
  • 网络accounting quality
  1. 例如,美国证交会几年前推出了一个绰号为“机械战警”(Robocop)的计算机程序,它的正式名称是“会计质量模型”。

    For example , a few years ago the SEC rolled out what has been dubbed its " Robocop , " a computer program more formally called the " Accounting Quality Model . "

  2. 呼吁全社会提高会计质量。

    Call upon the whole society to improve accounting quality .

  3. 相对于美国、IASB、英国等国家,我国还没有明确地构建会计信息质量特征体系。

    Comparing to USA , IASB and British , China is short of a system of accounting information quality .

  4. 提升会计信息质量乃是一个国际性难题。

    Improving accounting information quality becomes one of the international difficulties .

  5. 关于会计信息质量成本控制模型的探讨

    A Discussion on the Control Model of Accounting Information Quality Cost

  6. 机构持股、中小投资者保护与会计盈余质量

    Institutional Ownership , Minority Investor Protection and Accounting Earnings Quality

  7. 会计信息质量特征与会计目标密切相关。

    Characteristics of accounting information quality are closely related to accounting goal .

  8. 目前,对会计信息质量特征的内容,我国学术界尚存在一些争议。

    There are some disputes about the characteristics of accounting information quality .

  9. 会计信息质量问题研究

    Research on accounting information falsehood and improvement of its quality

  10. 提高会计信息质量的方法与对策&从会计职业道德谈会计信息质量

    Ways and Countermeasures for Raising the Quality of Accounting Information

  11. 会计信息质量保障系统探讨

    Discussion on the Guarantee System of the Accountancy Information Quality

  12. 提高会计信息质量的经济学思考

    Economic Considerations of Improving the Quality of the Accounting Information

  13. 五是构建会计信息质量保障体系,提高会计信息质量。

    To establish the guarantee system of accounting information quality .

  14. 论企业内部控制制度与会计信息质量

    On Corporate Internal Control System and Accounting Information Quality

  15. 网络环境中对会计信息质量的思考

    Thinking of Accountant Information Quality in the Network Environment

  16. 提升会计信息质量增进资源配置效率&兼谈会计人员的诚信教育和会计知识的普及教育

    Improving the Quality of Accounting Information and Increasing the Efficiency of Resource Allocation

  17. 浅析企业会计信息质量

    Analysis for the Accounting Message Quality of the Enterprises

  18. 上市公司会计信息质量也越来越受到关注。

    More and more people attention to the public company accounting information quality .

  19. 对规范会计信息质量特征的会计原则划分层次;重新划分并定义会计要素。

    Classification of principles of regulating accounting information quality and redefinition of accounting factors .

  20. 对会计信息质量缺失的理性思考

    Rational Thought on Loss of Accounting Information Quality

  21. 本研究结论为理解会计信息质量提供了新的经验证据。

    This study provides new empirical evidence for understanding the quality of accounting information .

  22. 会计信息质量是提高决策质量的重要保证。

    The quality of accounting information is an important guarantee to increase decision quality .

  23. 试论影响会计信息质量的十大因素

    Discussing Ten Factors Affecting Information Quality of Accounting

  24. 会计信息质量特征探讨&从《会计法》谈起

    On the Characteristics of the Accounting Information Quality

  25. 企业环境的优劣直接影响会计工作质量的高低。

    Whether the enterprise environment is good or not has an effect on accountancy .

  26. 提高会计信息质量是我国当前会计工作的中心任务。

    Increasing the quality of account information is the core task of account work .

  27. 会计信息质量特征及其关系分析会计信息质量与模糊性关系的分析

    The Characteristics and Relations of Accounting Information Quality Accounting Information Quality and Its Fuzzy Feature

  28. 会计信息质量是国民经济正常运转的基础。

    The reliability of accounting information serves as the base of the regular national economy .

  29. 会计信息质量是复杂经济问题的反映,受多种因素影响,所以完善公司治理结构是提高会计信息质量的前提;

    Accounting information is the reflection of complex economic problems and influenced by various factors .

  30. 保全会计信息质量

    To preserve the quality of accounting information