
dài xiè fǎn yìng
  • metabolic reaction
  1. 云南白药对血小板的释放与代谢反应的影响

    Changes of Platelet Release and Metabolic Reaction after Administration of Yunnan Baiyao Capsules

  2. 代谢反应网络中的数据包络分析

    The DEA Analysis in Metabolic Reaction Networks

  3. 我们目前对操作所引起的整个内分泌和代谢反应的了解,溯源于两种思潮。

    Our current awareness of an integral endocrine and metabolic response to injury may be traced to two streams of thought .

  4. 在体外建立部分糖代谢反应链。以此测得烯醇化酶在30℃时的活力为2950.0u/ml。

    The enzymatic activity measured through glycolytic reaction chain in vitro was 2950.0u/ml at 30 ℃ .

  5. 基于DEA分析的同一调控结构代谢反应网络中的代谢物浓度预测

    Prediction of metabolic concentration with the same regulatory structure based on DEA

  6. 使诱导了PAL酶活的改变和酚的积累等次级代谢反应。

    Enzyme and phenolic accumulation .

  7. 胆碱(CHO),是一种富含甲基的营养物质,做为甲基供体参与体内甲基代谢反应。

    Choline ( CHO ), a methyl-rich nutrient , functions as a methyl donor to participate in methyl group metabolism .

  8. 维生素C和B6对皱纹盘鲍(HaliotisdiscushannaiIno)代谢反应和贝壳生物矿化影响的研究

    Effects of Dietary Vitamin C and Vitamin B_6 on the Metabolism Responses and Shell Biomineralization of Juvenile Abalone Haliotis Discus Hannai Ino

  9. 血红素氧化酶(HO)降解血红素生成胆绿素、一氧化碳和游离铁,是血红素代谢反应过程中的限速酶。

    Heme oxygenase ( HO ) is an enzyme that catalyzes the rate-limiting step in the degradation of heme to biliverdin , carbon monoxide and iron .

  10. 肉桂酰辅酶A还原酶(CCR)负责催化木质素单体生物合成中最重要的代谢反应,它将类苯丙酸类代谢物转移到木质素的合成途径中。

    Cinnamoyl_CoA reductase ( CCR ) is responsible for the first committed reaction in monolignol biosynthesis , which diverts phenylpropanoid_derived metabolites into the biosynthesis of lignin .

  11. 结论口服GLN能减轻烧伤后肠道受损程度,降低烧伤大鼠血中炎症介质水平,从而降低伤后机体高代谢反应。

    Conclusion Oral glutamine administration may relieve intestine damage after severe burn injury , lower intestinal mucosal permeability , and reduce the hypermetabolic reaction .

  12. 而在3-6h发现显著的通路多数与各种代谢反应相关。

    Pathways that found significant during 3-6 h were mostly related to metabolic process .

  13. CCC提高花生幼苗抗旱性的原因可能在于诱导幼苗内源ABA水平的提高,从而影响幼苗体内有关代谢反应。

    The increasing drought stress of peanut seedlings after CCC treatment perhaps results from higher level of endogenous ABA , which leads to series of metabolic responses in peanut seedlings , and eventually increases the ability of drought resistance .

  14. 为进一步了解功能已知ESTs所涉及的代谢反应,按照Bevan等[1]的植物基因功能分类标准,将ESTs的BLAST结果分为八类,其中,最主要的两类是抗病防御相关基因和管家基因。

    To further understand the function of known ESTs involved in metabolic reactions , according to Bevan and other plant gene function classification ( slightly altered ), the ESTs in BLAST were divided into eight categories , of which two are the most important defense-related disease genes and housekeeping genes .

  15. 环氧酶抑制剂对脓毒症患者代谢反应的影响

    Effect of cyclooxygenase inhibitor on metabolic response in septic patients

  16. 这些差异蛋白绝大部分是参与能量代谢反应的酶。

    Most of them are key enzymes participating in energy metabolic reactions .

  17. 临床上,这种代谢反应经常导致全身性负氮平衡。

    Clinically , the catabolic response results in a generalized negative nitrogen balance .

  18. 危重患儿代谢反应及免疫状态的临床探讨

    A Clinical Study of the Immune Status and Metabolic Reaction in Critical ⅲ Pediatric Patients

  19. 选择性清洁肠道对烧伤大鼠高代谢反应的影响

    Effects of selective decontamination of digestive tract on rat hypermetabolism reaction after severe burn injury

  20. 涉及的代谢反应有:氧化、还原、去甲基化、与硫酸结合、与葡萄糖醛酸结合。

    Metabolic reactions involved are oxidation , reduction , demethylation , sulfate conjugation and glucuronic acid conjugation .

  21. 发生在某物种的活细胞内所有代谢反应构成了此物种的代谢网络。

    All metabolic reactions occurring within a living cell of an organism constitute the metabolic network of this organism .

  22. 面对复杂庞大的代谢反应网络,代谢流分析需要有强大的运行平台。

    Due to the complexity and hugeness of metabolic network , a powerful platform is necessary for the MFA .

  23. 从细胞的氧化代谢反应观察烧伤对中性粒细胞杀菌功能的影响

    Evaluation of the Influence of Thermal Injury on Bactericidal Capacity of Neutrophils through Studies on Changes of Cell Oxidative Metabolism

  24. 蕃茄红素能够直接清除自由基、促进体内免疫系统以及调节体内的代谢反应。

    It can scavenge the free radical directly , improve the immune system and modulate metabolic pathways of the body .

  25. 饲料中的铁、锌和铜对皱纹盘鲍生长、代谢反应和抗氧化作用的影响

    Effects of Dietary Iron , Zinc and Copper on Growth , Metabolic Responses and Antioxidation in Abalone Haliotis Discus Hannai Ino

  26. 尽管在不同的物种中有大量的代谢反应,代谢网络却是高度保守的。

    Although a large variety of metabolic reactions can be found in different organisms , metabolic networks are highly conserved across them .

  27. 在急性期,脑蛋白质表达呈剧烈变化主要为参与细胞代谢反应、结构修复等组织代偿反应。

    In acute phase of post-trauma , the significant changes happen in the impaired brain area , especially intermediary metabolism enzyme proteins .

  28. 结论烧伤早期切痂可降低骨骼肌蛋白的高分解代谢反应,与泛素蛋白酶体途径活性下降有关

    Conclusion Escharectomy during early stage can alleviate protein catabolism in skeletal muscle , and may be related to decreased activity of ubiquitin proteasome pathway

  29. 宾夕法尼亚州的两位科学家发现一种可以控制在饮食中缺乏必需氨基酸的代谢反应主要调控因子。

    Two biologists at Penn State have discovered a master regulator that controls metabolic responses to a deficiency of essential amino acids in the diet .

  30. 高效叶面肥含有的营养成分及植物生长调节物质对蔬菜体内的代谢反应具有调节作用,对蔬菜的保鲜效果明显。

    Concentrated leaf spray fertilizer containing nutritional components and plant growth regulators regulates the metabolism in plant , so that the effect of vegetable fresh preservation is obvious .