
  1. 卡塔尔投资局(QatarInvestmentAuthority)除了拥有哈罗德百货公司(Harrods),还持有蒂芙尼(Tiffany)和保时捷(Porsche)公司的少数股份。

    The Qatar Investment Authority owns Harrods as well as minority stakes in Tiffany and Porsche .

  2. 蒂芙尼(Tiffany)目前的股价约为其2007年峰值水平的一半。

    Tiffany 's share price is about half its 2007 peak .

  3. 他们身处蓝格咖啡馆(BlueBoxCafé)——周五,蒂芙尼将在纽约开的第一家咖啡店。

    They 'll have the Blue Box Caf é - the first of its kind - which opens at the New York flagship on Friday .

  4. 蒂芙尼(Tiffany)的钻石广告和古驰(Gucci)手表的照片赢得了首肯。

    Tiffany ad for diamonds and a photo of Gucci watches won approval .

  5. 举例来说,一枚蒂芙尼(Tiffany)胸针最近卖出了约6.8万美元的高价。

    For example , a Tiffany broach recently sold for about $ 68,000 .

  6. 科瓦尔斯基近期到访中国,为蒂芙尼传奇黄钻石展示会造势。他在北京接受了《华尔街日报》(TheWallStreetJournal)的采访,谈到了在亚洲打造蒂芙尼品牌的计划。

    Mr. Kowalski recently traveled to China to show off Tiffany 's yellow diamond collection and spoke to The Wall Street Journal in Beijing about plans to build its brand in Asia .

  7. 历峰集团、蒂芙尼(Tiffany)和斯沃琪(Swatch)等珠宝及腕表企业的预期市盈率更为合理,在14倍左右。

    Jewellery and watch groups such as Richemont , Tiffany and Swatch are more reasonably rated on around 14 .

  8. 最近一个由美国乔治华盛顿大学和L2智囊团的分析发现,在中国,周大福的品牌知名度超过劳力士、宝格丽或蒂芙尼。

    A recent analysis by George Washington University and L2 , a think-tank , found the brand is better known in China than Rolex , Bulgari or Tiffany .

  9. 蒂芙尼首席执行长迈克尔?科瓦尔斯基(MichaelKowalski)正设法把这些游客转变为常客,希望他们回国后继续光顾蒂芙尼。

    Michael Kowalski , Tiffany 's chief executive , is looking for ways to turn those tourists into regular customers when they return home .

  10. 美国一家上诉法庭维持了2008年对ebay的一项判决,认定ebay不对旗下拍卖网站出售冒牌蒂芙尼(tiffany)珠宝的行为承担法律责任。

    An appeals court upheld a 2008 ruling that said eBay is not liable for the sale of fake tiffany jewellery on its auctions site .

  11. 但该上诉法庭还是因为一项指控将该案打回下级法庭重审,这项指控称Ebay网站上某些关于蒂芙尼产品的广告可能带有误导性。

    But the appeals court returned the lawsuit to a lower court on a claim that some ads on Ebay that advertise Tiffany products may be misleading .

  12. 当蒂芙尼(Tiffany)业绩良好时,它销售的奢侈品和全球业务地盘,令人难以利用其业绩推测其它美国零售商的表现。

    When Tiffany is doing well , its luxury products and global presence make it tricky to use its results to draw conclusions about other US retailers .

  13. 公司股票较20美元的发行价上涨超过三倍,目前市值达167亿美元,高于RalphLaurenCorp.和蒂芙尼(TiffanyCo.)。

    Michael Kors stock has more than quadrupled from its $ 20 IPO price , and the company 's market value of $ 16.7 billion is now higher than either Ralph Lauren Corp. or Tiffany Co.

  14. 在钟爱珠宝的中国游客推动下,蒂芙尼(tiffany)美国店今夏销量激增,使得这家奢侈品零售商在低迷的经济形势下,仍实现了骄人的二季度业绩。

    Jewellery-hungry Chinese tourists fuelled a surge in US sales at Tiffany this summer , helping the luxury retailer produce robust second quarter profits in spite of a weak economic backdrop .

  15. 蒂芙尼负责产品与门店设计的执行副总裁乔恩金(JonKing)说,用金银铜合金材料打造的上世纪70年代首饰如今成了投资宠儿,这都归功于对资产以及投资理念的深刻理解。

    According to Jon King , senior vice-president of product and store design at Tiffany & Co , the yellow gold that characterises 1970s jewellery makes it today 's canny investment , thanks to a better understanding of assets and investments .

  16. 公司股票较20美元的发行价上涨超过三倍,目前市值达167亿美元,高于RalphLaurenCorp.和蒂芙尼(Tiffany&Co.)。

    Michael Kors stock has more than quadrupled from its $ 20 IPO price , and the company 's market value of $ 16.7 billion is now higher than either Ralph Lauren Corp. or Tiffany & Co.

