
yī suǒ yù yán
  • Aesop's Fables
伊索寓言[yī suǒ yù yán]
  1. 《伊索寓言》含蕴着丰富的哲理。

    There is plenty of Philosophy in aesop 's fables .

  2. 伊索寓言》中有一些是讽刺作品

    Some of Aesop 's Fables are satires . 《

  3. 对汉堡中的马肉味道仍心有余悸的欧洲人,应该关心一下沃尔玛(Walmart)在中国的消费者,他们正面对一场听上去像是一则伊索寓言的食品安全丑闻。

    Europeans still harbouring concerns about a horsey taste in their hamburgers should spare a thought for Walmart customers in China , who are dealing with a food safety scandal that reads like an Aesop fable .

  4. 然而生活比伊索寓言更复杂。

    Yet life is more complex than in Aesop 's fable .

  5. 这则伊索寓言告诉我们:熟识淡化了偏见。

    This Aesop 's Fable tells us : Acquaintance softens prejudices .

  6. 这个习语可追溯到《伊索寓言》中的一个故事。

    The saying can be traced to one of Aesop 's Fables .

  7. 来源之三是脍炙人口的《伊索寓言》;

    The third source embraces the popular Aesop 's Fables .

  8. 这部寓言是仿照《伊索寓言》写成的。

    This fable was written after the manner of Aesop .

  9. 《伊索寓言》这本书是我最喜爱读的课外书之一。

    " Aesop 's Fables " is one of my favorite extra-curricular reading books .

  10. 这些故事叫伊索寓言。

    The stories are called Aesop 's Fables .

  11. 这是我最喜爱的《伊索寓言》版本。

    This is my favorite version of Aesop .

  12. 伊索寓言阐明了道德准则。

    Aesop 's fables illustrate moral maxims .

  13. 记得再龟兔赛跑这则伊索寓言吗?

    Remember Aesop 's fable about the turtle and the rabbit that had a race ?

  14. 这不是伊索寓言,我拿走你们的钱就是“化缘”,是我让派对的气氛暴涨。

    Not stories by Aesop , place your loot up , parties I shoot up .

  15. 我们都知道伊索寓言中农夫与蛇的故事。

    Everybody has heard of the fable about the relationship between the farmer and the snake .

  16. 我们知道,苏格拉底只能了解一种诗——伊索寓言,

    We are told that the only genre of poetry Socrates really appreciated was the Aesopian fable .

  17. 他一生写了200多个寓言故事,其中一些来自《伊索寓言》,但是大多数都是原创。

    Some of his more than 200 fables were adapted from Aesop , but most were original .

  18. 著名的《伊索寓言》就与有世界上最早寓言的两河流域有一定的联系。

    Well-known " Aesop fable ," with the fable is the world 's first script a certain link .

  19. 他这种心情之下,他作了一篇“阿波罗颂歌”,而且把几个伊索寓言写成诗体。

    In this frame of mind he composed a poem on Apollo and rendered several Aesopian fables in verse .

  20. 和伊索寓言中的那只狗不同,我们不应该使自己被一些假象所愚弄。

    Unlike the dog of Aesop 's fable , we should not allow ourselves to be fooled by false appearances .

  21. 有一天,我发现了一颗闪着璀璨琳琅般光泽的珍珠,这颗珍珠便是《伊索寓言》!

    One day , I found a bright Linlang Shanzhao as shiny pearl , this pearl is Aesop 's Fables .

  22. 古希腊的伊索寓言便是最早也是最有名的使用这一手法的故事。

    Aesop 's fables in ancient Greece were some of the earliest , most famous stories to use this technique .

  23. 我们鼓励并希望参赛选手以格林童话,伊索寓言中的故事为改造的原型。

    We would like to encourage artists to reference the original Grimm fairytales and also Aesop 's Fables for inspiration .

  24. 试论如何利用儿童文学作品对儿童进行心理健康教育&以伊索寓言为例

    On How to Carry On Children 's Psychological Health-Care Education Using Children ′ s Literature through Aesop ′ s Fables as the example

  25. 有许许多多伊索寓言的书籍,只有这本书的名字叫《伊索儿童寓言》!

    It has many more than many other Aesop books ! Only , where 'd it get the name " The Aesop for Children " .

  26. 像伊索寓言中的狐狸一样,他自己的尾巴没有了,便要其他的狐狸都把尾巴割掉了。&伯顿

    Like Aesop 's fox , when he had lost his tail , would have all his fellow foxes cut off theirs . & Robert Buton

  27. 也不要给《伊索寓言》中的雄鸡一颗宝石,这雄鸡要是得到一颗麦粒,他要快乐欢喜得多了。

    Neither give thou Aesop 's cock a gem , who would be better pleased , and happier , if he had had a barley corn .

  28. 改为:希腊神话和伊索寓言,都是起源于吠陀经和佛教;波斯人又把它带到阿拉伯世界。

    Greek myths , as well as the fables of Aesop , inherited them from the Vedas and Buddhism ; Persia also took them from India .

  29. 根据伊索寓言,蚱蜢是无忧无虑的生物…但是在现实生活中,蚱蜢要担心的东西太多了。

    The grasshopper is a carefree creature ... according to Aesop 's fables . But in real life , grasshoppers can have a lot to worry about .

  30. 这种形式可以说是无限提高的伊索寓言,在这里诗对于辩证哲学的从属地位,正如后来数百年间哲学对于神学那样,

    a form in which poetry played the same subordinate role with regard to dialectic philosophy as that same philosophy was to play for many centuries with regard to theology .