
  1. 顶体期精子细胞层只有反应较弱的小颗粒存在,但曲细精管基部出现较大的酶反应颗粒,这种颗粒在顶体期末减少。

    During cap phase , enzyme positive particles increased in the layers of spermatocytes and basal chambers of seminiferous epithelia .

  2. 而高潮出现在马丁随着钢琴用假声唱出的“youare”。但曲中的“你”是什么呢?

    The payoff comes when Martin stretches out the words " you are " in a falsetto sung over the piano figure . You are what ?

  3. 在传统白酒酿造过程中,曲药的作用至关重要,但曲药分析检测手段的不完善一直是制约传统白酒生产进一步发展的一个重要原因。

    The starter is one of the most important factors of Liquor-making , but the limited analysis method of the starter is always the most important reason that restricts the improvement of industry .

  4. 结果:两组药物总有效率均为73.7%,但接受曲安西龙治疗组的体重增加和满月脸的副作用发生率低于醋酸泼尼松组。

    RESULTS : The total efficacy rate in the two groups was the same ( 73.7 % ) . Increased weight and moonface in patients after treatment of triamcinolone were noted less than those after treatment of prednisone .

  5. 但它的曲本却被其它曲艺所采用,尤其是红楼梦曲目,倍受推崇。

    But its bend is this but is doubly praised highly being adopted , especially A Dream in Red Mansions bend eye by other Chinese folk rap art .

  6. 巴基斯坦棉花种植者对棉花生产技术有普遍而充分的理解,但由于棉花曲叶病毒和粉状病毒,产量有限。

    Cotton growers in Pakistan generally have a sound understanding of cotton production technology , but yields are limited due to the cotton leaf curl virus and mealy bug .

  7. 对照组(0.9%氯化钠注射液)再灌注60min时纹状体DA与海马ATP含量明显高于脑缺血组,但明显低于巴曲抗栓酶Ⅰ,Ⅱ组。

    The content of ATP in hippocampus and content of DA in striatum in control group ( 0.9 % sodium chloride injection ) at the end of 60 min reperfusion were much higher than that in cerebral ischemic group , but significantly lower than that in batroxobin ⅰ, ⅱ group .

  8. 音乐教科书[含教学课文、但不含练习曲和练习]

    Music book instruction [ containing instructional text but no practice pieces or exercises ]

  9. 但这部狂想曲的全部技巧却是相当可笑和令人乏味的。

    But this fantasia , for all its skill , is ridiculous and even boring .

  10. 舒曼似乎是19世纪的典型代表,但他的许多短曲实际是大型作品的片段,只有连续地演奏才有完整的意义。

    Schumann might seen the obvious19th-century example , but many of his miniatures are really fragments of larger works , and only make complete sense in sequence .

  11. 前苏联作曲家哈恰图良的交响乐和小提琴作品在国内广为流传,但他的钢琴协奏曲却很少能听到。

    Late USSR Composer Aram Khachaturian 's symphonic works and Violin Concerto has been widely circulated in China , but not his Piano Concerto , which is also highly valued .

  12. 但单菌种制曲与多菌种制曲相比,成曲酶系较为单一,不能充分的分解蛋白质及淀粉类原料,造成全氮利用率低,产品风味不足。

    However , compared to the multi-strain koji-making , the enzyme of the single-strain koji is poor , so it can not fully break down raw materials of protein and starch .

  13. 作为当时南方戏曲活动中心,扬州近年来已经引起了学术界的关注,但多瞩目于曲家个体研究。

    Anyway , Yangzhou , as the theatrical center in southern China then , has aroused some attention in the academic circle recently . However , in most cases individual dramatists are targeted only .

  14. 微机控制架式大曲有曲房利用率高、生产不受季节限制、劳动强度低、节约辅料、出曲率较人工制曲高等优点,但不足之处是曲的质量较人工曲差。

    Computer-controlled shelf starter-making had the advantages such as high utilization rate of starter-making plant , no season limitation , Sow labor intensity , saving auxiliary materials and higher starter output rate than starter by manual work .