
qǐ yè wén huà
  • corporate culture
  1. 基于CRM的企业文化改造

    Corporate Culture Reform Based on CRM

  2. 客户关系管理(CRM)与企业文化变革

    CRM and Corporate Culture Change

  3. 尽管柯达公司预料到数码摄影终将崛起,但它的企业文化过度沉溺于过去的辉煌,以至于它无法塑底脱离过去,也就无法全力迎接未来。

    Although Kodak anticipated the inevitable rise of digital photography , its corporateculture was too rooted in the successes of the past for it to make the clean break necessary to fully embrace the future .

  4. 加入WTO与企业文化发展

    WTO and Enterprise Culture

  5. 从导入CI到优化企业文化

    From Introduction of CI to Optimizing Enterprise Culture

  6. 但真正把这一高度有效的质量战略变成管理哲学和实践,从而形成一种企业文化的是在杰克·韦尔奇领导下的通用电气公司(GeneralElectricCompany)。

    But the General Electric company turned it into manage philosophy and practice by the lead of Jack . welch . Moreover , it becomes a kind of enterprise culture .

  7. 论企业文化与石化行业HSE管理

    Discussion about the Enterprise Culture and Petro-chemical Industry HSE Management

  8. 博弈论(囚徒困境模型)论证了企业文化的重要功能,即坚定的共享价值观念(SharedValue)能够摆脱囚徒困境,解决囚徒两难问题。

    The paper mainly applies game theory ( Prisoner 's Dilemma Model ) to the significant function of corporate culture , namely the firmly shared value can help out of the Prisoner 's Dilemma to solve this problem .

  9. 企业文化是人力资源管理的理论基础,文化的发展对人力资源管理(HRM)模式的创新有重要影响。

    Enterprise culture is the rationale of HRM , the development of culture to the HRM 's vicissitude has important influence .

  10. 此系统包括合适的组织结构、企业文化、战略领导、4R战略实施系统。

    This system includes appropriate organizational structure , enterprise culture , strategic leadership , 4R strategy implementation systems .

  11. 介绍了实施ERP条件下企业文化重塑的必要性,提出了一些ERP实施过程中企业文化重塑的对策和建议。

    This paper introduces the necessity of remolding the corporate culture under the conditions of ERP , and puts forward some countermeasures and suggestions for remolding the corporate culture in the course of carrying out ERP .

  12. 通过对产品开发策划、广告设计策划、品牌设计策划、企业文化与CI策划等类别的系统研究,探讨设计策划的基本要素和理论方法。

    This part discusses the basic elements and principles of design planning , through the systematic researches in different categories , such as the design of products , of advertisements , of brands , and of corporation culture and Corporation Identity , etc.

  13. 有效的质量管理:理念、战略和企业文化

    Effective Quality Management : Notion , Operating Strategy and Corporation Culture

  14. 企业文化是目的与工具的统一体。

    The enterprise culture is the goal and tool 's entity .

  15. 企业文化的新界定与企业文化管理模型

    Enterprise Culture 's New Definition and the Enterprise Culture Management Model

  16. 目的:塑造企业文化,激发员工潜能。

    Objective : To create corporate culture and inspire staff potential .

  17. 企业文化建设中的企业理念与行为

    Enterprise 's Conception and Behavior in the Construction of Business Culture

  18. 企业文化是只看不见的手,具有激励作用。

    Enterprise culture is invisible which has the function of motivation .

  19. 调整营销思路,促进企业文化市场化;

    Readjust marketing strategy , promote the marketization of enterprise culture ;

  20. 浅议虚拟企业文化塑造

    A Study on the Establishment of Corporate Culture in Virtual Enterprises

  21. 加强企业文化建设,促进质量管理上台阶

    Strengthen Enterprise Culture Construction , Quality Management on a Step

  22. 先进性&中建企业文化建设的灵魂

    Enterprise Culture & soul of core competitiveness of successful enterprises

  23. 寿险公司企业文化建设探讨

    An Exploration of Corporate Culture Construction by Life Insurance Companies

  24. 创新企业文化实现新的发展

    On Ways to Renew Enterprise Culture and Aim at a Newer Development

  25. 知识管理对企业文化建设的价值探析

    Significance of Knowledge-based Management to the Building of Corporate Culture

  26. 企业文化体现社会历史进步的客观要求。

    Enterprises ' culture expresses the objective requirement of social history progress .

  27. 关于企业文化评价新方法的建立

    Establishment of a New Evaluation Model for the Corporate Culture

  28. 农业银行企业文化建设研究

    Research on Enterprise Culture Construction of Agricultural Bank of China

  29. 企业文化与企业思想政治工作的辨证统一

    The Dialectical Unification of Enterprise Culture and Enterprise Ideological and Political Work

  30. 供电公司企业文化分析与研究

    Corporation Culture of the Power Supply Corporation Analysis and Study