
  • 网络Free Electives;optional course
  1. 该课程是日语专业的任选课,目的在于提高学生对日语的理性认识能力。

    This optional course aims at improving students'rational comprehension of the Japanese language .

  2. 大学体育任选课程种类很多,然而鲜有人将目标定向理论研究用于大学体育任选课领域。

    University Physical Education Optional Course of many types , but few people will theory of goal orientation for university sports course field office .

  3. 专业任选课《钎焊》的教学改革和实践

    Teaching Reform and Practice on the Free choosing Specialized Brazing Courses

  4. 健全高校公共任选课准入制度的思考

    Thought of Perfection of Access System of College Optional Courses

  5. 医学本科生任选课设置的调查研究与启示

    Study and Enlightenment of the Setup of the Optional Subjects for Medical Students

  6. 高校任选课现状调查与分析报告

    Investigation and Analysis Report of Optional Courses in Universities

  7. 政教专业的任选课课程不应走单一的专业类课程设置的老路,可以通识教育理论为指导进行课程安排,加大文史方面相关课程的份量。

    Guided by general education theory , optional courses should include more courses relevant to literature and history .

  8. 全校公共选修课的改革与管理刍议高校任选课现状调查与分析报告

    A Preliminary Study on the Management and Reform of Open Optional Courses in Our University Investigation and Analysis Report of Optional Courses in Universities

  9. 发挥好选课制的作用,应加强对学生选课的指导,加大任选课的比例,改进管理方法。

    We should strengthen the guidance of curricula-variable , enlarge the ratio of optional courses and reform the management methods to give full play to curricula-variable system .

  10. 由于网络教学具有不受时间和空间限制等特点,构建完善的任选课教学系统,对于提高充分利用教学资源、提高教学水平有很大的现实意义。

    Due to the unlimited net-instruction in time and space , designing a perfect elective instruction system will be practical significance to to enhance making use of the resource of teaching and improving teaching level .

  11. 据此,本人提出课程设置方案:调整必修课、选修课和任选课的比例,拓宽专业课程设置,体现课程结构的综合性和选择性。

    Accordingly it puts forward the following suggestions : adjust the proportion of required courses and selective courses , widen the scale of specialized courses , and embody the synthetic and selective characters of curricular structure .