
  • 网络islamic fundamentalism
  1. 25年前,图帕凯在瓦济里斯坦(Waziristan)出生。该地位于巴基斯坦西北部,是一个过着部落生活的山区,在伊斯兰原教旨主义的困扰下一直生存艰难。

    Twenty-five years ago , Toorpakai was born in Waziristan , a mountainous , tribal corner of north-west Pakistan that is struggling with Islamist fundamentalism .

  2. 伊斯兰原教旨主义者喜爱的一句咒骂语

    that a favorite expletive of Muslim fundamentalists

  3. 联合国一份最新报告说,尽管伊斯兰原教旨主义的塔利班不再执政,但阿富汗的司法体系仍对妇女不公。

    A new United Nations report says Afghanistan 's judicial system is still failing women , even with the Islamic fundamentalist Taliban out of power .

  4. 这个结果使得哈西娜的长期政敌、前总理卡莉达.齐亚遭受惨败,齐亚跟另外几个党派结盟,其中包括一个伊斯兰原教旨主义组织。

    The results are a crushing defeat for Hasina 's long-time foe , former prime minister Khaleda Zia , who allied with several other parties , including an Islamic fundamentalist group .