
chuán tǒnɡ ɡuān niàn
  • traditional concepts;traditional ideas;old wivesʼ tale
  1. 然而,主要的原因可能是传统观念发生了巨大变化。

    Perhaps the main reason , however , centers on dramatic changes in traditional concepts .

  2. 中国的特殊性则在于,她是一个根深蒂固的传统观念和剧烈的并存的社会。

    But China has its particularity , because of its ingrained traditional concepts and severe social transformation in society .

  3. 希望如此有悖传统观念的思想会发展普及,这是不是太理想化了?

    Is it utopian to hope that such iconoclastic ideas will gain ground ?

  4. 分离这些方面的价值在架构传统观念中仍然适用于SOA。

    The value of separating these aspects in the traditional view of architecture still holds true for SOA .

  5. 加入WTO,必将对我国的经济运行、政府部门的行政管理、国家权力机关的立法乃至人们的传统观念等各方面产生影响。

    China 's accession to WTO must exert influence on various aspects such as economic operation , administration of government departments , legislation of organs of state power as well as people 's traditional ideas .

  6. ADRC的提出打破和改变了许多传统观念,使得控制系统今后将以时间尺度来分类,这样的直接结果将使得控制器的参数整定与系统的时间尺度紧密相关。

    The ADRC changed lots of traditional ideas and made the control system classified by the principle of time scale , thus the parameters tuning of the controller are closely-related with the time scale of the system .

  7. 中国传统观念认为人与自然是一体;

    Chinese traditional belief holds that humankind and nature are oneness .

  8. 当然,传统观念认为这是万万不可的。

    Of course , conventional wisdom says it 's a no-no.

  9. 传统观念影响,男女不平等等。

    Traditional ideas ' influence leads to inequality between men and women .

  10. 打破传统观念,建立新秩序

    The break of the traditional concept , the establishment of the new order

  11. 所得的结论,纠正了一些传统观念上的错误。

    The conclusions drawn can be used to correct some traditionally wrong ideas .

  12. 纠正传统观念,完善各种政策法规。

    Correct the traditional concept , and refine the various policies and regulations .

  13. 传统观念对中国通信市场和网络发展的影响分析

    Effect of Traditional Ideas on the Development of Chinese Communication Market and Network

  14. 传统观念上,主渠道就等于国有经济。

    From traditional view , main channel can be equal to state-owned sector .

  15. 改变传统观念促进优质服务

    Altering the Traditional Ideas and Promoting Good service

  16. 一个坚持传统观念的人。

    A class of people favoring traditional ideas .

  17. 传统观念中,经济对于文化的单向支配关系已经失却了对客观现实的解释效力。

    The traditional relation that the economy unidirectionally dominates the culture has been a history ;

  18. 传统观念认为,提供基础设施是政府的职责。

    Traditionally , the provision of infrastructure is believed to be the duty of the government .

  19. 科学的传统观念强调科学与政治之间的彻底分离。

    Traditional opinion of science asserts that science and politics are completely separated from each other .

  20. 传统观念的嬗变与近代留日热潮的形成

    On the Evolution of Traditional Ideas and the Formation of the Trend of Studying in Japan

  21. 在中国,养儿防老是自古以来的传统观念。

    In China ," raising children for old age " is a traditional concept since ancient times .

  22. 光纤光栅是一种新型的光子无源器件,它的出现,改变了人们在传感方面的传统观念。

    Fiber grating is a novel passive photon device which completely altered the traditional concept of sensing .

  23. 在将封建的伦理道德、纲常律令踩在脚下的同时,他又不能完全摆脱传统观念的羁绊。

    While trading on feudal ethics , he could not get rid of the bondage of traditional concept .

  24. 四是消灭城乡差别,改变旧的传统观念。

    Lastly , it drives from the traditional idea , which eliminates the difference between city and village .

  25. 传统观念认为,哺乳动物中枢神经系统中的神经元属于有丝分裂后细胞,不具有分裂增殖能力。

    Neurons in the CNS of mammals are typically considered as post-mitotic cells and not capable of dividing .

  26. 生长变化着的少女身体成为了怪异的躯体,这是对南方淑女传统观念的挑战。

    The changing female adolescent body becomes a grotesque body , which challenges the very notion of southern woman .

  27. 但由于监狱体制、监狱工作的特殊性以及民警传统观念等的影响,制约了现代传媒助推监狱环境建设功能的发挥。

    The particularity of the prison work and system , as well as the traditional idea , restrict the function .

  28. 传统观念认为,政府警察机构是维护社会治安秩序的主体。

    Traditional belief holds that police organizations of a government are the main body that maintains public security and order .

  29. 当今市场经济活动中的普遍失信,源于传统观念中商业道德的缺乏。

    During the economic dealings in the present markets , it is not unusual for one to break one 's words .

  30. 电视制作进入图书馆,更新了人们的传统观念,是图书馆工作的一个创新。

    The application of television production to libraries is updating people 's traditional ideas and is an innovation in library work .