
shēn chánɡ dù
  • elongation
  1. 浆膜物理机械性质的探讨与应用通过对不同拉伸倍数及不同温度处理的POY的分析,探讨长丝纱的强度、伸长度及沸水收缩率等物理机械性质。

    This paper investigated the physical properties of polyester filament yarn such as tenacity , elongation and boiled water shrinkage by means of analyzing the POY which had been treated by different draw ratio and heating temperature .

  2. 根据图像的形状特征,采用伸长度、圆度、矩形度、凹凸度4个参数作为模式样本的特征。

    According to the feature of image shape , 4 parameters as elongation , roundness , rectangle and convex concave are taken for sample characteristics .

  3. 塑性力学的滑移线理论、Watterson零伸长度理论和最大有效力矩准则均获得共轭变形带的夹角为109.4°。

    The angle 109.4 ° of conjugate deformation zones was given by the slip-line theory of plasticity , the zero-extension theory proposed by Waterston ( 1999 ) and the theory of the maximum effective moment suggested by Zheng et al . ( 2004 ) .

  4. 压力容器封头接管内伸长度的精确计算

    Accurate calculation of internal extending length of pipe for pressure vessel

  5. 椭圆形封头非径向接管内伸长度的近似计算

    Approximate Calculation of Inside Protrudent Length of non-radial Nozzle on Ellipsoid Head of Reactor

  6. 研究了柱加劲肋、螺栓排列、螺栓数目、槽钢宽度和槽钢下伸长度等的影响。

    Effects of column stiffeners , bolt arrangement , bolt number , U-steel width and U-steel extended length are studied .

  7. 为了避免转子超越弯曲模态的临界转速,转子轴伸长度应控制在安全范围内。

    The shaft extension should be maintained at a safe range in order to avoid critical speed at rotor bending modes .

  8. 组播树特征伸长度模型通过寻找路径伸长度密集分布区域来评价组播路径的优化程度。

    By looking for the areas where stretch values are dense , the stretch eigen-value model judges optimization degree of multicast paths .

  9. 提出了覆盖网络组播的链路压力均衡模型和组播树特征伸长度模型,用以评价覆盖网络组播协议的性能。

    It is presented the stress equilibrium model and the stretch eigen-value model for evaluating the performance of overlay network multicast protocols .

  10. 相机伸长度:制版照相机的暗箱长度。即是镜头光圈与影像平面之间的距离。亦称像距。

    Camera extension : The length of bellows in a process camera . It is the distance between the lens diaphragm and the image plane .

  11. 实验结果表明,浸泡过的湿丝杨氏模量降低,伸长度提高,柔软度好,因而具有可编性。

    The results show that raw silk after steeping tends to decrease in Young 's modulus and increase in elongation , resulting in its knittability ;

  12. 仿真结果表明,这两种模型能够很好地反映覆盖网络组播协议在压力和伸长度方面的性能。

    Experiments results based on simulations show that the two models can reflect the performance of stress and stretch well for multicast protocols with overlay network .

  13. 探讨转速、主轴/刀柄联结形式、刀具悬伸长度等因素对高速/超高速铣削稳定性的影响。

    Analyze the stability of high speed / ultra-high speed milling system with Equivalent profile of milling cutter , spindle / holder connection form , end milling cutter with different length of overhang .

  14. 系统地分析了刀具转速和悬伸长度对立铣刀径向位移、最大等效应力的影响规律。

    At the same time , the influence laws of the rotational speed and suspended stretch of the tools on the radial displacement and the maximum equivalent stress have been investigated in detail .

  15. 最易受氮磷钾影响的品质指标是麦克隆值和伸长度,次为比强度和跨距长度,不易受影响的是整齐度。

    The fiber quality indices that could be easyly affected by NPK were fiber micronaire value and elongation , then the fiber strength and length , that of could not be easyly affected , was fiber uniformity .

  16. 结果:桡侧腕长伸肌腱长度为(19.0±2.0)cm;

    Results : The tendon of long radial extensor carpal muscle was slender and ( 19.0 ± 2.0 ) cm in length .

  17. 文中提出一个姿态确定滤波器对剩磁场的影响进行了估计,然后从剩磁矩指向、大小及伸杆长度3方面分析了剩磁干扰力矩对姿态控制精度的影响。

    Furthermore , the effects of the remanent disturbance torque on the attitude control are discussed from the orientation and the magnitude of the remanent dipole moment , as well as the distance between the magnetometer and the satellite 's center .

  18. 以管架结构中主动管不在顶层的活动支架为例,探讨了伸臂柱悬伸段计算长度系数的取值方法,并给出了实用设计用表,可供设计时参考。

    On the basis of the background of pipe frame engineering , this paper discusses the calculation method of calculative length coefficient of cantilever column for single flexible pipe frame , and a practical calculation sheet is also presented .