
  • 网络traditional political culture
  1. 中国传统政治文化消极因素的影响。

    The influence of negative factor from Chinese traditional political culture .

  2. 王权至上是中国传统政治文化的总框架。

    Kingship-Supremacist is the general frame of Chinese traditional political culture .

  3. 传统政治文化背景下的社会主义政治文明建设

    Socialism Political Civilization Construction Under the Background of Traditional Political Culture

  4. 中国传统政治文化批判性分析及其现代化

    A Critical Analysis and the Modernization of Traditional Chinese Political Culture

  5. 论中国传统政治文化的现代转换

    Talking about the Modern Transformation of Chinese Tradition Politics Culture

  6. 我国政治参与的传统政治文化因素分析及对策研究

    Analysis and Counterplan for China Traditional Political Culture on the Political Participant

  7. 本文将就中国传统政治文化的现代转换进行探讨。

    The text studied the modern conversion of Chinese traditional politics culture .

  8. 全球化冲击着我国的传统政治文化和价值理念;

    It brings surging to our traditional political civilization and value ideas ;

  9. 中国传统政治文化体系及其发展

    Development & System of China 's Traditional Political Culture

  10. 家训的起源和功能&兼论家训对中国传统政治文化的影响

    On the Origin and Functions of the Family Instruction

  11. 《观察》作者群十分重视对中国传统政治文化的研究。

    The authors of Observation attached great importance to traditional Chinese political culture studies .

  12. 论我国传统政治文化对现代公民教育的影响

    Research on the Influence of Chinese Traditional Political Culture on the Modern Civic Education

  13. 中国传统政治文化亚文化之成因

    A Study of the Causes of the Subcultures of Traditional Political Culture in China

  14. 中国传统政治文化对政治文明建设既有积极影响又有消极制约。

    Socialism political civilization construction of China must be influenced by Chinese traditional political culture .

  15. 中国传统政治文化的本土运动与近代行程:1840-1901

    The Nativistic Movement and Historical Stage of Chinese Traditional Political Culture from 1840 to 1901

  16. 论中国传统政治文化及其国际关系思维取向

    On China 's Traditional Politics and Culture and Its Trends on Thought in International Relations

  17. 政治文明是一个历史的过程,中国的社会主义政治文明建设离不开中国传统政治文化的影响;

    Political civilization is a historic process .

  18. 因而以儒家思想为主体的传统政治文化中并不包含现代化的因素。

    Thus the traditional political culture mainly composed by Confucianism instead of containing any modern elements .

  19. 最后,他们就中国传统政治文化存在的问题提出了改造建议。

    Finally , they put forward the transformation proposal on the problems of traditional Chinese political culture .

  20. 大同思想是中国传统政治文化中的理想社会观,也是一种最高层次社会理想的政治设计。

    The idea of Great Harmony is a social ideal of traditional and political culture in China .

  21. 第二章着重分析中国传统政治文化的特征及其在当代的影响。中国传统政治文化是指形成于过去而在当今现实中仍然起作用的政治文化观念、心理、价值取向等等。

    The second chapter analyzes the characteristics of Chinese traditional political culture and its influence in modern China .

  22. 这种理论概括对于我们从整体上把握中国传统政治文化及其现代命运很有启迪意义。

    This theoretical generalization is significant for grasping traditional Chinese political culture and its destiny in modern society .

  23. 各种政治亚文化相互组合,共同构成了中国传统政治文化的体系。

    The combination of different sub cultures of politics constitutes the system of the Chinese traditionally political culture .

  24. 这种认识误区与现行税收制度有着密切的联系,也是传统政治文化的产物。

    Such misunderstanding is caused by current taxation system , and is a byproduct of traditional political culture .

  25. 中国传统政治文化源远流长,对中国社会有着深远的影响。

    There is a long history of Chinese political culture , which has a profound influence to Chinese society .

  26. 作为远源流长的中华文明的重要组成部分,中国传统政治文化具有超常稳定性的特点。

    As the important part of the Chinese civilization , the Chinese traditional political culture has the extra stabilization .

  27. 现代公民教育起源于建立资本主义制度比较早的几个西方国家,如英国、法国、美国等,其中,英国公民教育深受其传统政治文化的影响,具有鲜明的特色。

    The origin of modern civic education is some western countries which establish the capitalist system early , like Britain .

  28. 传统政治文化的这一变迁轨迹,显示了宋元明清时代思想史的基本走向。

    The changes in political cultural tradition reveal the intellectual trends from the Song Dynasty through to the Qing Dynasty .

  29. 组织政治无法避免,而且中国国有企业又深受传统政治文化的影响。

    Because organizational politics can not be avoided , and the Chinese state-owned enterprises are infected by traditional political culture .

  30. 论文在政治文化的概念、基本内容和特点、中国传统政治文化的层面分析、中国传统政治文化向现代政治文化演变等方面提出了新的观点。

    And this paper also suggests some new idea about the transformation from traditional Chinese political culture to modem political culture .