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  1. 基于GIS技术的传统城市规划用地评价方法&以莆田为例

    Evaluation of Comprehensive Plan of Putian City Based on GIS Technology

  2. 传统城市规划软件与GIS协同利用模式分析

    Cooperation mode between traditional urban planning software and GIS

  3. 经过认真分析传统城市居住适宜性评价方法之后,本文提出了基于GIS技术的城市居住适宜性评价方法。

    After serious analyzing the traditional method of urban dwelling feasibility evaluation , this article presents a method of urban dwelling feasibility evaluation based on GIS .

  4. 获得普利兹克奖(Pritzkerprize)的中国建筑师王澍说,他的同胞们花了30年时间毁坏自己的传统城市。

    Wang Shu , Pritzker-prize-winning Chinese architect , says his compatriots have spent 30 years destroying their own traditional cities .

  5. 芝加哥:从传统城市化典型到新型城市化典型

    Chicago : A City Exemplifying Both the Traditional Urbanization and Neo-Urbanization

  6. 儒教自身是制度性与分散性的混合体,规定着中国传统城市的阶层化信仰。

    Confucianism is a mixture of institutional religion and distributed religious .

  7. 传统城市规划理念的突破:概念规划

    A New Philosophy of Urban Planning : the Concept Planning

  8. 传统城市广场的演变研究

    Research on the evolution of the squares in traditional cities

  9. 中国传统城市水系的保护与利用

    Conservation and Utilization for Urban Watercourse in Traditional Chinese Cities

  10. 中国传统城市结构的“二元对立统一律”

    The unity of opposites in china 's traditional urban structure

  11. 现代生态规划对传统城市规划的启迪

    Enlightenment of Modern Ecological Planning on Traditional Urban Planning

  12. 传统城市重新繁荣,新兴城市拔地而起,农村小集镇蓬勃发展。

    The traditional city prospered again . A lot of new city appeared .

  13. 历史·风景·街市·生活&广州传统城市中轴线概念城市设计

    The conceptual urban design for Guangzhou traditional central axis

  14. 风水的空间模式对中国传统城市规划的影响

    The Spacial Pattern of Fengshui and its Impact on Chinese Traditional Urban Planning

  15. 论中国传统城市的环境观

    Discussion on the environmental view of Chinese traditional city

  16. 它是中国传统城市建设的总体生态美学精神。

    This is also the whole ecological aesthetic spirit about china traditional city construction .

  17. 分析传统城市群(脉)研究方法的不足;

    HOMOMORPH-GROUP analyzes the disadvantages of traditional urban agglomeration and urban agglomeration context research ;

  18. 为了解决传统城市环境地质图系编制中存在的若干问题。

    Discussion on urban geological environment and urban geological action in urbanization in China ;

  19. 传统城市文化的共融与再生&天津老城厢地区建筑文化遗产的保护性开发与利用

    Symbiosis and Rebirth of Traditional Urban Culture

  20. 中西方传统城市广场型公共空间比较研究

    Research on the comparison of traditional city plaza-kind public space in China and Western Countries

  21. 此外,其他一些有代表性的传统城市,有的衰落了,也有的获得了新的发展。

    Apart from that , other typical traditional cities declined or some gained new development .

  22. 北京与巴黎传统城市空间形态的比较和研究

    The Space Arrangement on Urban Design of Traditional Beijing and Paris : Comparison and Research

  23. 关于中国传统城市规划理念的一些探讨

    Probe into Chinese Traditional Urban Planning Thoughts

  24. 从城市交通规划发展历程入手,明确了传统城市交通规划的主要缺陷。

    The history of urban transportation planning development and the traditional shortcomings of planning are analyzed .

  25. 提出了改革传统城市社区管理体制的指导原则;

    The instructing principle for the reform of traditional system of urban residential district is proposed ;

  26. 柏林的批判性重建&恢复传统城市品质之努力的瑕与疵

    Berlin 's Critical Reconstruction : Benefits and Shortcomings of the Effort to Regain Traditional Urban Qualities

  27. 传统城市地区城市设计的意义初探

    A Study on the Meaning of Urban Design in the Historical Districts of the Old City

  28. 平面模式的传统城市向未来城市立体化发展的构想

    The Idea of Conversion From " Plan Pattern " Traditional City to the Three Dimensional Future City

  29. 本文从女性与规划的视角出发,审视传统城市规划的理念和实践。

    From the feminist perspective , this paper looks through the idea and practice of traditional urban planning .

  30. 在此基础上,初步总结了传统城市规划法律思想和法律制度的特点以及有益启示。

    On this basis , the traditional urban planning law thoughts and legal system characteristic and beneficial enlightenment .