
  • 网络accounting element
  1. 从会计要素的变化谈财务风险的可控性

    Discussion on the Controllability of Enterprise Financial Risk through Accounting Elements

  2. 论环境会计要素计量理论与方法

    Reflections on the theory and ways of enviromental accounting elements measurements

  3. 清算会计要素与报告问题研究

    Research on the Financial Statement of Liquidating Enterprise and Its Elements

  4. 动态会计要素划分的国际比较与借鉴

    International Comparison of Dynamic Accounting Elements Demarcation and the Inspiration

  5. 对企业税务会计要素的若干思考

    Comments on the Study of the Elements of Tax Accounting

  6. 它把会计要素的定义同确认结合起来表述。

    It makes definitions of accounting elements in cooperation with their recognition .

  7. 以企业资源为基础的会计要素研究

    Accounting Elements : A Reform Suggestion Based on the View of Resources

  8. 企业会计要素的概念演化辨析

    The Evolvement and Analysis about The Concepts of Element of Corporative Accountant

  9. 明确会计要素的确认标准;自然资源会计

    Properly replenishing measure standard for accounting elements . Accounting for Natural Resources

  10. 会计要素是一个具有多层次结构的整体,包括基本要素、次要素和支要素。

    It is composed of basic element , second element and branch element .

  11. 排污权交易会计要素的确认和计量

    Recognition and Measurement of Environmental Accounting in Emission Trading

  12. 试论知识经济对会计要素的影响与创新

    Knowledge Economy 's Impacts and Innovations on Accounting Elements

  13. 环境会计要素就是对环境会计对象的进一步分类。

    Factors of environment accounting means the further classification of environment accounting object .

  14. 第四部分,政府会计要素。

    Part four of this thesis discusses the basic elements of governmental accounting .

  15. 对现行会计要素划分的思考

    Reflection on the Current Division of Accounting Factors

  16. 破产清算条件下会计要素研究

    Study on the Bankruptcy and Liquidation Accounting Elements

  17. 重点对环境会计要素的确认和披露进行了详细阐述。

    The emphasis of the text is verification of environment accounting factors and disclosure .

  18. 会计要素的制度经济学意义

    Meaning of Accounting Elements in Institutional Economics

  19. 论会计要素的若干理论问题

    On several theoretical problems of accounting element

  20. 本文围绕衍生金融工具对传统会计要素、会计确认标准、会计计量基础以及会计报告的冲击,提出了基本的应对措施。

    The article brings forward the methods for accounting elements counting ? measuring and reporting .

  21. 群体的价值;会计要素

    Community 's value ; Accounting Elements

  22. 对我国会计要素定义的思考会计继续教育的定义与本质特征

    Thoughts on the Definition of Accounting Element The Defination and Essence of Continuing Education in Accounting

  23. 会计要素的比较与改进

    Comparison and Improvement of Accounting Element

  24. 中外会计要素之比较

    A International Comparison of Accounting Elements

  25. 中、美两国在会计要素的分类及确认、计量上存在着差异。

    There are differences in classification , confirmation and measure of accounting elements between China and America .

  26. 环境会计要素的分类和具体内容取决于环境会计目标。

    The division and the concrete content of accounting element in environment depend on the objective of accounting .

  27. 企业应根据会计要素的质量特征的要求,提高会计信息质量;

    They should improve the accounting information quality according to the requirements of the accounting factors ' character ;

  28. 浅析存货计价与会计要素的变化规律

    A Superficial Analysis on Fixing A Price of Goods in Stock and the Changeable Law of Accounting Essential Element

  29. 理解好这些会计要素将是学好财务会计的基础与开端。

    A good understanding of these accounting elements will be a good basis and start in learning financial accounting .

  30. 在会计要素中,增设结余要素,与资产、负债、净资产、收入、费用共同组成非营利组织会计的六要素。

    Apart from asset , debt , income and cost , this paper adds balance to non-profit organization accounting elements .