
huì wù
  • meet;understand
会晤 [huì wù]
  • (1) [meet]∶ 相见,会面晤谈

  • 无由会晤。--宋. 王安石《答司马谏议书》

  • 两国外长定期会晤

  • (2) [understand]∶领会;解悟

会晤[huì wù]
  1. 我们决定在第三方领土上会晤。

    We decided to meet on neutral ground .

  2. 两国官员不久将再度会晤以重启谈判。

    Officials from the two countries will meet again soon to resume negotiations

  3. 在我们会晤期间,他提及了合作的意愿。

    During our meeting , he indicated his willingness to cooperate .

  4. 他们会晤确定条约的条款。

    They met to finalize the terms of the treaty .

  5. 双方会晤以努力解决分歧。

    Both sides met in order to try to resolve their differences .

  6. 外交官们仍然希望能通过这次会晤挽回点什么。

    Diplomats are still hoping to salvage something from the meeting .

  7. 他一直在与英国议员和政府官员会晤。

    He 's been meeting with British parliamentarians and government officials .

  8. 这是两人首次当面会晤。

    It was the first face-to-face meeting between the two men .

  9. 莫洛托夫、皮杜尔和贝文之间的会晤起到了决定性作用。

    The meeting between Molotov , Bidault and Bevin was decisive .

  10. 这是两国领导人的首次会晤。

    It 's the first-ever meeting between leaders of the two countries .

  11. 这是自14年前爆发战争以来的第一次会晤。

    The meeting is the first since the war began 14 years ago

  12. 阿拉伯各国同意在巴格达会晤。

    The Arab nations agreed to meet in Baghdad .

  13. 高级政要今天会晤,探讨欧洲经济一体化的未来。

    Senior politicians met today to discuss the future of European economic unity .

  14. 他们计划不久在罗马再次会晤以开始实质性的谈判。

    They plan to meet again in Rome very soon to begin substantive negotiations .

  15. 拉美8个国家的领导人今天在委内瑞拉的加拉加斯会晤。

    Leaders of eight Latin American countries are meeting in Caracas , Venezuela , today .

  16. 基督教民主党的领袖们正在会晤讨论他们在影响欧洲未来格局的过程中将要扮演的角色。

    Christian Democratic leaders are meeting to discuss their role in shaping the future of Europe

  17. 大多数昨天与总统会晤的立法者说他们支持这个行动。

    Most of the lawmakers who met with the president yesterday said they backed the mission .

  18. 美国国务卿和俄罗斯外交部长进行了会晤,试图敲定这项难以达成的协议。

    The Secretary of State and his Russian counterpart met to try to nail down the elusive accord .

  19. 他和日本首相会晤了一个半小时。

    He met with the Prime Minister of Japan for an hour and a half .

  20. 他们要在规定的时间和地点会晤。

    They were to meet at a given time and place .

  21. 你能与总统商定一次会晤吗?

    Can you arrange a meeting with the president ?

  22. 很遗憾,我没能与你会晤,我正忙着开会呢。

    I 'm sorry I couldn 't meet you . I was bound up in meetings .

  23. 对不起,你不能进那个房间,主席正跟经理进行紧急会晤。

    I 'm sorry you can 't go in that room ; the chairman is closing with the director for an urgent meeting .

  24. 海伦·米伦主演了彼得·摩根的剧,该片讲述了英国女王伊丽莎白二世和她在60年间与12位首相的私人会晤。影片由斯蒂芬·达尔德利执导。

    Helen Mirren stars in the play by Peter Morgan , about Queen Elizabeth II of the UK and her private meetings with twelve Prime Ministers in the course of sixty years . Stephen Daldry directs .

  25. 肯尼迪同赫鲁晓夫在维也纳会晤时,日内瓦会议已经休会

    The Geneva meeting recessed while Kennety and Khrushchev met in Vienna .

  26. “面对面的会晤”指的是现实生活中的会面,尤指主要或仅在网上交流的网友之间的会面。

    Fleshmeet refers to an in-person meeting , particularly between people whose regular communication is exclusively or primarily online .

  27. 拉加德今日将在里斯本举行的非洲开发银行(AfricanDevelopmentBank)会议上会晤非洲各国的财长。

    Ms Lagarde will today meet African finance ministers at the African Development Bank in Lisbon .

  28. SDH网协议栈会晤层的设计与实现

    Design and Implementation of the Session Layer in the SDH Network Protocol Stack

  29. 他原计划今日与美国总统巴拉克奥巴马(barackobama)举行的会晤已被取消。

    A meeting with Barack Obama , the US president , planned for today , has been cancelled .

  30. 非洲7个国家的领导人和非洲联盟(africanunion)主席昨日与八国集团领导人会晤,向富裕国家施加压力,要求它们更有效地履行承诺并加以监控。

    Leaders of seven African nations plus the chairman of the African Union , who met G8 leaders yesterday , pressed rich nations to monitor and enforce their commitments more effectively .