
  1. 动态环境下企业战略资源的整合与利用机制

    The Integration and Utilization Mechanism for Corporate Strategic Resources in the Dynamic Environment

  2. 在以人为本的现代社会,人力资源是企业战略资源的第一重要资源。

    In people-oriented modern society , human resources are the first important resource of enterprise strategy resource .

  3. 知识经济时代,企业战略资源的竞争基础已由物质资源竞争转为人力资源竞争。

    In era of knowledge-driven economy , the competition foundation of the enterprise strategic resource has already been transfered from physical resources competition to the human resources competition .

  4. 这对高层管理人员更深入地了解不同组织文化类型(如市场文化、学习文化)与组织绩效水平之间的不同相关程度,以及在此基础上更有效地分配和利用企业战略资源具有重要的意义。

    It is very significant for top managers to learn more deeply the relationship between organizational culture types and performance and utilize more efficiently strategic resources of firms .

  5. 作为企业战略资源的人力资源在企业获取竞争优势的过程中占有越来越重要的地位,传统的人力资源管理模式亟待创新。

    Human resources which work as strategic resource of the enterprises are becoming more and more important during the process of obtaining competition advantages for enterprises . The traditional human resources management modes demand innovation urgently .

  6. 知识经济时代的到来和信息技术的发展,知识正逐步取代资金、劳动和土地等传统的生产要素,成为企业战略资源,对企业的影响力不断加深。

    As the coming era of knowledge-economy and with the development of the Information technique , knowledge gradually became the most important strategic resource in the company instead of fund , labor , land and any other traditional production factors .

  7. 然后在此基础上,进行变量定义和测量,利用企业战略人力资源管理问卷调查所获得的数据,对SHRM与核心员工保留关系模型的有关研究假设进行检验,并对实证结果做出解释。

    Then the paper discusses the relation between SHRM and key employee retention from quantity view based on the research model and the survey data from SHRM questionnaires . Furthermore , this chapter explains the result of the empirical research .

  8. 企业战略信息资源管理层次构建

    The Construction of Hierarchy in the Enterprise Strategic Information Resources Management

  9. 现代企业战略人力资源开发与管理的优化配置探讨

    Optimum distribution of strategy human resource development and management in modernized enterprise

  10. 第三,企业是战略资源的集合体。

    The third , a corporation is the connection of strategic resources .

  11. 新疆农业产业化龙头企业战略人力资源管理研究

    Study on Strategic Human Resources Management of Agricultural Industrialization Leading Enterprises in Xinjiang

  12. 员工工作态度在制造型企业战略人力资源管理中的作用

    The Role of Employee 's Work Attitude in HRM of Manufacturer in China

  13. 山东省人身保险企业战略人力资源管理研究

    The Research of Strategic Human Resources Management about Life Insurance Companies in Shandong Province

  14. 制定和实施企业战略,资源配置的组织过程和系统内环境的组织机制。

    The organization course includes operating corporation strategy , deploying resources and controlling the in-environment .

  15. 填补了餐饮企业战略人力资源管理理论上研究案例的不足。

    To fill the lack of catering enterprises in strategic human resource management in theory .

  16. 人才是企业的战略资源,也是具有高科技含量的电信企业的制胜关键。

    Talents were the strategic resources and the triumphant keys of telecommunication enterprises that have the characteristics with high-tech.

  17. 第十章创新型企业战略人力资源管理与企业绩效的实证研究,通过采用相关性分析及回归分析法对我国深圳创新型企业进行实证分析。

    Chapter ten carries out empirical research on innovative enterprises in Shenzhen using the method of relation analysis and regression analysis .

  18. 即总经理的管理能力和企业家才能作为企业重要战略资源作用于其实施的战略发展过程中,进而在很大程度上决定着企业的成长和绩效。

    That means the managers ' management and entrepreneurship can largely determines the enterprises ' growth and performance as an important strategic resources .

  19. 重点先容了国有建筑企业战略人力资源治理系统的四个子系统以及它们之间的内在关系。

    The article focuses on the strategy of state-owned construction enterprise human resources management system , as well as the four subsystems of the intrinsic relationship between them .

  20. 人力资源是企业战略整合资源时必须着重考虑的因素,人力资源管理贯穿于企业战略制定及执行的全过程。

    When we strategically integrate enterprises resources , HR is the key sector that we must take into consideration , HRM is very important for enterprise to make the organization strategy and implement it .

  21. 业务组合C的选择仅仅是在未来预期收入一定等假设条件下,对整体税负研究得出的税务筹划方案,公司最终业务组合的选择还应包括公司企业发展战略、资源整合能力等方面的考虑。

    Business Combination Item C is a revenue plan based on the comprehensive study of tax bearing and under the condition that the expecting income is certain . Business Combination should also consider the other infects including developing strategy , resources conformity ability , etc.

  22. 物料和能源是冶金企业的重要战略资源。

    Materials and energy are strategic resources in the metallurgical enterprise .

  23. 纺织企业实施战略人力资源管理的必要性

    The necessity for textile manufacture to establish strategic human resource management

  24. 跨国企业战略联盟网络资源整合研究

    Study on Integration of Network Resource of MNC 's Strategic Alliance

  25. 企业战略与人力资源结构关联性研究

    The Relationship between Business Strategy and Human Resource Configuration

  26. 信息是企业的重要战略资源,企业要加强基础信息的管理;

    Information is the strategic resources of an enterprise , the management of which should be strengthened .

  27. 在企业战略、人力资源、产品管理、市场营销和企业精神等方面给出了一些解决建议。

    Given some suggestions in terms of corporate strategy , human resources , product management , marketing and corporate spirit .

  28. 本文拟解决的就是这个问题,分析企业的战略人力资源管理所存在的弊病和不足,找出其症结之所在。

    The purpose of this study is to analyze the reason , to find the internal relations and to solve this problem .

  29. 今天,知识已被企业提升到战略资源的位置,企业家们采用知识管理势在必行。

    Today , knowledge has already been promoted to the position of the strategic resource by enterprises , entrepreneurs adopt knowledge management imperatively .

  30. 在技术快速革新和顾客需求快速变化的背景下,敏捷力成为高技术企业重要的战略资源。

    With the trend of technology innovation and customers'demand changing rapidly , sensitivity is an important factor of strategic resources for high-tech enterprises .