
qǐ yè lì rùn lǜ
  • Corporate profit margin;earning ratio
  1. 关于提高当前中小建筑企业利润率的建议

    Suggestion on Improving the Profitability of Small and Medium Construction Enterprises

  2. 价格下跌已经对企业利润率造成损害了吗?

    This price drop has hurt margins ?

  3. 企业利润率、经济增长和通胀都承受着压力,对股市构成了三重打击。

    The stock market was hit by pressures on profit margins , growth and inflation .

  4. 杜钰洲表示,该行业排名后三分之二的企业利润率仅为0.74%。

    Mr Du said the bottom two-thirds of companies recorded an average margin of just 0.74 per cent .

  5. 这可能造成两个重要后果:企业利润率可能下降,失业率可能上升。

    This is likely to have two important consequences . Profit margins are likely to fall and unemployment to rise .

  6. 话虽如此,至少我们目前已看到内地企业利润率提高和实际收益增长。

    That said , at least we are now seeing profit margin improvement on the mainland and real earnings growth .

  7. 自主品牌缺乏,高端利润被国外买家获得,企业利润率低下;

    The independent brand lacks , the high end profit is obtained by the overseas buyer , the enterprise profit margin is low ;

  8. 尽管当前国内经济增速和企业利润率都十分可观,两位市长竞选人还是揪住了百姓生活成本激增和就业环境恶化两项经济颓势不放。

    Both mayoral candidates tapped into popular unease at rising living costs and weak job security , despite good economic growth and impressive corporate profits .

  9. 本文对企业利润率差异问题的相关经验研究从问题、方法和结论三个方面进行了引介和评述。

    This paper is a selective literature review of the empirical studies on the profitability difference between firms from perspective of question , method and result .

  10. 在坚持经营面积和年销售额大幅增长的同时,积极控制成本,保证企业利润率的稳定。

    In upholding the management area and strong growth in sales at the same time , actively control cost , guarantee the stability of corporate profit margins .

  11. 在汽车产业中,市场份额,特别是产业集中度等对企业利润率有显著的正面作用,而企业规模等则对利润率有显著的负面影响。

    In auto industry , concentration rate and market share both have significantly positive impact on the rate of return , while firm size has significantly negative impact on it .

  12. 几次违规受到高额罚款,就会给企业利润率造成很大压力,迫使这些公司最终执行法律精神。

    Hefty fines for just a few violations will eventually squeeze the profit margin of the business , forcing the firms to eventually comply with the spirit of the law .

  13. 企业利润率处于创纪录高位,表明这种溢价水平是靠不住的(况且今后削减预算赤字必须由私人部门的资金流提供支持)。

    Record high corporate profit margins ( and budget deficit cuts down the road that must be funded via private sector cash flows ) suggest such a premium is indefensible .

  14. 伯南克还指出,期货市场走势表明,原油价格将趋稳,企业利润率相当高,足以吸收工资增长有所加速的冲击。

    Mr Bernanke also noted that the futures market suggested the price of oil would stabilise and that profit margins were fat enough to absorb some acceleration in wage increases .

  15. 其中一个因素,是全球经济近年来处于一个增长稳定、企业利润率丰厚,同时货币政策相对宽松(尽管近来一些央行采取了加息举措)的时期。

    One of these issues is the fact that the global economy has recently enjoyed an era of steady growth , high corporate profitability and relatively relaxed monetary policy ( notwithstanding recent interest rate rises ) .

  16. CPI同比涨幅和PPI涨幅之间的差距不断扩大,说明部分制造业下游企业的利润率可能会有所改善。

    The widening gap between year-on-year CPI and PPI inflation implies that profit margins could be improved for some downstream manufacturing sectors .

  17. 摩根士丹利(MorganStanley)的分析师估计,自2004年以来,中国出口企业的利润率已经萎缩了20%至30%,实际数字可能更高。

    Morgan Stanley analysts estimate Chinese exporters ' profit margins have shrunk 20 % to 30 % since 2004 . The real number could be even higher .

  18. 企业的利润率或许需要几年的时间才能恢复。

    The profitability of the corporate sector might take some years to recover .

  19. 浅谈施工企业产值利润率下降的原因及解决的途径

    On the Reason and Approaches of Decreasing of Production Profit Rate of Construction Enterprise

  20. 一些较为成功的房地产企业的利润率也在承压。

    Margins at some of the more successful companies also have come under pressure .

  21. 在现行的社会制度和宏观经济情况下,个人的收入不断增加,但企业的利润率却不断下滑。

    In the existing social system and the macro-economic situation , rising personal income , corporate profit margins are declining .

  22. 大部分中式快餐企业的利润率较低,经营模式比较单一,属于典型的劳动密集型服务企业。

    Chinese fast food enterprises are mostly typical labor-intensive service enterprises , which have lower profit margins and a single business model .

  23. 利率周期的逆转可能进一步推高美元,从而进一步挤压美国企业的利润率。

    A turn in the interest rate cycle is likely to boost the dollar more , thus further squeezing US corporate margins .

  24. 汽油调合过程是炼油厂生产的一个重要环节,直接影响着企业的利润率,也关系到环保节能等方面。

    Gasoline-blending process is an important link in refinery production which directly affects the enterprise profit margin and relates to environmental protection and energy saving .

  25. 此举表明,能源、劳动力、化学材料和钢铁等价格的不断上涨,给矿产企业的利润率带来压力。

    The move is a sign of the pressure on mining companies ' profit margins from rising costs such as energy , labour , chemicals and steel .

  26. 首先,外资保险公司的进入,加强了保险市场竞争程度,导致保险企业保费利润率的迅速下滑。

    First , foreign capital insurance company of into , enhanced the insurance market competition degree , cause insurance business enterprise insurance fee profit margin dropped quickly .

  27. 虽然很多此类企业的利润率可能受到挤压,但它们通常是由地方政府控制,因而具备一定的资金缓冲余地。

    While many of these companies might find their profits squeezed , they are often controlled by local governments , which gives them more financial breathing space .

  28. 我国传统观点认为,企业资金利润率只有大于银行利息率,负债经营才能实现盈利。

    The traditional view is only when the benificial rate of capital in enterprise is higher than the bank interest rate can the operation on liabilities achieve benifits .

  29. 在1997年亚洲金融危机之后,中国国有企业平均利润率跌至接近零点,许多国企出现巨额亏损。

    In the aftermath of the 1997 Asian financial crisis , average profit margins in Chinese state companies fell to close to zero , and many reported huge losses .

  30. 他没有说衰退很可能发生,仅仅是道出了事实:美国企业的利润率开始稳定,这是经济周期进入后期状态的标志。

    He merely noted the truth : that corporate America 's profit margins " have begun to stabilise ", a sign that the economic cycle is entering its later stages .