
  • 网络Bernard Arnault
  1. 卡塞勒还是LVMH集团总裁伯纳德·阿诺特(BernardArnault)的顾问,也是法国奢侈品行业游说团法国精品行业联合会(ComitéColbert)的成员。

    He had also been an adviser to the LVMH chairman , Bernard Arnault , and served on the board of the French luxury industry lobby , the Comit é Colbert .

  2. 在巴黎,平息了公众对于在公园里兴建建筑的疑虑之后,盖里只需要获得一个人的许可,他就是大型奢侈品集团LVMH的董事会主席和首席执行官伯纳德·阿诺特(BernardArnault),他的基金会是这栋新建筑的主人。

    In Paris , after settling concerns about building in a park , he needed the approval of only one client , Bernard Arnault , chairman and chief executive of the luxury goods conglomerate LVMH , whose foundation owns the new building .

  3. 在时尚界,伯纳德·阿诺特几乎成了追捧的偶像,不仅仅是因为他的处事风格,更多的则是他在资本游戏中的游刃有余。

    In fashion world , Bernard Arnault has become the idol for everyone , not only for his way of living , but more for his skillful operation in capital game .