
  • 网络Olympic Park
  1. 麦当劳今年1月将已执行36年的赞助协议延长了8年。麦当劳在伦敦奥林匹克公园(OlympicPark)有4家餐厅,其中包括它在全球最大的一家,能容纳1500名顾客。

    McDonald 's - whose four restaurants in London 's Olympic Park include its biggest in the world , which can seat 1500 customers - extended its 36-year backing of the Games in January by signing up as sponsor for another eight years .

  2. 火灾现场位于伦敦奥林匹克公园东边7英里,而周日晚上火灾发生时会场正在进行闭幕仪式。

    Wilde fire is about several miles east of London Olympic park , on the Sunday night 's closing ceremony .

  3. 伦敦提出的计划考虑得十分深远:位于伦敦东部的奥林匹克公园选址于此,部分就是因为这个地区与十条地铁或铁路线路相连。

    London 's scheme is far-reaching : the site for the Olympic park in east London was chosen partly for the ten Tube and rail lines that feed the area .