
  • 网络agent;proxy;Broker;surrogate
  1. 但传统的SNMP网络管理基于管理者/代理者(Manager/Agent)模型,具有一定的局限性,在管理上缺乏足够的灵活性和智能性。

    Traditional network management of SNMP , however , is based on Manage / Agent ( Server / Client ) model , which presents a host of disadvantage to completeness , flexibility and scalability .

  2. 论我国农村土地所有者与代理者

    On Our Country 's Land Owner and It 's Agent

  3. 引入EVA体系下业绩评价与激励体系,约束代理者短期行为。

    Evaluation and stimulation system under EVA can be introduced to restrict short-term behavior .

  4. 祈求者的目的是期望成为代理者(proxy)-hound或更好-并最终成为这个位面的一部分。

    A petitioner 's goal on this plane is to ascend to proxy-hound or better-and eventually become one with the plane .

  5. 智能多代理者系统(MAS)为电子设备的故障定位和诊断提供了一种新的分析和求解思路。

    Intelligent multi-agent system ( MAS ) provides a brand-new method for fault location and diagnosis in electronic devices .

  6. 在分析现有方法局限性的基础上,提出一种基于改进的Bora投票协议的群决策综合评判方法,以实现agent对代理者偏好的提取。

    Based on an analysis of limitations of existing methods , a new approach based on improved Bora voting protocol is proposed , by which the agent can get his preference elicitation .

  7. 本文还讨论了SOA技术的概念与特点,描述了SOA的服务提供者、服务请求者、服务器代理者三种角色,以及这三种角色分别承担的发布、查找、绑定三个操作之间的关系。

    It also analyzes the concept and features of SOA . It discusses the three roles of SOA including Service provider , Service requester , and Service broker . The three roles assume three operators : publish , find , and bind .

  8. 主要研究由franklin和reiter提出的可验证签名分享(v∑s).它可以允许一个签名的接受者在n个代理之间分享该签名,使得代理者的一些子集以后可以重构该签名。

    This paper studies the Verifiable Signature Sharing ( V Σ S ) introduced by Franklin and Reiter , which enables the recipient of a signature to share it among n proxies so that a subset of them can reconstruct it later .

  9. 传统的网络管理手段,诸如SNMP和CMIP,主要采用了客户机/服务器的模型。管理功能主要集中在管理者一方,而且管理者和代理者之间的行为相对固定。

    The traditional network management methods , such as SNMP and CMIP , adopt the model of centralization and Client / Server , the function of management mainly concentrates on superintendent , and the behavior between superintendents and agents is fixed relatively .

  10. 教皇被称做基督的代理者。

    The Pope is known as the vicar of christ .

  11. 故障诊断代理者模型及实现方法

    A model of fault diagnosis agent and its implementation

  12. 病例代理者提供的信息对研究结果的影响及校正方法

    Study on the Effectiveness of Surrogate Information on Results of Case control Study

  13. 委托代理关系中代理者违约条件分析

    Analyzing for Default Condition in Relation of Principal-agent

  14. 明确农村土地所有者,正确界定农村土地的代理者;

    Clearly specifying the owners of land and correctly defining the agent of rural land ;

  15. 移动代理者安全体系的研究

    Research About Security Framework of Mobile Agent

  16. 该平台具有代理者风格的体系结构,主要包括过程集成管理器和过程代理。

    The platform has the Broker-style software architecture , mainly including process integration manager and process proxy .

  17. 罪是这个牺性的代理者,自从业当以来的原罪者曾经不断地犯这个罪。

    Crime is the agent of this sacrifice , a crime that sinners since Adam have infinitely committed .

  18. 与已有的其他密钥托管方案相比,它具有以下优点:①每个托管代理者的子密钥可以多次使用;

    The scheme has the following good properties : ① The key part can be reused for many times ;

  19. ②如果某个托管代理者的子密钥泄露,系统只需为他重新分配子密钥,而不必更改其他成员的子密钥;

    When some key agents'key part are revealed , they can be renewed without any effect on the others ;

  20. 它在方便网络代理者进行客户端配置的同时,也为用户私自共享上网提供了方便。

    It provides convenience to both network agents in configuring clients ' application and private customers in sharing network access .

  21. 该方案可用于任意接入结构,每个托管代理者的子密钥能多次使用。

    This scheme is used in task input structure , and every sub key of escrow agent could be reused for many times .

  22. 甲方保证甲方是投放的广告、活动项目的合法经营者或代理者;

    Party A guarantees that Party A is the legitimate operator or agent of the projects in connection with the placed advertisements and events ;

  23. 而将来随着顾客需求逐步向网状转移,房地产企业未来也应随之转变为顾客价值网需求的集成与代理者。

    Customer value need will appear netlike in the future and companies should play the role as both agent and integrator of customer value-net needed .

  24. 该方案中不仅能确定代理者签名的准确时间,而且授权人还可以追踪接收代理签名消息者的身份。

    This scheme can ascertain whether a proxy signature is created during the dele-gation period , and can trace who actually have received the proxy signer .

  25. 已有的前向安全代理签名方案大都假设授权者的私钥不泄露,对代理者的私钥使用私钥进化算法,若授权者私钥泄露,并不能保障在此之前的代理签名的有效性。

    Forward security proxy signature scheme established mostly supposes that the original signer 's secret key is secure , and the proxy signer 's secret key evolves .

  26. 科技与政治共同的价值取向是以人类的利益为基础的,它们分别充当人类利益的创造者和代理者。

    The first , the common value-direction of science-technology and politics bases on the human interests . They respectively act as creator and agent of human interests .

  27. 代理者能够提高你资源采集速度,减少你的研发时间,提高你的侵略性,或者帮助保护现有的军队。

    An agent might be able to improve your resource gathering , decrease your research time , improve your razing , or help protect your existing army .

  28. 我是一个变革的代理者,我有能力去创造,理解和形变从不可避免的帮助学校改进。

    I am a change agent . I have the capacity to create , understand , and shape change so that inescapable change helps my school improve .

  29. 应用到社会领域,它可能集中,例如当认知的代理者是有正当理由来接受多种表达方式和别人的观点。

    Applied to the social realm , it might concentrate , for example , on when a cognitive agent is justified or warranted in accepting the statements and opinions of others .

  30. 律师无正当理由拒绝辩护或代理者,委托人有权向司法行政机关投诉,并可依法向法院起诉。

    If the lawyer refuses defence or agency without any sound reason , the client has the right to complain to the judicial administrative organs or even sue him in a lawcourt .