
  • 网络eads;Izzy;Izzie;Eze;Izzie Stevens
  1. 你什么时候开始用伊兹这个名字的?

    When did you start using the name izzy ?

  2. 来自英国苏格兰东部阿伯丁郡的巴里西姆,曾想乘坐马航从阿姆斯特丹到吉隆坡,但是他只能订到一个座位。所以他和妻子伊兹改变主意,决定与小儿子一起乘坐荷兰皇家航空公司航班。

    Barry Sim , from Aberdeenshire , tried to board the Malaysia Airlines flight from Amsterdam to Kuala Lumpur but could only get one seat . Instead , he and his wife Izzy booked on to a KLM flight with their baby son , according to reports .

  3. 在伊兹米尔,警方突袭了推特和脸书用户的住所,而针对这些被逮捕人员的指控是煽动犯罪。

    In Izmir , police raided the homes of Twitter and Facebook users . The charges against those arrested said they had incited crime .

  4. 我们才是明星伊兹才是明星但我也是个好替补真不错谢谢不客气

    We were the stars.Well , Izzie was.But I was a damn good backup.Heh . This is great . Thank you . You 're welcome .

  5. 当美国旧金山人丹尼尔-伊兹柯夫斯基了解到每年美国有150万辆自行车被偷走之后,他决定想出更有效的防贼方法。

    When San Francisco-based Daniel Idzkowski learned that over 1.5 million bikes are being stolen across the United States , every year , he decided it was up to him to come up with a more efficient means of theft prevention .

  6. 为了对西弗兰里博物馆将此事公之于众做出回应,乌克兰国家警察局局长卡蒂娅·德卡诺伊兹(KhatiaDekanoidze)说,她正在等待荷兰检察长办公室协助调查的请求。

    In response to the Westfries " effort to publicize the case , the Ukrainian national police chief , Khatia Dekanoidze , said she was waiting for an official request from the Dutch prosecutor general 's office to begin to coordinate an investigation .