
  • 网络Traditional Economics;orthodox economics
  1. 本文在传统经济学分析的基础上,引入投资者注意力因子,分析了IPO对同行业同地域股票的溢出效应。

    In this paper , based on the analysis of the traditional economics and adding the factor of limited attention , we analyse IPO Spillover effect to the same industry and region stocks .

  2. 关于传统经济学与数量经济学融合的若干问题

    Some Issues about the Merging of Traditional Economics and Quantitative Economics

  3. 同时,在对IPO抑价解释上,传统经济学显得越来越乏力,而行为金融学理论也越来越被人们接受。

    So we will target to the secondary market about main reason of IPO underpricing . Meanwhile , on the interpretation of IPO underpricing , conventional economics has become increasingly weak , and behavioral finance theory is increasingly being accepted .

  4. 第五章和第六章提出了3E体系综合平衡的原理和评价指标,反思了传统经济学理念,构建了能源结构优化的3E综合平衡模型;

    The Chapter 5 and the Chapter 6 give the general balance principle and the evaluating index of the 3E system , criticize the old economic concept and make the 3E general balance model which prefers the energy structure .

  5. 经济信息化对传统经济学理论的十大影响

    Ten Great Effects on Traditional Economics Theory by Economic Informationization

  6. 从循环经济角度认识传统经济学观念

    Cognizing the Traditional Economic Concepts from the Angle of the Recycling Economy

  7. 传统经济学的劳动力价值理论只有生产劳动力的生产费用(物化劳动),没有生产劳动力的劳动时间(活劳动)的耗费。

    The production of labor force includes the consumption of labor time .

  8. 生态经济学对传统经济学的挑战、继承与定位

    Ecological Economics Challenges and Inherits Traditional Economics and Its Definition

  9. 根据传统经济学的经验,垄断者应不惜重金搞科研。

    Conventional economic wisdom holds that monopolies should spend heavily on research .

  10. 传统经济学常常绕开制度去讨论金融风险和市场风险。

    The classical economists always discuss financial risk and market risk without institution .

  11. 传统经济学理论面临的冲击

    Shock the Theories of Traditional Economics is Faced With

  12. 入选论文不仅主题集中于传统经济学领域,使用的方法也是如此。

    This consensus on the proper subject of economics also extends to method .

  13. 真正的问题不在于传统经济学理论能否为泡沫的存在提供合理解释。

    The real issue is not whether conventional economic theory can rationalise bubbles .

  14. 20世纪60年代逐渐兴起的信息经济学也在冲击传统经济学的完全信息假设。

    Information economics rising in the 1960s also stroke the hypothesis of perfect information .

  15. 它的竞争内容和形式,传统经济学无法解释。

    Competition content and form of network economy cannot be explained by traditional economy .

  16. 而传统经济学却表现出在解决环境问题上的不足。

    Traditional economics cannot solve environmental problems effectively .

  17. 传统经济学将二元结构归为发展经济学的研究范畴。

    Dual structure is classified to research category of development economics in the traditional economics .

  18. 运用生命周期理论,对传统经济学课程结构进行调整;

    And should adjust the structure of traditional economics curriculum with Life - cycle theory ;

  19. 经济学家对幸福感问题的研究向传统经济学的有关理论提出了挑战,也取得了引人注目的研究成果。

    Researches on happiness have challenged on traditional economic theory and achieved many noticeable outcomes .

  20. 时代发展需要传统经济学理论创新

    Development Needs Theoretical Innovation of Traditional Economics

  21. 传统经济学假定,人类是理性的、稳定的、有远见的和自私的。

    Conventional economics assumes that human beings are rational , consistent , far-sighted and selfish .

  22. 在传统经济学模型中,人们的行为通常被假定为理性的。

    In the traditional economic model , the behavior of people are usually assumed tobe rational .

  23. 传统经济学主要是涉及稀缺生产资源耗费最少的有效配置。

    Traditional economics is concerned primarily with the efficient , least-cost allocation of scarce productive resources .

  24. 他最重要的观点是:资产负债状况十分重要。这一观点很简单,被传统经济学所忽视。

    His big point , though simple , is ignored by conventional economics : balance sheets matter .

  25. 传统经济学只重视技术资产创造价值和收益,实际上,关系资产是企业收益的重要来源。

    In the view of traditional economics , technology assets are the only resource of corporate revenue .

  26. 传统经济学意义上的资源配置目标,就是以经济增长为核心,使资源配置实现最优化。

    In traditional economics , the aim of resource allocation is optimization , which focuses on economic growth .

  27. 这些问题给传统经济学在研究旅游选择行为带来了很多困惑。

    Behavior study of tourism choice is faced to a lot puzzle by these problems in traditional economics .

  28. 经济人假设是传统经济学理论大厦的基石。

    Economic people are supposed to be the foundation stone in the theory of mansion of traditional economics .

  29. 传统经济学思维模式认为完全就业将会普及,因为供应本身就会创造需求。

    That classical mode of thought held that full employment would prevail , because supply created its own demand .

  30. 在这个全球化的时代,多哈谈判的命运超出了贸易和传统经济学的范畴。

    In this era of globalization , the fate of the Doha negotiation extends beyond trade and traditional economics .