
  1. 中国杂技是历史悠久的传统表演艺术之一。

    Chinese acrobatics is a traditional performing art of China with a long history .

  2. 我们观尝了水上木偶表演,这是越南河内市的传统古老表演艺术形式。

    We enjoyed a water puppet performance , a traditional art form that originated in Hanoi .

  3. 对于已经形成了高度程式化体系的中国传统戏曲表演艺术来说,话剧是一种全新的表演方式。

    Chinese drama is a completely new performing art in China compared to the highly standardized traditional Chinese opera .

  4. 中国传统戏曲表演艺术在我国历史文化长河中占有相当重要的地位,中国民族声乐的发展离不开对于传统戏曲的借鉴再创造。

    Chinese traditional opera performing arts play an important role in the long river of history and culture , the development of Chinese national vocal music cannot leave again for the reference to the traditional opera creation .

  5. 皮影戏是世界上最古老的传统手工艺及表演艺术,早在电影及电视发明之前,它就起源于中国。

    Shadow puppetry , one of the oldest traditional handicrafts and performing arts in the world , appeared in China long before the invention of motion pictures and television .

  6. 随着非物质文化遗产被广泛的挖掘、整理与保护,各类民间传统艺术、表演艺术和传统制作工艺等在当今已成为中国民族民间艺术文化传承的重要载体。

    As the intangible cultural heritage has been extensively excavated , organized and protected , all kinds of traditional folk arts , performing arts and traditional craftsmanship has became an important carrier of the Chinese ethnic folk art cultural heritage .

  7. 在范围上,非物质文化遗产包括口头传统与表达,表演艺术,社会实践、仪式礼仪、节日典礼,有关自然界和宇宙的知识和实践,传统的手工艺技能五个方面。

    As for the scope , intangible cultural heritage includes oral traditions and expressions , performing arts , social practices , rituals , festivals ceremony , the nature and the universe of knowledge and practice and traditional craftsmanship .

  8. 非物质文化遗产包括口头传统、民俗、礼仪、节日庆典、传统表演艺术和传统手工艺技能。

    Intangible cultural heritage includes oral tradition , folklore , ceremonial rituals , festival rituals , traditional performing arts , and traditional craftsmanship .