  17. 也就是说,有很多人会想去普拉达、Gucci和蒂芙尼店里去购物,以及购买昂贵的雅诗兰黛美妆产品。

    That means a lot of people will be wanting to shop at Prada , Gucci and Tiffany Co TIF 0.35 % and buying expensive Est é e Lauder EL 0.58 % beauty products .

  18. 如今,Koidu矿是奢侈品珠宝商蒂芙尼(Tiffany)的供货商,该矿所出产钻石销售额的60%来自蒂芙尼。

    Today the mine supplies Tiffany , the luxury jeweller , which buys 60 per cent of the Koidu mine 's diamonds by value .

  19. 纽约第五大道上的知名品牌蒂芙尼(TiffanyCo.,TIF)打算提升在海外、尤其是亚洲市场的吸引力。亚洲消费者对黄金和珠宝的需求似乎源源不断。

    A well-known fixture on New York 's Fifth Avenue , U.S. jewelry giant Tiffany Co. is aiming to improve its luster overseas and particularly in Asia , where demand for gold and gems appears to be insatiable .

  20. 纽约第五大道上的知名品牌蒂芙尼(Tiffany&Co.,TIF)打算提升在海外、尤其是亚洲市场的吸引力。亚洲消费者对黄金和珠宝的需求似乎源源不断。

    A well-known fixture on New York 's Fifth Avenue , U.S. jewelry giant Tiffany & Co. is aiming to improve its luster overseas and particularly in Asia , where demand for gold and gems appears to be insatiable .

  21. 蒂芙尼(Tiffany)、路易威登(LV)和阿玛尼(Armani)等高端品牌是首批在本世纪初在香港开设旗舰店的西方零售商,它们坚定地着眼于中国内地需求。

    Tiffany , Louis Vuitton , Armani , and other high-price brands were among the first western retailers to set up flagship stores in Hong Kong in the early 2000s with a firm eye on mainland Chinese demand .

  22. 南卡罗来纳州哥伦比亚(Columbia)及华盛顿特区共和党顾问霍根・吉德利(HoganGidley)戴了一枚来自蒂芙尼(Tiffany)的纯银领带夹,上面刻着他名字的首字母。

    Hogan Gidley , a Republican consultant based in Columbia , S.C. , and Washington , D.C. , wears a sterling-silver tie clip from Tiffany 's that 's engraved with his initials . '

  23. 你不觉得这个家伙穿着乔丹鞋走路的女孩的服装银饰(蒂芙尼的品牌),并采取对UGG靴看起来像情侣?

    Don 't you think that guy wears jordan shoes walking with the girl which dresses in Silver Jewelry ( Tiffany brand ) and take a pair of UGG Boots looks like couple ?

  24. 蒂芙尼等公司创建Snapchat过滤器的一个原因在于,它们希望在网上引发热议,吸引“千禧一代”。

    One of the reasons companies such as Tiffany are creating Snapchat filters is that they are keen to catch the cyber buzz - and appeal to " millennials . "

  25. 在我们谈话期间,科莫纳尔透露,蒂芙尼最近开发了一款闪闪发光的Snapchat“过滤器”,把钻石的璀璨光芒传递到任何拥有手机的人。

    During our conversation , Cumenal revealed that Tiffany had recently created a sparkly Snapchat " filter " that communicates the dazzle of a diamond to anyone with a mobile phone .

  26. 20世纪90年代末到21世纪初,订单增长超过产量,二手货价格也涨了上来,分析师们断言哈雷应该像蒂芙尼(Tiffany)一样算得上奢侈品厂商。

    Then in the late ' 90s and early ' 00s , orders began outpacing production , and used prices shot up , leading analysts to the conclusion that Harley really ought to be considered a maker of luxury goods , like Tiffany .

  27. 调查说,受访的中国富人中,将近三分之二的男士和三分之一的女士同期还购买了一块奢侈手表;另有30%的人说,他们还买过高端珠宝蒂芙尼(Tiffany)。

    It said nearly two-thirds of the men surveyed and a third of women also bought a luxury watch in the same period , while another 30 % said they had gone home with one of the signature blue boxes of high-end jeweler Tiffany .

  28. 2014年期间,蒂芙尼股价上涨超过60%。

    In 2014 , Tiffany shares rallied over 60 per cent .

  29. 蒂芙尼在美国圣诞期间的销售下跌了1%。

    Tiffany 's US holiday sales were off 1 per cent .

  30. 蒂芙尼巧妙地灯用铜箔的方法。

    Tiffany crafted his lamps using the Copper Foil method .