
  • 网络Islamic architecture;Native Indo-Islamic
  1. 而伊斯兰建筑艺术在伊斯法罕和伊斯坦布尔到达了后期的顶峰。

    Islamic architecture reached a late peak in Isfahan and Istanbul .

  2. 在萨赫勒地带的城市,带着圆屋顶和尖塔的伊斯兰建筑令人叹为观止。

    In the Sahel cities , the architecture of Islam , with its domes and minarets , is breathtaking .

  3. 它在这个地区是独一无二的,融合了伊斯兰艺术和沙漠建筑的特点——一种不可模仿的萨赫勒(Sahel)沙漠美学——一在全世界都是独具一格的。

    It is unique to the region and represents a distinctive marriage of Islamic and desert architecture - an inimitable Sahel desert aesthetic - not to be found anywhere else in the world .

  4. 他们花费数十亿美元购买伊斯兰艺术品,用以充实各个新建的博物馆,但当一些最精美的伊斯兰建筑遭到破坏的时候,他们却默不作声。

    They spend billions of dollars buying up Islamic art for their new museums , but they don 't say anything when some of Islam 's finest buildings are destroyed .