
  • 网络corporate planning;Enterprise planning
  1. 企业策划方式的转变是时代的要求,传统的企业策划方法已不适应现代形势的发展。

    It is the times demand to shift mode of corporate planning . The traditional method has not been suitable to the modern situation .

  2. 本文以对比分析的方法归纳出现代企业策划与传统企业策划的差异,并从中得出完善现代企业策划的几点启示。

    This paper , by means of comparative study , puts forward the difference between traditional corporate planning and the modern one , and several revelations of perfecting modern corporate planning .

  3. 试论统计技术在企业策划中的应用

    Analysis of Planning and Application of In Company

  4. 试论企业策划的中国特色

    On Business Planning With Chinese Characteristics

  5. 企业策划的基本原则

    The Basic Principles of Business Planning

  6. 无形资产权,诸如专利权、企业策划权、商标权、版权及知识产权等;

    Intangible property rights such as patents , industrial designs , trademarks , copyrights , and literary property ;

  7. 为企业策划网站

    Scheming Website for Enterprises

  8. 但如果他们能够忍受那些流行语和混搭的句子,企业策划们或许能够收获一些实用的启示。

    But if they can persevere past the buzzwords and the mangled sentences , corporate strategists might glean some practical insights .

  9. 甚至在对中国友好的缅甸,由于当地民众的反对,由一家中国企业策划的一个大型水电站项目刚刚搁浅。

    Even in China-friendly Burma , a giant dam project orchestrated by a Chinese company was just shelved due to local popular opposition .

  10. 广西太阳黑子企业策划公司作为目前广西区内最大型媒体运营公司之一,在激烈的市场竞争条件下也面临各种竞争对手的竞争以及不可预计的媒体政策变化的情况。

    As one of the largest media operators in Guangxi , the Guangxi Sunspot Business Consulting Co , Ltd. is facing more and more intense competition and unexpected government policy changes .

  11. 作为一名财务技术专家,罗杰?润礼自公司成立以来一直主导企业策划和营运,包括进入网络交易业务以及继续走网络券商的发展方向。

    As an expert in financial technology , riney has led corporate strategy and operations for the company since its inception , including scottrade 's entry into web-based trading and continued growth as an online brokerage .

  12. 本文将以其关键所在为研究对象,通过理论和实践有效结合的系统分析,对国有企业策划、实施员工绩效管理这一课题进行研究。

    This article will be as its object of study , systems theory and practice through a combination of analysis , to employees of state-owned enterprises to implement a study on the subject of performance management .

  13. 因此,将游客的满意程度作为衡量旅游节庆活动成功与否的重要指标之一,对当地政府制定相关政策及企业策划各种营销活动具有重要的指导作用。

    Therefore , the degree of satisfaction of tourists as an important index to measure the success of tourism festival activities plays an important role in the local government to formulate relevant policies and corporate planning all kinds of marketing activities .

  14. 项目管理是企业策划、组织才能和指挥才能的综合体现,它有利于调动项目成员的积极性,增加企业效益。

    Project Management , as comprehensive embodiment of planning capability , organizing capability and directing capability of a corporation , is in favor of increasing the benefit of the corporation as well as mobilizing all the project members to act positively .

  15. 笔者还对我国假日经济发展用企业战略策划中常用的SWOT分析方法对我国发展假日经济的优势、劣势、机遇、威胁进行了深入细致地分析。

    This paper analyzes the strength , weakness , opportunities , threats of development of holiday economy in China through the SWOT analysis .

  16. 本文试图将企业CIS策划理论引入学校,旨在建构学校形象识别系统。

    The paper here attempts to usher in the CIS design theory into schools with a hope that school identity system can be established .

  17. 我们致力于企业形象策划、VI视觉导入、标志设计、画册设计、产品包装设计、广告设计、企业形象网站设计等服务。

    We are committed to corporate image planning , VI vision , logo design , pictorial design , packaging design , advertising design , corporate image website design services , etc.

  18. 客户满意度是客户关系管理(CRM)系统中一个非常重要的衡量指标,对企业的策划等活动具有积极的指导作用,因此针对客户满意度的分析意义重大。

    Customer satisfaction degree is a crucial index of the customer relationship management ( CRM ) and has positive instructive effects on the enterprise planning and so on , hence it is vital to analyze the customer 's satisfaction degree .

  19. 建筑施工总承包企业项目策划研究

    The Project Planning Study of the Construction Contracting Enterprises

  20. 旅游企业营销策划的创意要求

    Demand of the Creative Concept in the Marketing Strategy for the Tourism Enterprise

  21. 企业如何策划统计技术的应用

    How to Plan Application of Statistical Technology in Enterprise

  22. 开展企业新闻策划有何理论和现实依据?

    What is the theoretical and practical basis of news planning by enterprise ?

  23. 企业新闻策划没有得到企业的应有重视,很大程度上是由于没有建立一套行之有效的新闻策划评估体系,从而使企业对新闻策划一般是软处理。

    News planning by enterprises is largely operation .

  24. 广告制作事业部:企业形象策划及设计制作。

    Advertisement CIS : Corporate image planning design .

  25. 企业形象策划工作初探

    On Role Playing of Corporate Image Planning Work

  26. 在不同的经济形态下,企业公关策划具有不同的特点。

    Under different economy environments ; the corporate public relation planning has various characteristics .

  27. 如何认识企业新闻策划

    The Recognization of Enterprise 's News Planning

  28. 设计招投标与设计企业公关策划的内容。

    The function of design bids in the design market is more and more important .

  29. 企业新闻策划的操作原则和实施策略有哪些?

    What are the principles of operation and strategy of implementation for news planning by enterprise ?

  30. 中小企业企业策划研究

    Enterprise Plan Research on Small-Medium Enterprise