
  • 网络aluminum honeycomb;aluminium honeycomb;AC-AH
  1. 本文所介绍的是大面积铝蜂窝夹层结构板的粘接成型与实际中的应用。

    This article presents bonding techniques for large pieces of honeycomb compound material and their practical applications .

  2. 不同性质缺陷的最佳检测时间不同,对于铝蜂窝铝蒙皮结构复合材料蒙皮的各种脱粘缺陷,检测速度都高于每分钟两屏。

    The optimal testing time for different defects is different , and the testing speed is higher than two screens per minute for all bonding defects of honeycomb aluminum composites .

  3. 最后测量图像中的缺陷尺寸,进行数据分析,证明超声C扫描检测技术能够较为有效、准确地检测出铝蜂窝夹层板试件中的脱粘缺陷。

    Finally , Result proves that ultrasonic C-scan can more effectively and accurately detected the de-bonding defects in honeycomb sandwich plates .

  4. 基于Lyapunov指数的铝蜂窝板频率漂移机理分析

    Natural Frequency Decrease Analysis of Aluminum Honeycomb Sandwich Board Based on Lyapunov Exponent

  5. 本文对含有不同尺寸人工脱粘缺陷的铝蜂窝夹层板试件,利用超声C扫描无损检测技术对其粘接质量进行检测研究。

    So in this article the aluminum honeycomb sandwich plates , which have different size artificial defects , were detected by the ultrasonic C-scan nondestructive testing .

  6. 基于DBM方法的铝蜂窝夹层结构非线性参数识别蜂窝夹层复合材料

    The Parameter Estimation of Aluminum Honeycomb Sandwich Structure Based on Data-Based Mechanistic Method

  7. 本文概述了铝蜂窝复合材料在x、y方向低温有效热导率的测试方法,给出部分测试结果。

    The method of measuring effective thermal conductivities of Al honeycomb sandwich panels in the direction of X and Y at low temperature has been described , and some of results have been given .

  8. 本文利用数值方法,针对铝蜂窝密封结构设计及封严特性研究开展了如下主要工作:(1)根据机械设计手册,运用ANSYS软件设计了铝蜂窝密封的最小壁厚。

    This paper finished the following tasks with numerical methods from the aspects of aluminum honeycomb seals structure and sealing performance . ( 1 ) The minimum wall . thickness of aluminum honeycomb seals was determined by using ANSYS software according to machine design handbook .

  9. 超长铝蜂窝夹层板的高精度直线切割

    High Precision Linear Cutting of Extra Long Aluminum Honeycomb Sandwich Plates

  10. 过载条件下铝蜂窝天线结构静动态响应研究

    Static and dynamic response research on honeycomb sandwich antenna structure

  11. 铝蜂窝夹芯板胶接工艺研究

    A Study on Bonding Process of Aluminium Honeycomb Sandwich Panel

  12. 铝蜂窝胶接缺陷的红外热波无损检测

    Infrared Thermal Wave Nondestructive Testing of Aluminum Honeycomb Composite for Bonding Defects

  13. 城市轨道车辆铝蜂窝地板的等效性研究与应用

    Equivalent study and application of aluminum honeycomb floor for urban rail vehicles

  14. 超长、高精度铝蜂窝隔板制造技术研究

    Manufacturing Technology of the Overlong-high Precision Aluminium Honeycomb Sandwich

  15. 胶接铝蜂窝结构的剥离破坏分析

    Analysis of peel failure of bonding aluminium honeycomb structure

  16. 机载有源相控阵天线铝蜂窝夹芯反射板研制

    Research on Aluminium-honeycomb Sandwich Reflective Board of Airborne Active Phase Array Radar Antenna

  17. 爆炸载荷作用下铝蜂窝夹芯板动力响应研究

    Dynamic Plastic Response of Sandwich Plate with Aluminum Honeycombs Core under Blast loading

  18. 胶接铝蜂窝夹芯拉伸机的设计

    The design of a aluminium honeycomb core drawing machine

  19. 铝蜂窝屏蔽通风窗化学镀镍

    The Electroless Nickel for Aluminium Honeycomb Shielded Vent Windows

  20. 铝蜂窝芯材拼接用发泡结构胶粘剂规范的编制研究

    The Compilation of Military Specification of Structural Foaming Adhesive for Splicing Aluminium Honeycomb Core

  21. J&71铝蜂窝夹芯胶粘剂的研究

    J-71 Adhesive for Manufacture of Aluminium Honeycomb Core

  22. 月球着陆器铝蜂窝元件缓冲性能实验装置研究

    Research of the Buffering Capability for the Aluminum Honeycomb Component on the Lunar Lander

  23. 不锈钢-铝蜂窝夹芯板的液相扩散连接

    Interlayer design and its effect on the liquid diffusion of steel-Al honeycomb sandwich panels

  24. 碳纤维/铝蜂窝太阳翼基板热变形分析

    Analysis of Thermal-elastic Deformation for Solar Array Substrate with CFRP / Aluminum Honeycomb Sandwich

  25. 铝蜂窝异面变形的数值模拟

    Numerical Simulations of Aluminum Honeycomb Out-plane Deformation

  26. 法国海豚直升机用铝蜂窝芯的性能分析

    An Analysis on Properties of Aluminium Honeycomb Core Used in France " Dauphin " Helicopter

  27. 碳/环氧面板-铝蜂窝夹层结构件损伤修补工艺

    The repairing technics for damnification of carbon / epoxy facings - aluminum honeycomb sandwich construction

  28. 铝蜂窝芯材的制造有两种方案:成形法和拉伸法。

    There are two plans in manufacturing aluminum honeycomb core material : Forming and stretch law ?

  29. 卫星结构铝蜂窝板非线性振动试验与参数辨识研究

    Research on nonlinear vibration test and parameter identification of aluminum honeycomb sandwich plate in satellite structure

  30. 基于蜂窝小区的同频干扰和越区切换模型研究带飞行因子的粒子群算法的铝蜂窝板模型修正

    Aluminum honeycomb sandwich plate model updating based on the partical swarm optimization algorithm with flying factor