
qǐ kǒu dì bǎn
  • grooved and tongued floor;joint flooring
  1. 就目前来讲绝大多数消费者比较偏爱企口地板。

    For now the majority of consumers preferred Kei Hau more floors .

  2. 目前实木地板市场中大多数为企口实木地板,该地板在生产加工过程中,由于加工榫舌而产生木材浪费。

    At present , the tongue-and-groove wood floor was an overwhelming majority in the market of wood floor , and a lot of woods was wasted during its processing .

  3. 企口接合木料铺地板在开口处缝制的布料。

    Rebated wooden flooring a piece of cloth sewn under an opening .