
  • 网络displacement observation
  1. 影响武汉台重力和垂直位移观测的环境因素

    Environmental effects on gravity and vertical displacement observation at Wuhan Station

  2. 岳城水库大坝水平位移观测和精度分析

    Horizontal Displacement Observation Upon a Reservoir Dam and Its Accuracy Analysis

  3. 为降低随机干扰因素对大坝位移观测数据的影响,针对大坝位移特性并基于Kalman滤波理论和统计模型建立了大坝水平位移的状态方程和观测方程。

    Aimed at the displacement characteristic of the dam , based on the theory of Kalman filter , the state and observed equation of displacement on the basis of statistical model is established .

  4. 应用SAS的ETS时序分析与挖掘系统对龙滩水电站地下厂房模型洞的位移观测资料进行了岩体的位移变化趋势预测。

    Lastly , the time series analysis and time series data mining system of SAS / ETS are used to conduct tendency forecasting of displacement of the Longtan Water Power Project underground plant observation tunnel rock .

  5. 珠海国际赛车场大看台网架是一个悬臂跨为22m的大悬挑螺栓球节点网架结构.本文对此工程的结构设计与位移观测进行了简要介绍。

    The Spectators of Zhuhai International Racing Field is a nut ball connection network with 22m cantilever span . The structure design and displacement measurement are briefly introduced in this paper .

  6. 第二部分是研究区内各次级构造块体的相对运动和变形,它可以由本文推广的QUAD方法所确定一组点的位移观测值确定;

    The second part is caused by the relative motions between the sub-tectonic blocks and the entire deformation within a block . It can be derived from a set of displacement observations that are determined by an expanded QUAD method ;

  7. 低强度桩复合地基深层位移观测结果分析

    Analysis of displacement in different depth of low-strength pile composite foundation

  8. 土坝垂直位移观测数据的处理

    Observed Data Processing Regarding Deformation of Earth Dam at Vertical Direction

  9. 断层位移观测中的热位移探讨

    A discussion on the heated fault displacement from observation of fault dislocation

  10. 软基路堤施工期路基深层水平位移观测与分析

    Observation and Analysis of Horizontal Displacement of Soft Soil Foundation in Construction

  11. 石门拱坝坝顶水平位移观测资料分析

    Observation data analysis of horizontal displacement at crest of Shimen Arch Dam

  12. 大悬挑螺栓球节点网架的设计与位移观测

    Design and Displacement Measurement of Long Span Cantilever Nut Ball Connection Network

  13. 距离交会法在吹填围堰位移观测中的应用

    Application of Distance Intersection Method to Displacement Observation of Cofferdam

  14. 沉降和位移观测在软土路基施工中的应用

    Application of Settlement and Displacement Observing in Construction of Soft Soil Subgrade

  15. 水平位移观测精度对大坝安全的影响分析

    Horizontal Displacement Observation Precision for Effect Analysis on Dam Safety

  16. 混凝土坝位移观测资料分析方法的若干改进

    Some Improvements on Data , Analysis Method for Concrete Dam Displacement Observation

  17. 角变-位移观测法及其精度分析

    Displacement Observation Based on Angle Difference and Corresponding Error Analysis

  18. 位移观测桩在软土地基施工中的应用效果

    Effect of displacement observation pile applied to construction of soft soil foundation

  19. 两种实用的水平位移观测方法及其精度分析

    Two Practical Horizontal Displacement Surveying Methods and Their Precision Analysis

  20. 沉箱重力式码头施工期间沉降位移观测与分析

    Observation and Analysis of Settlement and Displacement of Caisson-type Gravity Wharf During Construction

  21. 高等级公路软土路基段沉降与位移观测方案研究

    Research on Settlement and Displacement Observation Scheme of Soft Ground for High-class Expressway

  22. 大坝桥梁横向水平位移观测的研究

    An observational study of horizontal displacement in cross direction of dams and bridges

  23. 北京地铁复兴门折返站工程隧洞侧壁水平位移观测

    Horizontal Displacement Monitoring of Soil Sidewalls of Beijing Subway

  24. 地铁基坑工程水平位移观测结果测量不确定度的分析

    Analysis of the Measurement Uncertainty of Horizontal Displacement Result in Subway Foundation Pit

  25. 小角法水平位移观测的误差分析

    The Error Analysis of the Horizontal Displacement Measurement with the Small - angle Method

  26. 遵义锰矿尾矿坝位移观测数据处理和分析

    Displacement observation on tailing dam in Zunyi Manganese mine & data processing and anaiysis

  27. 黄崖不稳定岩坡位移观测资料的分析研究

    Analysis of Deformation Data for an Unstable Slope

  28. 滑坡位移观测资料的应用

    Application of the monitoring data of landslide displacement

  29. 水平位移观测是高大建(构)筑物形变监测中不可缺少的部分。

    The horizontal displacement surveying is essential to the deformation monitoring of tall constructions .

  30. 会东矿西边坡的变形及位移观测

    Deformation of and displacement observation for the west - slope of the Huidong surface mine