免冻伤和低体温症要采取的四个步骤。

    Four steps to take to avoid frostbite and hypothermia .

  2. 若不进行治疗,低体温症能致死。

    If not treated , hypothermia can be deadly .

  3. 但是除非你准备好了,否则户外的乐趣也意味着有患冻伤和低体温症(的危险)。

    But unless someone is prepared , outdoor fun can also mean frostbite and hypothermia .

  4. 在美国,百万分之二差不多是低体温症或者飞机失事的致死率。

    In the United States , two per million is roughly the death rate for hypothermia or plane crashes .

  5. 治疗轻度低体温症的方法首先要摆脱寒冷,如有必要的话,换上干衣服。

    The treatment for mild hypothermia starts with getting out of the cold and , if necessary , changing into dry clothes .